talking about the repubs eating each other
Conservatives never wanted Romney to be their Presidential candidate. He was the last man standing among no legitimate contenders. When he won the nomination the GOP dutifully got in line behind him, but it was a marriage of convenience, not love.
^^^ very true Soulthinker ..finally agree with you on something . CORRECT 100%, andreboba! ^ Truth be told, I believe if Herman Cain wasn't such a political ignoramus and serial sexual harasser, they'd have nominated him to compete. Bottom line.. Republicans liked Romney. :-? Democrats LOVE Obama!! :smt007
That's about the size of it. What Gingrich either doesn't realize (or want to admit) is that Romney was the strongest candidate out of am incredibly weak group of nominees. Gingrich never would have done as well as Romney did.
Do you, like, post from earth? Or do you beam-me-up-scotty in from a planet that doesn't begin to share the same reality?
Haven't you heard? That's considered hard work to do what he does : sucking off and up to the likes of Donald Trump and Mitt Romney. :smt045