LOL, typical that you ignored Paula Jones...but that's what brainwashing does. Oh and Kathleen Willey, you ignored. and Juanita ignored. Come to the light....
I assume you are speaking of Bill Clinton? And you base this on what? His impeachement from a tax payer wasted investigation from the same minds that spwaned the 1 term obama plan? Yeah.... Ok. Rock on there Bliss.
Yet another example why it's clear deep down you aren't really for women's rights. You're just looney for the Left's nuts.
meh a lot of these cases had no proof. It isn't the first time that a man in power has been sued. Look at ELmo. Bill A cheater yes. WOmanizer maybe a rapist no
It's clear that you are a delusional Psychotic who can't tell reality from the lovely built up story you tell yourself while rocking yourself to sleep at night to keep the big bad nightmares away. And On What ASSUMPTION do you base your above statement? I have a daughter who is now more affected than your ass will ever be since it is clear you are past any prime child bearing years and don't seem to be any closer to closing that gap. So yeah, I have a HUGE stake in women's rights. Namely because i wouldn't want my daughter (or YOURS IF you HAD one) to have to be subject to the religious wingnut rights views on how a woman should be treated. Does that mean that by fighting for womens FAIR rights that all inequality will go away, such as harassment? sexual or emotional or otherwise? Probably not. THAT won't happen until men pull their dicks out of their hands and start viewing women as something other than a hole to keep their dicks warm. But that is a problem that lies with men, not so much women.
It doesn't take much for you to lose it, huh. LOL @ "delusional Psychotic" of all people...calling someone else that. :smt039 I'm no fan of wolf-killing Palin, but damn gotta respect her breaking the glass ceiling as a woman -- from Mayor to Governor to potential VP. And she did it while having babies. All a party that doesn't give a a shit for women's rights. Women working in the White House under the Obama Administration earn 18% less than men. According to Federal records, the average median is $60,000 for women Govt aides, $75,000 for men. Could you use an extra $15g a year? I thought go tell that to the women's equality Dems. You keep railing about "losing my abortion rights, losing my abortion rights"...Republican Administrations have come and gone and the right to an abortion wasn't, hasn't, and isn't going anywhere. It's not a law you just vote in or out. It's a constitutional right, ok? You'd have to completely change the make-up of the Justices to overturn it and even then (we are talking years and years) certain States have passed laws to maintain abortion should the law ever be overturned. So you can mimic Chicken Little all you want, Ali - abortion is here to stay. It does not surprise me however, that the Left have women preoccupied with fear that the Right will make women have babies they don't want and God-forbid, PAY for their contraception....much better than have women angry at a shitty economy....But a shitty economy is not...what line did you use.?... oh yeah, a woman's problem -- it's a man's.
One more thing...that beautiful daughter that is your heart and soul? Can you appreciate that there are women in China inconsolable tonight because their Government forces them to abort their second children (females #1 choice, no less) and know that the Right you vehemently detest would have fought tooth and nail for your right to have had that beautiful girl you bore. Where did we go wrong as the givers of life that we have made women hysterical and feel like HAVING an unplanned child is the worst thing in the world that could happen to her, when in fact, it's one of the most beautiful. I'm all for choice Ali...but if it was not as easily available to me, it's not the end of my world. (& no longer the end of my baby's, either.)
I believe so, unless I am misinterpreting it. From my understanding, the Supreme Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the Constitution, namely tied to the 13th. Also.... “I remain committed to protecting...this fundamental constitutional right” - President Barack Obama on a woman’s right to choose (on Roe v Wade anniversary, Jan, 2012.)
There have been more female governors in the democratic party than any other party. Geraldine Anne Ferraro was selected to be vice president before Palin. That is behind times. The republican party continues to try to catch up which is wonderful but way too late. . Good grief the lady mentions one woman governor who killed McCain's camp. wait wait let me go get some binders. I don't know enough women to hire them. What is illegitimate rape? Oh who won that seat again? was it a woman? a man? I do wonder why Women are so concern about their abortion rights. Clearly these two men are clear evidence that it won't happen. You can sit here blame the guy who didn't bring the mess. End of the day. He didn't bring the crappy economy. This was bush's handy work. Sounds like you have been listening to rush limbaugh. When you got such delightful people like this, I can't see how women don't vote republican. It is a mystery.
The 14th. Roe v. Wade was rendered with a constitutional basis, but the law itself is based upon legal precedent. A particularly vital distinction as the constitution makes no reference to abortion. Laws in the United States can be created through legislation or legal precedent and must pass the test of constitutionality. Constitutionality, however, does not presuppose direct language in the document that reflects any particular matter up for debate.
Yep, WE KNOW there are female democratic Governors, but no one is questioning that - I specifically stated her achievements as Mayor, Governor and VP in the Republican Party, notorious for being anti-women, right? Breaking the glass ceiling is something that is done as a woman (or a Black person) in male dominated fields. That was the point. And the percentage remains very low. And even though a small percentage of other women have done it (regardless of political party), it still doesn't negate Palin's achievements...AS A WOMAN. Yes, I'm aware of Ferraro (back when she ran and when she was re-spotlighted when Palin was nominated) however its just 2 women, total. Versus how many men have been picked to be VP? So I cannot discount Palin's rare achievement. I would have also much rathered a chart that showed the Gubernatorial history of female to male ratio. --------- I can not stand Rush, so I am with you 100% there. However to absolve Obama of any responsibility for the current DEEPER economic mess reeks of blind following. He promised and was elected to begin fixing things, not make them worse. Anyone could have done that. [YOUTUBE]BDDt37cmwaw[/YOUTUBE] Also some of the (in hindsight) disastrous economic decisions in the Bush era, Dems, including Senator Obama, had voted "yes" for them.
I'm not saying her achievements are not there. I am pointing out that the women in the democratic party have accomplished more and have been more diverse. First female speaker of the house was from the democrat party and was heavily qualified for the job.You can see the democratic party has given women more oppurtinities than the republican party. The same issue is seen with minorities. He has fixed things. The guy brought down the unemployment in 10 months. It was the second worse financial disaster in U.S. History. The stock market is close to what it was in 2008. This wasn't making things worse. The problems that you are likely to point to are probabaly of congress.
Not taking away from the Democrats female acheivements - that's the difference. I'll give them credit where it's due, AND also give credit to the Republicans when due. Like Condaleeza, for example. She was the first female National Security Advisor. She also made history as an AA, as did Powell. Of course no way can the opportunities be compared to the Dems. But overall both the parties do stink when it comes to gender ratios. *Now strangely I did read or hear somewhere that there are more female Republican Governors than Democratic...but will have to look into it later to make sure I wasn't hearing things, lol. He did? I would like to see the figures on that. And how do you omit the now $16 trillion national debt? 10 + 6 = worse. Look, if he can u-turn it, it would be wonderful for our country. Praying that he does, for real.
And you can palin glass ceiling ALL you want...fact of the matter is the GOP has had it's day and YET you ARE still as a woman defending their busted platform. But go ahead and throw up and out the toxic speech that is hannity and papa bear and those fake women with too much breast implant and not enough brain implant. Do you SERIOUSLY want to bring up the fact that the left is full of paranoid delusionals WHEN people from the right have filed fucking petitions to succeed from the USA? Because our president it black? And YOU stick up for these people? And by saying I'm the ONE person who is afraid of my constitutional right of abortion taken away? News flash miss brainiac! I've never had a fucking abortion and I NEVER will! So bend your fear prospective backwards and then shove it right back up your own backside. I wonder how many times you can say you did what needed to be done EVEN when it meant you couldn't go back and change it and then lived with the consequences of your shitty decision? Something tells me the reason you are so adamant in defending people you don't know for things that wouldn't even benefit you if they were put into place is because you have no idea what to cling to. Oh...and most of your talking points come the most misinformed and delusional people in the whole business.
The left nuts comment was in reference to what whore I am just like rush thinks that's women who believe that birth control (and therefore..their whole self determined future) should be included in insurance coverage are obviously sluts who believe other people should pay for the sex us sluts have. Which, when you think about it, is so backassward it makes you wonder what they do have for brains. Because every time a woman has a baby and goes on welfare to feed that baby it's the exact same principle. Only the covered birth control would be less expensive and have far less disastrous outcomes. People who listen to Beck for instance and sign petitions to have their own government that isn't run by a guy with dark skin. She also fails to mention that under the birth control provision in health one is technically paying for anyone else's non baby making pills. When you are rxd' a medication and have coverage you pay a portion of that cost. Birth control is not covered in that manner. She also conviently forgets to mention, while screaming about how I'm obviously not for women's right but really only for left men nuts, that's things like Viagra and Cealis are covered FULLY for men under health insurance. But obviously since I'm such the whore who can only appreciate a mans left nut...we will LEAVE that out of the conversation. Since she fancies herself as a champion for women's rights while parroting faux noise like a good little girl.
Why are you LYING Ali? Tell the truth now..stop trying to impress Arch,lol. You know damn well I said it in response to your defending and excusing Bill Clinton's sexual harassment of women...while squawking out the other side of your mouth "women's rights! Yes I'm so for them!" :smt030 And THAT'S why you are LOONEY for the Left's NUTS! Clearly, you have no problem PARROTING "its all lies against Billy" -- your vitriol reeks of Left loonacy talking points. No woman worth her salt would deny he is a creepy sexual harrasser of those women who were forced to endure working under him or had to deal with him. But I betcha carried on like a banshee when creepy Herman Cain was exposed. Huh.