US Marines Seek More BM,0,5965989.story
Right on as they use to say. Black men are natural warriors due to our historical roots. I'm looking at my Masai Warrior portrait on the wall here with a spear in hand against a lion.
An Optimist will take this as something to take pride in A Pessimist will take this as more propaganda to eliminate America's black population. Take your side.
If I was looking to join the military, and clearly I am not, i would never join the Marines. They seem like they are the branch that does all the grunt work. Curious as to why they care what color their recruits are?
a question that minorities already know the answer to same reason we care about what color the president is
Demographics. The proportion of white males in the 17-25 demo is decreasing and getting increasingly browner and blacker. The Marines have to keep up with the times.
lmao statistics show that minorities..blacks..are actually less likely to be killed what year do u live in, 1942?
I said to be shot....I didnt saw we will get shot. LOL. we are like "fuck all the gung ho shit. Im sitting my black ass over here until i get reparations"
seriously tho... brothas like gfunk went non-combat, just like many other bm chances of being shot/killed are less likely blacks can do more than 'fight' we happen to be excellent thinkers too