Unemployed Black Woman Pretends to Be White: Suddenly Receives Job Offers

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    I agree. Most of the women here won't participate in any dicussions of meaning any longer. Since TDK came there is no discussion if you don't see the world according to him he will make 100+ posts in a thread leaving you frustrated and wanting to kill you own mother. Now his gf is an expert. :p No doubt she knows what we know but she knows more because he knows what she knows............nevermind we don't share anymore because there is no point around here. The board is ruined on that front. It used to be fun and great for discussing topics politely. Lots was learned. Then it all went to hell in a handbasket.

    I think a person of any intelligence would question this article. Because A it's on hater site which is an inflammatory gossip site that time and time again tries to incite black people to hate whitey. And B the part of the story that FG pointed out. No white person without qualifications and working their way up the ladder, came in and took a high level job anywhere. I think ya'll been had on this story. Gullible. There are truths in general to the story but I don't believe this story ever truly happened. The author would come out and take credit and you would be able to trace the specific companies and incidents. You can only trace this story to a blog and TDK said in a thread to me blogs aren't considered reliable sources. :smt069 Well unless the support the world according to TDK. So I think it's a work of fiction based off a theme in general that has some fact. But most of it..........made up to get people worked up.

    So no comment on this story. Until someone can find a legit source that cites the story as being true and not race baiting shit I think most of the women are smarter than to comment on something that seems this fishy.

    I think someone could really do research and a news story on these types of discriminations at they do take place but well not this one.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is borderline stalking JC. And again I am soley responsoble for every negative thing on wwbm huh. Sing a new tune boo boo. Whats funny is nearly eery man posting in this thread made posts similar to mone yet you cant wait to single me out and talk about me. Im truly flattered but Im taken love.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think the majority of ww on here do, perfectly well - they have shown that time and time again (it seems "you" forget that at times, depending on dissagreements/topics), but sometimes, these type of subjects have a tendency to become damn if you do, damn if you dont - type scenario, in reference to posting. In general, I think you need to give the ww on here a bit more credit than that in general.

    I'm confused do the women not post because they can't fathom what's being said or is it because of a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario?

    I'm not saying its everyone but a good number of women had no problem ""educating" us about our supposed male privilege and we all handled that ok. So gender is ok but race is? And if that is the case you have to wonder why. This all rhetorical just musing right now.
    I think this is just another case of "TDK said it so it must be shit" scenario. Fair enough
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    very well stated ladies. i said this before a long time ago. WW knows a little about discrimination. they can identify. I wonder what that word is? HHHMMM oh yes, sexism. trying to get the right to vote, work, equal pay and the like. dont forget not too long ago a woman lasted a week a west point because they didnt want her there and she injured herself.

    discrimination has no boundaries. I have been preaching that shit for the longest
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i have said hate will back fire. ww are just as sensitive to oppression as BM and BW are because they were oppressed and still are.

    that is why I believe WWBM relationships work out just as well as any other. (pls be aware it doesnt matter what race or political affilation u r a relationship will work with effort and sacrifice). Im just saying wwbm can relate on these issues and bond faster than any other demographic than most.

    why do you think WM and BW hate our IR status?

    why do you think there is hypocrisy when it comes to wwbm versus wmbw
  6. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    You know that you are just wrong black man, just plain wrong. Don't try to deny it. If you were right all of the time certain people wouldn't find a thread you are in just to tell you how wrong you are. Face it, you are the one thing that has always caused animosity in this forum since its beginning. Granted, you weren't here in the beginning of this forum, but due to the simple fact that you exist, it creates ripples in the fabric of forum existence that ultimately poisons this forum. From a religious aspect you are the devil and the reasons why forums have arguments. You are the Anti-post, son of satan...blah blah blah. LMAO
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LMAO@ anti-post
    So true. Apparently people fear posting because of me. Funny how only select women say that. I wonder why? Hmmmm
  8. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I don't know bro. As I mentioned before, if the woman was punched and thrown off a bus after being denied work for being a woman then I suppose the feminist front might have said something in this forum. Unfortunately, it just speaks of white female privilege which doesn't meet the criteria of the "we suffer just as much...and this isn't the suffering Olympics... but we suffer so much..." agenda. On a lighter note, I am visiting the family for turkey day. what are you up to?
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    There you go again w the "either or". The two reasons are not mutually exclusive DK, you know that - dont try to pick apart my statement just to be right. I am agreeing w you on the topic Geezuz.
  10. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    God damn a lot of you like to feel sorry for yourselves.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LOL. FG and JordanC remind me of WW I've dated.
    They empathize and understand intuitively that prejudice exists, but when incidents like this happen it eventually gets into an argument about the facts of the story, unless it happened to one of their loved ones, or is just blatant.

    A White ex used to ask me this all the time, 'how do you KNOW it was racism?':smt102
    She would make me want to cuss her out and kiss her at the same time when she said this shit. It was an innocent question but it also made me mad as hell.
    Her heart was in the right place, but it's hard for someone to filter what you call a bad 'look' from someone else and explain what's really going on.

    I would say it's similar to when a woman can tell 5 minutes into a person to person convo that a man is talking to her tits and not her. Another man could be watching the entire exchange and never notice it, but all it takes is for a woman to watch a man's eyes drop twice to her cleavage and she knows his mind is distracted.

    IMO many WW don't post in these type threads because the mood can flip real quick to hostility and that's not what they're about on this site, getting into some heated beef with BM about racism.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    oh no she didnt................
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I guess you really didnt read what I wrote.
    The ONLY thing I found suspect was the w girl getting an executive managers position (for almost 6 figures) while interviewing for a secretary job straight out of college.
    I said I know the rest to be truth and real.
    And I didnt get into any argument about the fact of the story either so dont drag me into your example Thanks.
    you know I adore you so dont think I am upset, I just suspect you didn't really read what I wrote.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Baking a pie for my chick's family
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    THis thread is 12 pages long. Yeah I'm skimming posts so you're probably right I didn't get the details of what you originally wrote.:smt109
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    So if you dont know what I wrote why did you use my name then portraying something I never said or did? Confused.

    You know Im riding your ass now for fun:)
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Didn't you make a statement about how these kinds of 'race' discussions as a WW are a no-win proposition?? That's what I was talking about in my last sentence, alluding to you.
    So touchy.:shock:
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I saw that - that is at least one theory at least about the comment that was made by several why ww did post in this thread. These thread discussions tend to get ugly. Not sure what the relevance is to what you and I are discussing now tho as that wasnt where you used my name, dont try to squiggle your way outta this one:p
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Interesting post, It raises the question of would a BW have a better understanding of the discrimination and prejudices that the BM must confront and overcome on a consistent basis. Personally I don't think so, due to the fact that BW and WW have different frames of references, their understanding is limited in different ways.

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