Colin Powell'a former chief of staff: 'GOP full of racists!'

Discussion in 'In the News' started by andreboba, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is this your first time interacting with me? I imply nothing. I think you are completely out of touch but not racist. I dont think youd be posting here this long if you were even thoufh you usually date latinos over blacks :p
    To me the GOP is racist because they dont even TRY to appeal to blacks because they knownit would absolutely piss off their xenophobic racist base. Like I said before out of a group of 30 million and you cant attract 5 percent of us thats reqlly saying something. Numbers dont lie so apparently Im not the only one who feels this way. Theres a reason why blacks in general dont trust them. But like I said its not your personal issue so why should you care.
    I cant support a party that seems to attract rascist like a moth to a flame. They simply dont care about people or inclusion especially when it comes to black people. Thats why when a black teenager gets murdered in cold blood the ONLY ones trying to make a case in favor of the trigger man are right wing minded people.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think the issue is your broad generalized sweeping strokes that the GOP/Republicans are all racists.
    You need to tone down your rhetoric.

    Are there racists in the party - YES! Does the Party spend their whole time and make it their sole mission to exist...just to thwart Black people?..C'mon now. There are 300 million people in this country...30 million are Black...I would say that they care MORE about Big Corp than Big Govt - that's their basis and what drives them.
    Next they care more for the rights of babies than of women, the perks of the elite and wealthy than the poor and disenfranchised, and the rights of heterosexuals over homosexuals. You could probably fit in race in one of those factions.

    Do they attract racists - yes. But most hard-core racists hate ALL Govt and would overthrow it if they could.
    Are there many republicans who abhor the fact that racists latch on? Of course! Are they heard, no. Because no-one will listen.
    Many conservatives are so because of fiscal reasons and fundamental religious reasons. They are not racists.

    It's like how ignorant people say crap like "Blacks are violent!"....There are Black (and white) people who abhor the label and wish the violent ones would stop because it's tainting the perception of the community, where majority are peaceful and law abiding. Same crap about "Whites are racist!"

    I keep saying, the loudmouths get the attention. The majority of this country is made up of moderate SANE thinking people...who don't have access to the media, or power to speak up..Whether its politics, race, or religion, the fear-mongers, fanatics and the ignorant love to speak for everyone when they speak for barely anyone.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree with this post on many levels. I do think most people dont sit around thinking how can I hurt insert group here and I do think the GOP is more concerned with big business than anything else but they also pander to the xenophobes and racist to garner their support since many with that mindset dont want part of anything that forces them to be around people they dont like. I recognize there are definitely racist democrats. The majority of racism Ive experienced has been in NY but my argument is I can not vote for people who have no interest in social equality, who would sooner sign legislation that would hinder my life then help it. Laws like stand your ground are seemingly in place to make white electorates feel safe against the crazy gang banging darkies. Dems are more likely to support legislation that help my life like Obamacare. If it were up to consrvatives ai would be denied insurance because I had a tumor at 20. Being sick shouldnt mean bankruptcy. We can figure ways around that but conservatives have absolutely no interest in the aell being of the populus. Things like healthcare shouldnt be for profit
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Dont even bother with him. He is brainwashed and is too busy washing Obama's ballsack.
    Its the same tired whining from TDK. "Its the white mans' fault" "The GOP is Racist!!!!" "We're all gonna be back in shackles if Romeny wins!":smt043:smt043

    Its entertaining though lol
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I've been on this forum for nearly 5 years. During that time, I've witnessed more forum fights than I care to remember. But the underlying theme to all of the fights that nobody seems to get is that at the end of the fight, no one wins. It's just a bunch of posts that ultimately say nothing in the end.

    For that reason, I normally don't engage in forum "discussions". When I do, I don't stay long...not because I feel I lost, but because it's a pointless pursuit. Like I said, no one wins. I'd rather expend my energy doing things I enjoy.

    I've come to terms with the fact that my particular mode of communication isn't conducive to this format. So with hot-button issues like politics and religion, I'm much, much better talking in person or over the phone. But to some who continually write their dissertations on this forum, this mode works very well for them.

    Back to the topic at hand, I actually say very little about what I believe on this forum because I know I don't communicate well with those topics in this format. Most of what I believe, I keep very close to my chest. So for you to suggest I'm out of touch, is simply not true, and in fact very shortsighted.

    I posted in this particular thread because I saw an egregious lie about how the Republican Party was founded. That's it. I made no mention of how the party is today, or how I view the party today. But when someone says the Republican Party was FOUNDED on racism, I had to speak up.

    Do I think there are racists in the Republican Party? Absolutely. But there are racists in all political parties. But do I feel it's fair to label each and every Republican member as an inflammatory word, absolutely not, which is why I spoke up again in this thread.

    To make such a horrific generalization about an entire body of people is ludicrous. It puts everyone who considers themselves a part of that group on the defensive. So, in this case, the Republicans who AREN'T racist are immediately placed in a large barrel with the ones that are. Not only is it not fair, but no matter what those non-racist Republicans say at that point is going to be wrong.

    I see people being put on the defensive all the time on this forum. It's the mode of choice when it comes to the discussions - put the person who doesn't agree with you on the defensive and no matter what they say to defend themselves, they'll look bad.

    I also spoke up in this thread because I took exception to this inflammatory word being used to define a gigantic group of people. And I will continue to take exception to it. Those words do nothing but continue to divide everyone in this country.

    I am an Independent. I agree with issues on both sides of the two main political parties in this country. What I want to see in this country is the parties working together for the greater good.

    Right now, it's not happening. Nor has it happened in quite a long time. It's time for a change. The people who caused the latest problems need to be voted out and new blood voted in and continued to be voted in until we can get people who will actually work together to fix this mess we call a nation.

    You and I have different worldviews. You and I disagree on what this country needs. That's okay. That's the point of being in this country - we can be FREE to disagree. We have the freedom to make our own choices. I don't go around calling all liberals names because they're voting for Obama again when I am not. I don't go thinking that you all are morons for doing it.

    That kind of thinking is extremely close-minded because every candidate has good and bad qualities. If I waited to vote for a candidate that I agreed on every single issue with, I'd be waiting an awfully long time, or I'd be running for office myself. ;-)

    I grew up in a family that talked politics around the dinner table nearly every night. I wrote letters to President Reagan because I didn't like how he was running the country. I nearly majored in political science so I could go into politics until I grew up and realized that all politicians end up to be lying pieces of shit who work for the lobbyists who line their pockets the most.

    I am not out of touch with the issues that face this country or the planet. I'm very much in tune with the problems that we, as a nation and as humans face. I just don't go running my mouth off on this forum about every single topic that's brought up.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. At least somebody gets what I was trying to say.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    :smt026 many times this it makes you nauseated to think about it.
  8. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Well said, GQ. I think we don't see change because both parties are essentially subscribing to the same economic agenda, with only minor differences. The real differences between the two parties are primarily in the social policies, in my opinion. The real issues that foster continued poverty and lack of job growth are off the table and not up for debate because both parties largely agree there.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    OH come on. I didnt do shit this year. why am I in this shit?

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