lol Don't kill the messenger meathead. Just showing you the type of self entitlement you liberals have created. The color of her skin is irrelevant. This stupid bitch actually thinks someone else should take care of her kids. Just more self entitlement bullshit that a lot of you lefties think you deserve nice things without having to work hard for it.
lmao. But seriously Alinoa, did that video(that I posted) disturb you just alittle bit? This country is headed down the shitter with a lot of people that dont even want to work hard for things. Its fuckin depressing.
Nope... I couldn't get it to load and I cut the baby making factory off years ago after having more than I needed to begin with. And I wasn't any where near 17. So suck it igg man.
Oh for the love of fuck. You honestly think people just trying to survive with enough food and stay warm in the winter months is entitlement? It's called SURVIVAL and its what we as humans are made to do. And this is compared to what exactly iggy? A multi billionaire who pays maybe 14% percent in taxes on a GOOD year and that's if the documents weren't doctored to show that. But oh no..that is by no means an entitlement attitude. That's called business savvy, is it? I can't even roll my eyes hard enough at this logic. I don't think my homeostatis would continue intact if I tried.
This argument is always the MOST ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. Yes, completely deny the fact that our bodies are made for sex. We are sexual beings. But, also, let's blame the woman with comments like 'keep your legs closed'. Why not remind the guys to keep their dicks in their pants? Why is it always the woman who has to bear the brunt of the responsibility? People are going to have sex. The important thing is making contraception and birth control available and affordable for everyone. It's 20 fucking 12, not 1512. We have these technologies, and you shouldn't be working to support a family with two or three jobs and come home and NOT be able to fuck your husband because you can't afford birth control and can't afford to have another kid because you need a half hour of bonding and relaxation with your spouse. For fuck's sake, this puritanical attitude about sex is the goddamn problem in the States. Everyone needs to get fucked, STAT, so everyone can loosen the hell up.
Here's the problem with all the "messages" that you constantly post. They always feature black people in general or white females saying or doing ignorant shit. Not once that I can recall have you ever posted anything featuring white males saying or doing anything ignorant. They always seem to be portrayed as being oppressed or victimized in some way by black people or white females. Black people and white females seem to be based on what you consistently post, the cause of so all the ills in America and white males can do no wrong and when they do it's all ways justified for some reason.
Yup. Good post. There are tons of trashy and ignorant white people. They don't represent me or my life. I don't take credit nor responsibility for what they do. They are on their own. Posting these things here for the bm who are good and hard working is plain ignorant as these posting have not a damn thing to do with the people here. Stop already iggy. I think you need to belong at racist site. You ideas are more aligned with their membership.
The sad thing is there are members who agree with his rubbish. Doesn't speak very highly to their character either.
Bliss is right. It is simple. keep our legs closed. Sex is not for fun. It is for making babies. The orgasms are to entice(particularly men since we have more feeling) you to do so. Yea, we have ways around it but you still have to be financially safe when you are doing it. She is not. Oh you can blame the man if you want to. all day long and night. but we don't get pregnant!!!! remember that.:smt019
We agree that the men should be held equally as responsible as the woman here. We disagree that it is ridiculous to tell the woman to keep her legs closed. While society has changed somewhat, it is still the woman, the vast majority of the time, that has the final say as to whether sex happens and with who it happens. Surely she knew she could not afford the first kid, let alone the 15th! That is off the charts poor decision making! Controlling ones sexual urges is a crucial skill to develop in this life as sex can and does bring with it very big, life altering risk factors (pregnancy, disease, financial costs, ect.). Sure everyone has the individual liberties to use their bodies how they see fit, but they must face the consequences of their decisions, dictating to birth control product companies how much they can charge for their product as you suggest goes against the free market and forces others to pay for the irresponsible decisions of others.
Nonsense. Why does no one ever talk about failure rates. It's a lot lower than no protection but it does happen. I know of a couple who has 7 kids. They are married and I suppose financially stable. Guess what? They have 7 kids. 4 of which were accidents and 3 of those where after 2 first on the husband and then the second one on the wife after the vasectomy on the husband. The second pregnancy resulted in twins. Was this married couple who are obviously responsible and forward thinking adults..are you and bliss both making the ridiculous suggestion that in a stable marriage and after the 3rd child was born, are you two seriously suggesting that these people never have sex again? Or...what about the duggars. I know every bodies going to say that is different. Essentially it is not. The house they live in is considered a CHURCH therefore they pay NO taxes on anything related to the house. Does one really think that just because the duggars pay no taxes that no one pays anything for that land? Wrong again. That tax except status is paid for by the tax payers. So how is their tax exempt status and someone receiving food stamps for 15 kids different? Oh? It's not? And don't even get me started on how they sold their kids on reality TV and how the rely a lot on the "kind donations from others that are a gift from god" Bulleffinhorseshit. What about all the other people around the country who end up with 21(!) kids either on purpose or not? Did they get their two mini vans copped because that's free advertisement on a stupid reality show? Oh, no? Well then.