Don't White Women Read?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Filly, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    A lot of non black men purchase interracial porn BTW. But you are correct that MEN are big consumers of porn.

    Not sure why there isn't much interracial romance novels. Maybe not a big market which is not to say that there aren't many women interested in interracial relationships, but not sure if it would work because IR is a bit of a gimmick in a romance novel IMHO.

    It would be good to see a black character in a 50 shades type of novel or something or a black make protagonist in a romance. Media acceptance. That would be a problem.

    Someone on here wanted to make a novel about a BM/WW couple after observing a bunch of WW with WM that seemed lame or not into the relationship or whatever he said lol.
  2. Filly

    Filly New Member

    I wasn't implying that non-black men don't buy porn. My point was that if you look at 'statistics' (and I am using that term very loosely) it would seem that black men fantasize about white women (demonstrated by the abundance of WWBM porn) in vastly larger amounts than white women fantasize about black men (demonstrated by the paucity of written erotica featuring WWBM). I find it hard to believe that there is such an imbalance and I am trying to hook up with a doctoral candidate I know who specializes in studies of perceptions and race to see if I can find out more scientific data on the subject.

    As to Fifty Shades of Grey...Yikes. The black heroes in my books are so much more appealing than Christian Grey. I know I'm bucking a trend here, but I don't think an alpha male has to be an abusive a-hole. That being said, all authors are whores and I am not above writing a knock-off of fifty shades myself. I just hope that it will be better written. *Sigh, bites lip and gazes at his long index finger.*
  3. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I hope it's better written too. Although, that won't be difficult to do. :smt043
  4. Filly

    Filly New Member

    Sin Mari, it's hard to fathom. I'd like to think I write just a 'shade' better, at least. If you'd be willing, I can send you a sample short and I would love an opinion.
  5. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    It's not really my thing and I'm afraid that if I didn't like it, I'd just tell the truth and, unintentionally, hurt your feelings. So, probably not a good idea. I'm sure some of the other ladies here would like to read it though. Probably some of the guys too. :)
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    because we (BM) cant be seen as

    1) caring and thoughtful human beings. thus in porn its the lowest form of entertainment so it doesnt matter if we are seen as animals
    2) cant be put ion main stream in being with a WW in a very romantic way.
  7. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    I do hope to see it more. It annoys me that the gay agenda is being pushed down people's throats (not that I'm saying they do not have a right to have a relationship they would like) yet seeing a black male and a white woman in a romantic relationship in cinema is rare due to fear of backlash from audiences or whatever.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah u rite on that
  9. Filly

    Filly New Member

    In the 'romance' stories I write (happy endings, etc.) the black men are just as romantic and caring as anyone else would be. In fact, it took me all of ten minutes to convert one from WWBM to WWWM. Being black was just a side note, like having blond hair or something. She wasn't attracted to him because he was a black man, he was a man she was attracted to who happened to be black.

    In the purely erotica stuff, they can be a bit more 'animalistic' but, the white women are equally so. ;) In the erotic ones (menage usually) there is an element of "oooh, black guys!, yumyum" but again, that's not the main motivation. It's icing on the forbidden cake.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thank you my dear.:smt023
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    btw....there is one stereotype i dont mind having on me. as a matter of fact its true for me.....Im hanging down to my knees baby:smt080
  12. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Photo evidence, please. You can't keep teasing us like this. :smt042
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    He forgot to tell you his legs are 8 inches long tho..............
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im bow legged tho. LOL
  15. Filly

    Filly New Member

    I admit to being guilty of exploiting that particular stereotype. Hey, no one wants to read about a dude of any color who's hung like a chipmunk!
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


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