Never implied that accidents don't happen, in your example the couple is financially stable and not expecting others to pay for their kids. I would also bet (although I have no stats to back it up) that such an example is extremely rare to still have 2 kids after sterilization. I would have no problem with the couple you mention, they are being responsible and paying for their own accidents. Such an example is apples to oranges when compared to the irresponsible woman with 15 kids out of wedlock and is now looking for others to pay. Not to mention the stats on unwanted pregnancies occurring when couples always use multiple birth control products every time, show very close to 100% effectiveness in preventing. As far as the Duggars, you make an interesting point regarding their tax status, most likely others are not paying for their taxes, they just are not contributing to their local tax base by being exempt, which is still a big benefit for them. I personally cannot understand why anyone would have so many kids, especially when you consider the stats on overpopulation and over-consumption that we are facing on a global scale. The bottom line for me, make responsible sex/pro-creation choices, and if an accident happens, step up and deal with the consequences of your actions, don't expect others to pay for your choices. If you have sex, there is always a chance of creating life, by the way, as I am sure you know there are numerous sex acts that can be enjoyed that are 100% certain to not result in pregnancy, there are always choices.
Yes I will give you that. The example of the married couple is rare, and I didn't cite it for it to be an over all example of the irresponsibilty of unwanted or unintended pregnancy. I did it really more to make a point. That point being that JUST because you take the required precautions doesn't mean that you won't still pay harsh consequences for them. It's a different game completely to this woman who has 15 kids...And I'm certainly not saying that she should keep having kids. 15 is entirely WAY to many kids even for a family who is responsible and has the means to take care of say, 3 or 4 kids. So I'm not saying that the woman in the video is right in her thinking. What i'm really saying is that the solution LOOKS easy...Keep Yer Legs Closed. But in isn't always that easy. It would take much more than a constant reminder by others to teach that particular woman about her actions. And just telling her to keep her vagina underwraps does not solve the over all issue and it's certainly way to late for that to even apply to her. As for the duggars...again, my point was this.. As that tax excempt status is paid for by tax payers...anytime they have to rely on government funded services..which is as simple as making a telephone call from a landline or even driving on a public road, the duggars enjoy that service, however they pay nothing toward the taxes that keep those services going. Meanwhile, the people who do pay taxes (say land or house taxes) do pay for their availbilty to use these services. So yes, SomeOne Does Pay. And it isn't the duggars.
Sex is all about self-pleasure and self-gratification. If sex was about making babies, then I'm sure men would get pregnant from the backdoor.
I figured Iggy out about a day after my first post here. Probably watches NASCAR races on Sundays and donated to Romney. He belongs on chimpout or racist site. Fuck him.
pretty much im surprised others don't feel this way he reminds me of one of those white youtube posters that put up the wildest videos they can find of blacks, for the sole purpose of belittling a race of people
Funny enough... There's a few members here that I dislike so much that I'd rather self-immolate than ever try to try and understand where they come from. Whether iggy is one of those "racist white people", whom I'd rather self immolate also instead of ever try to be friends with, I just can't view him with enough disdain to get to the self-immolation part. Weird how that works.
I guess that would explain the how & why he's been able to stay an active poster on this site despite the open disrespect & disdain he seems to display for posters here on an ongoing basis never mind his ignorant bullshit. SMDH.
i seriously dont see any difference between him and one of those racist site jackasses with the sole purpose of making fun of blacks wake up people
I've asked this question on more than one occasion : How is his bullshit any different from any other racist troll who comes here posting their ignorance and rightfully get booted for their efforts? Personally I think it's doubly fucked up if he is indeed black and posting that bullshit and then getting a pass because he's black if that is the case.:smt013
I am black (last time I checked) And I have made threads/posts that were critical of white males as well. Again, dont kill the messenger here. Instead of being outraged at me, be outraged that your tax dollars are going towards scum like this bitch.
Great Post, I wish I can rep you. For the baby mama, As Bliss siad keep your leg closed otherwise there are free clinic, run down there and pick up free condoms. Noone owes you shit, you made the bed, now lay on it, 15 times in fact. Tax payers should be outraged over crap like this. Judge should order to seal her freakin' Vagina, disgusting.
Birth control is not free. Now it is going to be required to be given to women who have insurance but a lot of places are balking at doing that.
Where is birth control free? Have you walked into a local pharma with your girl and gotten 6 months of seasonique OTC? Bc normally you need an rx which involves seeing a doctor and the Pharma will charge 180 for 1 months supply with no insurance coverage.
Even Planned Parenthood (who yes does provide many services that are not abortion related for the conserves who believe that nonsense) has a sliding scale.