Kevin Clash, the Sesame Street puppeteer who voices Elmo, has taken a leave of absence from the show amid allegations he had a sexual relationship with a teenage boy.:smt119 The accusations were made in June by a 23-year-old man who claimed to have had a sexual relationship with Clash when he was 16. In a statement issued Monday, Sesame Workshop said an investigation into the matter "found the allegation of underage conduct to be unsubstantiated" and that Clash was granted a leave of absence as he's "taking actions to protect his reputation." I thought Kevin Clash was married and had a daughter?? In the article it says he's now out as a gay man. Kevin Clash is one of those dudes whose like a personal hero to me. He took the path less traveled in life and found his success. If you ever get a chance to see the documentary, 'Being Elmo', about Kevin Clash's beginnings as a teenage puppeteer in Baltimore who travels to NYC to find his destiny, you won't be disappointed. It's a magical story about how this kid pursued his dreams and ultimately became a professional puppeteer. Just hope none of this shit is even true and he can get back to work.artyman:
A path that he wouldn't choose for his daughter and his mom didn't want for him. He got real lucky. I don't know about the accusations but I wouldn't call the guy sick whatever until actual evidence is out.
He makes a living by sticking a hand up a monsters butt and making it talk like it got kicked in the nuts... Why would anyone be surprised?
FWIW, Clash said it was a consensual relationship when this other dude was over the age of 18. Like I said, I didn't now Clash was gay until I researched this story. But it sounds more like an attempted extortion for money. Regardless, you can't be involved in this type of shit working for PBS.
LOL. Yeah when you're a professional puppeteer what are your job options? Jim Henson anointed this cat to be his heir apparent. He talked up Clash all the time whenever he had the chance before he died. If he can't get past this, his career is done. It's not even whether or not he had a consensual relationship IMO. Your previous DL sex life with someone young enough to be your son can't be the first thought parents have when they see this...! I think the execs at Sesame Street/PBS are waiting to see how this is resolved legally and what the response of parents is.
you aint lying.....if he is innocent but the story gets do you look at elmo when he laughs....
Yup. Pics like this take on an entirely different connotation.:smt120 Not saying a consensual homosexual relationship = pedo, but it still doesn't look
Man who accused Elmo puppeteer of teen sex recants :smt002
dam... Imagine if that happened to you. The man might have cost him his job or put him in prison. His name is never mentioned. I hope he sues.
His accuser now says that he was paid to keep his mouth shut by Clash, who has resigned from PBS.:toimonster:
Yeah, he wants 5 million dollars, too. The first accuser recieved $125,000..but claims he didn't want to sign the agreement in exchange for a retraction...said he cried the whole time he signed his name and took the 125gs. :smt056
Hmmmm... The show is filmed in New York. I find it interesting that both of the accusers claim that they were 16 on the dot. Meanwhile, the age of consent in New York is 17. Not to mention that one popped up, and now another one. If he did it then he should pay for what he did (within the law). If he didn't, those bastards don't deserve a damn thing and need to pay for what they have done by committing fraud.
THere's definitely smoke here. IMO Clash had affairs with teenage men, the question is how young were they?? His only defense IMO is if there was a way to confirm their age through the date of their correspondence, emails, text messages etc. Looks like losing his job was just the tip of the iceberg. Clash could end up getting jail time if these cases are pursued by a district attorney. I just don't understand how any adult could have sex with someone who has that much power over them in their relationship outside the bedroom.