I've said it before. The dude is in his own little world. Common sense & rational thought are alien concepts to him. Even if you don't reply to his posts he'll still continue to post because he's obviously pathological. When someone makes it a habit to create threads to simultaneously bitch about and pretend that they are not bothered by the anonymous neg reps they are getting for their ignorance, then there's a problem.
Correct. It's very clear that the individual is trolling, yet, they keep feeding the troll and trying to reason with it. It's like, seriously?
Mooooonnnnnnnnnn pies! The oversized chocolate ones. Which we used to buy in bulk. I'm surprised I haven't had cardiac arrest yet.
For the twinkie addicts, have no fear the several chinese companies are looking into buying off pieces of hostess like the twinkies. So you can thank the bakers union.