Hurrican Sandy

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Damayor, Oct 29, 2012.


    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    Here's one for you....I broke my knee and after having surgery needed a brace,
    if insurance was paying for it....$1800.00, If I was paying for it but needed to pay monthly....$1200.00 @ 100.00/month, If I was to make a one time lump payment....$800.00....what the hell is wrong with this picture???? And what really sucked....only had to wear the damn brace for 4 weeks, for that kind of money....what a racket!!! We need overhaul everywhere...!
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm sorry A..that must so suck. And with a freeze on its way? Even more suck.

    We were definitely unprepared as a nation for this. Though how a nation would prepare I don't know. Ma is a hideous force to be reckoned with when she's out of balance. She will fuck all your shit up.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I know, sheiiitttt. I wish I recall that documentary I saw, it would make you steam.
    Once when I was doing a surgery for my shattered ancle - they gave me this dumb piece of plastic I was supposed to "work on my lungs" with after the surgery, didnt think much about it - never used that ish, it wasnt like I was under for a long time.
    Saw the bill, got charged 120 bucks for a piece of plastic that probably cost 3 bucks to make. The rest of the bill was so obscene I have suppressed it.LOL

    Sure JC has a point but there is a LOT more wrong with the system. I wish we could do a recall on the whole ish. Insurance companies, drug companies, FDA. They all contribute to insane costs.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    You are so right on....and they are all in with the doctors....they all make money off each other and we pay for it all...!!! Sucks. I was so shocked when the PA was telling me the costs of this brace....and it wasn't even the PT dept., it was the orthopaedics office!!! Unbelievable...!
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yup, and I work for big pharma, I see a lot on how things work getting drugs approved, the cost of developing drugs that are closely related to FDA issues etc. What the issues is to get drugs to patients, i.e., how to get them on formulary at hospitals, the FDA issue in conjunction to the decision makers etc. The conglomerate and intertwined "interests" make it a very complex issue that is not easy to solve. The "interest" groups needs to be rendered non -influential to make this system work, but it will be very hard, if not impossible to fix. I think Obama is trying to fix it.. not that his solution is perfect - but its a step in the right direction. Something that nobody has tried to do.

    I get pissed off when people start to talk about the "death panels" in Europe based on social medicine, when its even worse here where people are not even covered, or get out insured - how in the hell is that not "death panels"? Beats me.

    I think health insurance is a right, AND if that is in place, it will actually cost society less (as JC mentioned) - regardless of the "I dont want to pay for someone elses insurance" people who dont get that NOT having insurance for people cost the rest of us even MORE.
    FDA is a tooth-less tiger that makes costs go up even more because of how they function (or not function).

    I could write a whole more on cost of developing drugs, but I am already at a small essay. LOL.

  6. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    The documentary called Sicko?
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That was a great one
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Hey gorgeous girl:) No, this was a document comparing health insurance in the US, England, Germany and Japan - going into what services really actually cost, hows its billed etc. Eyeopener. Its about 2 years old.

    At my work, they had a similar work task force and we had a day course of evaluation the differences in the countries health insurance.

    Drug companies are going abroad to get the studies done as its getting insanely expensive to do them here (this is costing the US badly in revenue that is going abroad, but lots of pharma cant make it if they dont do it
    I know people think Pharma is bathing in money, that time is long gone - a lot of the big 10 are facing severe issues (drugs going off patent and issues w getting new drugs approved) and many of them will not exists in 5 years. Lots are already merged or gone. Cant survive. I dont feel sorry for them, its time Pharma weeded itself out.

    Thus going abroad for drug trials is not some "avoiding real surveillance", its about avoiding extortionate costs that has no basis in reality. Most academic centers charge over 60% add on costs to per pts cost for running clinical trials - that goes to run the hospitals AND pure income that goes to stock owners. Studies still have to be made here to get FDA approval, but they do much of the research abroad. That also makes US scientists, academic centers and research physicians suffer because the work does not go to them. This equals to the severe Brain Drain we are suffering in the US right now.

    20K per patient cost to run trials, you need perhaps 3000 pts to get a drug approved, the vast majority of drugs fail before that so billions is wasted on drugs that don't make it.
    Drug companies are responsible, so are academic centers, FDA and Insurance companies and politicians.
    This is a very complicated issue and so messed up it will be a long day in hell freezing over before this is fixed.

    On the other side of the spectrum, you have Japan, where physicians and hospitals barely make it because of stringent rules. An entirely different problem than the hospitals that dont make it here.

    Man, I bored myself:)
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2012
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This is shameful!

    Thousands in NYC public housing still without heat, power

    They must be freezing! And terrified! Something tells me we will be hearing more horror stories... :(
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson donated more than $54 million to Romney and Republican primary contender Newt Gingrich campaign and they lost.

    Damn that is a lot of donation money just from one person.

    Not a single penny to Sandy victims, smh
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'd hope that next time this nation is faced with such a potentially devastating scenario, we don't jump to conclusions and label it as nothing more than a 'over-hyped' news story.
  12. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    We just watched an election where wealthy companies and the rich of our nation spent record MILLIONS of dollars to get a pro business man elected. And yet, they cannot "create" jobs by investing in the American people and they cannot paid even what would be considered a "fair share" amount of taxes, to invest in the American people.

    If one could just stop and different would these horror stories be coming out of the east coast aftermath of sandy be if instead of a every man for himself was ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do...

    People wouldn't be homeless, or hungry, or cold or dying if these same people who spent massive amounts of money to get the repug in had given even just a fraction of it to the government in the form of taxes or just in charitable donations even to the victims of sandy.

    ALL everyone talks about is how we are broke and can't afford to feed our hungry or help our vets or educate our children. With what was spent in this election..has anyone stopped to asked themselves why?
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The 2012 Money Race: Compare the Candidates (Sept 2012)

    Barack Obama
    Democratic Party




    Mitt Romney
    Republican Party




    NOW back to the people STILL freezing tonight! :mad:
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Donations by SUPER PACS as opposed to individual donations by CITIZENS:

    Oh, and feel free to leave me the fuck alone now bliss. I don't bother you after last weeks attack. I would appreciate if you could do the same.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What the hell? Um, who's bothering who here? See that's your problem Ali - you think everything revolves around you. It wasn't about you!
    Seriously, is there a post you've made that you don't insert yourself into it some how, some way?!
    (it's rhetorical). :smt120

    These people have NO AID YET almost 2 weeks later, but you want to somehow turn it into a fucked up claim that money SPENT on ROMNEY's campaign should have gone instead towards creating jobs, but don't say one damn thing about the MORE money spent on PRESIDENT Obama's?? who is SUPPOSED TO BE the one ACTUALLY CREATING JOBS?? Fucking lunacy.
  16. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Da fuq? Bliss?

    Da fuq?

    It was in relation to super pacs and wealthy businesses. You know? The ones that CAN hire? To help everyday people survive?

    And really? Obama is suppose to be creating jobs..lesse.

    He wrote a bill for additional funding for VETS to get jobs after they came home from duty. Do you know who vetoed it? (It's rhetorical)

    The same people who defend YOUR right to defend a party that votes against women, gays, lesbians, children, seniors, the environment...
    They were denied additional funding for assistance by THOSE people.

    Would u like to redefine your definition of insane?

    It's rhetorical.

  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    "da fuq"?? Seriously Ali?, you're a white woman living on an Island in Hawaii..stop.

    Look I really don't care if it was SUPER PACS, wealthy Corps or individuals whom you "were referring to (EVEN THO you keep changing it), what your problem is you're so disturbingly obsessed with exploring Romney's rectum he was the only one you referred to in your ridiculous analogy.

    Only YOU would blame Romney 2 days after the election, for Obama's FEMA's failing these people as of last night. Just... stop.

  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So now you want to bring our military into this to try to make a 'job creations' point?? I swear you just love to add shit to your witch's brew until it's all smoke and vapors.

    Yah, ok, 'lesse'...

    Formulating a jobs Bill is the easy part, k?

    Then attaching a few adums to it, even eaiser (oh those sneaky politicians.)

    Then asking for ONE BILLION DOLLARS to create UP TO 20,000 jobs...
    that's ONE BILLION DOLLARS...for 20,000 jobs...
    ONE BILLION the president doesn't have...

    That's where the skids come in.

    Never mind there are ALREADY SIX Jobs training programs for Vets available. Oh crap look, they are wrought with Govt abuse/wa$te. Say it ain't so Ali...:???: No worries tho, let's just create a new Bill, way easier than fixing what you ALREADY have, right?
    Oh, more shenanigans...Harry Reid vetoed an amendment request to the Bill asking the SIX programs be consolidated and investigated wonder why? :butthead:
    Oh look, more Reid rejecting another amendment request to INCLUDE ALL Vets and not 'just Vets post 9/11' which the Bill only covered. What an asshole, huh? (guess he is the smilie)

    So yeah, let's make the Opposition look mean for basically saying "we don't have the money Prez" so you can rant at your Chris Mathews TV and somehow blame Romney.

    It's what fiscal responsibility is about, Ali. Don't fucking buy a new corset car you can't afford when you have 6 in need of repair in your yard!

    ....MEANWHILE, our Govt has allowed a backlog of more than 860,000 disability claims from vets WHO NEED MONEY to LIVE my dear...oh btw, 228,000 of these vets have been waiting for OVER a year and more.

    Where's that 'repair' Bill? Who's caring about all of those vets INCOME to survive, Ali?

    Funny how this Admin cut the jobs of military officers (who defend your 1st Amendment Right to spout nonsense) but added more NON-uniformed bureaucratic personnel.

    Obviously you just love to look at the pretty ink on the Bill, but not ask QUESTIONS like what's in the Bill and can we pay for it and does it similarly exist. Much like Nancy "we have to pass the ObamaCare Bill so you can find out what's in it" Pelosi.

    LOONacy. :rolleyes:
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    I say 'da fuck' and I'm a white woman living in Scotland.


    Is there a rule book somewhere that tells me what words and phrases I'm not allowed to use?
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    And to be completely honest, I actually think it's quite ableist to say things like 'LOONacy' to someone who admittedly suffers from mental health issues. If someone said that to me I'd firstly be offended then I'm slap the shit outta them. Check ya privilege.

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