:smt005:smt005 LMAOOOOO! That first one in particular had me ctfu! Non-stop!:smt043(that's a skit I see Chapelle doing)
That shit was straight stoopid Laughed my ass off at both of them cuz they're so true Took me back to '91..subs always got treated like shit at my place Plus you never knew what kind of attitude they would have when u got one
Best comedy is the comedy based on true but fucked up facts of life. Everybody in someway can usually relate to it.
that's what made it so crazy substitute teachers got clowned hard...i feel so sorry for anyone who willingly goes into grade/high school sub jobs
[YOUTUBE]TwJaELXadKo[/YOUTUBE] Part 2: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/a2e4c126a8/captain-planet-ii?playlist=featured_videos
Is he talking to himself in the mirror or what Dude looks like someone beat him over the head with a bag of dimes
Grrrr can't post it properly from my phone http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=PXQF9PJE3J8&desktop_uri=/watch?v=PXQF9PJE3J8