I've figured out Eddie's secret... it's the coffee! http://hater site.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ffn_murphy_eddie_ff13_exc_102912_50930712.jpg?w=635&h=815
Paige dated Tyson Beckford, Russell Simmons, and then Eddie - in that order. I only put up the pics of her and Russ because nobody knew who she was when this thread first started.
LOL. Eddie has all that cheese and his personal style is post b-boy latte. Eddie better be careful before she becomes the new missus.
I could not find a lot from the Oz press about Murphy and Butcher. Only these headlines from news.com.au :Eddie Murphy Dating Perth Model and Eddie Murphy is road testing his new model Paige Butcher from Western Australia.
Paige with some other Brothers - I can't confirm if she dated them or not. We already know about Tyson Beckford and Russell Simmons. with Justin Tuck with Damon Dash
She's hot. In defense of all these celebrities, it must suck to care for someone and never really know if they care for you, or if it's your image/fame/money that they are really drawn to.