Unemployed Black Woman Pretends to Be White: Suddenly Receives Job Offers

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U actually feeding the troll w positive reinforcement??? Just wow.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    cosign. Damn woman why are you still up? No plans today?
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Errrr, I find the post to be hilarious on the contrary.

    I'm amazed at how easily Iggy gets under the skin of those whose views run counter to his.

    I treat it like dirt off the shoulders, not that serious to sweat.

    But different folks, you know the rest. :D
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Nope, none... Cant go to sleep

    smh seriously.
    You have changed a LOT in one year (not this issue in particular) but Iggy needs no explanation, feeding him w positive enforcement is STUPID at its best. You can dress it any way you want... but man, what happened to you??? You can foot it off to :how he gets under peoples skin: all you want, you are off mark. And I dont know how you dont see that.
    I used to like you, your recent posts just makes me go WTH?????
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wish you lived on the east coast. Would invite you to a big Jamaican thanksgiving dinner. A bunch of the dudes in my family would love you lol. You're probably better off since you won't be stuffing your face like the rest of us lol
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I want to stuff my face w your lot:) That would be fun!!!!! Introduce me to some of your dudes that would love me. lol.. I need it. drought HA!
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Okay FG now we are drifting into an area that I think is best avoided, because I have zero idea what the hell you are speaking about or where that is coming from.

    If you have an issue with something that I posted then lay it out, but don't make baseless, side eyes posts that seem to not get to your point.

    I am more than capable of holding my own.

    I make one post about Iggy and you go off on a tangent about various other subject matters that fly out of left, right and center field.

    I haven't even been posting on here as much recently because I have no time for stupid drama and voila, here we are.

    I'm going to have to say this, I can care less if you used to like me or whatever your views now are, I don't even know what your deal is for coming at me in that tone.

    Seems like you have other issues and miss me with them, because I really am not trying to hear a bunch of b.s. from someone who cannot even directly state what their issues are.

    If your means of using the Iggy post was a way of doing that then please next time address me directly with whatever "ISSUE" you have or miss me with your post.

    I conduct myself with respect on here, so don't come at me with some baseless agenda that you cannot lay out.

    I don't have time for dumb ass internet drama, I'm sure there are some others on here that can oblige you, but kill that noise with me FG.

    Whatever your issues are, this forum is becoming more and more of a cesspool of idiotic silliness ala this one.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I dont have an issue w you. I am just making an observation about your posting trends and history. I bet you I am not the only one that has made that observation. You have changed quite a bit in the last year. You used to be a sensible person w neutral devotion. Not so much anymore, you have become jaded and cynical.. You didnt use to be like that. I used to admire you for your posts, not so much lately, they have trended to the sad part of the spectrum.
    Why you get so defensive about that>?

    This is no judgement at all, just an observation. I am just wondering what happened, that's all.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You ain't had a drought since you left the womb kid :D

    Honestly though you live in LA. Is it really that tough to meet men or are you ultra picky.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    LOL, just working and traveling too much, unless someone drives accidentally into my house, I wont meet them LOL. My gym buddies are that, buddies. HELP!
  12. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Well, you may not be stuffing your face, but you certainly covered the "Family Thanksgiving Arguments" area with GQ. LOL... Happy Thanksgiving.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    So because the views of someone doesn't follow your tenet that must mean X,Y,Z scenarios. Fairly tolerant and open minded person as long as it follows a certain gamut.

    You ask what I am defensive about, defensive you say, more like offended by the absolute sense of Orwellian idiocy that has crept in on this forum, where if someone's views is not shared by the majority then that is persona non grata.

    Your behavior because I posted an innocent remark to Iggy highlights that clearly as the light of day.

    You then go into a spiel of soliloquy about my post history, like a pot shot and turn around and say I don't have an issue with you. W.T.F, don't you see the shining duplicitousness of that.

    Rather funny because I could ask you to go and highlight posts I have made where I have disrespected others on here in my approach, even when I disagree.

    If you disagree in content than you should have done so at the time of the post, but instead you wait till now to drop in.

    Only when someone comes at me thinking they can tell me how to post or think would I resort to the way I am posting now.

    I can respectfully disagree with anyone once its returned in kind.

    So when you make your blanket assertions without highlighting them, then we are where we are here.

    Its neither here nor there though because I am making less and less of a presence on here because of the foolishness in the tone of the forum just like this.

    Respect seems to be a vanishing trait in discourse, if someone disagrees with a post too many take it personal rather than as part of a discussion it seems.

    Its comments like "you used to be a sensible person with neutral devotion" that gets my ire, because it is condescending and meritless with clearly an agenda behind it.

    Say what you mean and mean what you say without the backhanded disrespect, I have never come at you once on this forum in such a manner, so do me the common courtesy of either laying out the posts you disagree with me on or ignore me, but don't speak to me like I am someone incapable of reasoning and respect in my responses in this forum. I go out of my way to do that.

    Understand this much FG, I come on this forum, I speak to people in the forum respectfully, whatever they make of it is up to them.

    But don't attempt to make blanket assertions without demonstrating your claims, then ask why I'm defensive.

    I can care less if someone doesn't like my post, if they choose to counter it at the point in time, then I welcome that and will deal with it there and then.

    Idiotic, worthless, internet drama to me is pure bullshit and I have no time for it, pointless as fuck, akin to taking offense to an Iggy post that changes nothing in the real world.

    All I can say to this entire subject in summation is "Whatever"
  14. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I wouldn't give it that much thought. With TDK getting "Forum stalked and harassed" by JordanC and you getting slapped in the face with a "WTF comment" by FG, I can assume it's just the evil side of the holidays. I know that I am not interested in dealing with my family today, but, it is what it is. Happy Thanksgiving.
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    LOL, the irony is that I generally avoid forum arguments for this exact fucking reason.

    There are folks who love that shit, I have no time for it because it changes nothing at the end of the day.

    Its just that some shit leaves you scratching your head like "W.T.F" indeed. :smt017

    I guess so much for trying to be open minded on this forum, just stake your claim out and say fuck it, come at me dawg.

    Because trying to be even handed still backfires.

    At any rate a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well bro, enjoy the football and turkey. :D
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U have changed. I bet u I am not the only one catching that. That's the bottom line and i am cururious as to why. Luvsblablawomen don't know your upstanding history here. this last post just emphasize my concern about you.

    In the end I'm more concerned about you if u did not get that, something happened to U. Happy thanksgiving Toni and yours
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    More of your continuous sanctimonious condescension.

    Curious, Concern, Happy Thanksgiving (Toni and yours) WTF.

    I ask this with all due respect are you currently inebriated.

    Who the fuck is Toni and yours.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Ooooooooo what's a family get together without dreadful stares and witty arguments
  20. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, especially when the alcohol is cracked open early. :D

    Its like dealing with that relative that brings up shit from like 20 years ago that they haven't let go and wants to fight over the shit.

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