I think that he not only violated his oath office but also his marrage..The reason and the only reason that he was removed from office is because he could be blackmailed...Trust me folks he was removed and dont drink the juice box and think he was allowed to resign. He resigned before the investigation was completed. That is why the FBI had to call and inform the US Genernal office due the fact they were worried about suspected criminal acts of leaking national secreats. Think about it he is the head of the CIA...If an other country was able to obtain this information think about what information that could obtain with a " You will tell us or we will tell your boss or better yet your wife" Have a Great Day....Better yet have two great days and give one away...The Joy of Giving
Only problem there Falcon is it's not a violation to have an affair with someone if you work for the CIA. So if there was such a fear of espionage and blackmail, they would indoctrinate that into their employees as well as make it an official code of misconduct, like they do for Military brass.
Correct. He was highly susceptible to blackmail. It seemed like the relationship was emotional for the woman he was cheating with. Emailing another women to put her in check about a man you're sleeping with but not married to? She was definitely emotionally invested in him. He made the fatal mistake of being a powerful man. When you're occupying that high of a position in the federal government you have to walk a straight line.
This investigation was political. Most law enforcement including the FBI don't have the BALLS to investigate the head of the CIA. That's almost like wiretapping the POTUS phones in the Oval Office. People act as if Petraeus was the first CIA chief to have an affair. In fact I bet most of them have had extramarital relations because who would be crazy enough to fuck with Uncle Sam's top spy?? The head of the CIA can make civilians disappear and no one will ask questions. Watch this story. Before this investigation is over, I bet we see the FBI agent who authorized this investigation loses his job. Normally what would happen in D.C. is, if there's a 'problem' that goes all the way up to the top of the CIA, the lead investigator would schedule a meeting with the CIA chief, express his concerns WITHOUT an investigation and the situation is handled behind closed doors. This entire episode is totally irregular. There's a handful of people you don't fuck with in the federal government. The head of the CIA is one of them. Petraeus should never have resigned IMO. The only person capable of forcing him out is Obama, and I can't see that happening over a crazy sidepiece.
Good observation... http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-...al-intel-probe/story?id=17696177#.UKSeBWcqOxM
This reminds me of a case of the female astronaut that drove to florida to kidnap a woman. Crazy women. Crazy women are always good in the sack though.
Jill Kelley Ran a Bogus Cancer Charity, Wants 'Diplomatic Protection' http://news.yahoo.com/jill-kelley-ran-bogus-cancer-charity-wants-diplomatic-015420794.html
True indeed. I believe that everything that happens under this administration's watch will be politicized. Anybody under Obama will suffer a similar type of scrutiny that the president would suffer, hence Ambassador Rice. Now that more of the facts have surfaced, it's hard to believe how sloppy he was. He was asking to get caught and there is no telling who is truly involved in this. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it seems like they were withholding the information just in case the president did get re-elected, and that's exactly what happened. That FBI operative is definitely going to get the ax. I would be surprised if Eric Cantor surfaces from this unscathed either. There will be political and federal reprocussions for this. Too bad for Patraeus. I can't say I feel sorry for him though. SMH.