Can A Husband Rape His Wife?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by blackbull1970, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Bullshit point.

    Who do you think they'll believe?!

    Hmm, well rape conviction rates are around 5% so DEFINITELY NOT the woman.

    And if the case even goes to court (only like 10% do) you can guarantee her character will be RIPPED TO FUCKING SHREDS.

    I hate when people speak about shit they know NOTHING about.

    It's almost impossible to falsely convict someone of rape these days. The amount of forensic evidence the jury wants coupled with prejudices (like yours) make it that way. You can't convict someone on someone's word. You guys have clearly been watching too many movies and aren't in the real world. Volunteer at a rape crisis centre and you'll see the REALITY. It's not a bunch of vindictive bitches 'crying' rape. That's for sure.

    In the UK only around 6-8% of cases are classed as 'no crime'. Guess what? That's no higher than false allegations of assault, theft, arson... pretty much any other crime.

    Oh and a woman can't rape a man in the UK anyway. It's classed as sexual assault.

    And it's kinda irrelevant because 99.2% of sex crimes are committed by... oh you guessed it, MEN. And who are the majority of victims? Oh... yeah, women.

  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    It is frustrating to see people here hold these uniformed views. I am sure just as frustrating to us, as to the bm here who wonder why people won't open their minds and give up racists views in the world. Until people see what others see and feel, things will stay the same.

    You bring the facts. Will they really read and understand them though?? Let's see.
  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    For many men it's still a trivial offense. The point is that they cannot imagine, how it feels.
    I also must say that I wouldn't go to court, if a man rapes me. I don't want to be "officially" raped by questioning, who I am, how I look like, what i've said..blablabla..the rapist has done, what he wanted to do and now it's my turn
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Understand he will be able to tell whatever story he wants.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

    I call tripe. On both accounts. Not the law not being on your side part. But the other two parts.

    I have a tdoc who did a thesis on men and sex and violence. I won't rewrite the paper and will give the disclaimer that it was a prison population that he studied as part of his graduate work, but basically, he found that even men (in this population) that were not in prison for sex crimes..would get TURNED on by violent sex. They were not allowed to show porn, so they played 911 recordings of rapes in progress and an astounding 72% of this population had physical (and therefore mental) arousal while listening to the recordings. It started with less intense calls and would end with very violent and tearful please for the woman's own life.

    Men who rape do NOT rape for sexual pleasure. It is always a crime of control. That is what they get off on.

    Secondly, yes women CAN be dangerous. But please remember YOU stated that in thread about MEN raping WOMEN.
  6. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    That was why I brought up the prison thing. More people are out of prison than in prison but that does not mean that minds work very much differently.
    Some people commit crimes (of any severity) and never get caught.

    My point was, in everyday life, not very many men would submit to having physical tests done in response to aggressive sex. And because these men were already locked up, there's the bias that we just expect them to be deviant to begin with because they are locked up.

    But that does not mean that men in generally (and people in general ) don't get some kind of satisfaction from deviant behavior. As with anything you can go to extremes. Those that abstain from all manner of deviance are well, weird, as are those that give in to every debased desire they have. Hence the extremes thing.

    But rape is never, ever about sex. It is about power and control. And ANYONE can have their guard levied by that.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    No insinuations and if you are taking offense to a broad brush statement then that shows more so on your plate.
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Cute play on words there...
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Um, I think for a man who's incarcerated for whatever crime, because of the absence of available female sexual partners is going to develop more abnormal sexuality. For instance if you played recordings of 90 year olds in an orgy, I bet these same men would be sexually aroused. Or the recording of a 600# woman attempting to masturbate with a cucumber that just won't reach. Or the sounds of someone working in a medical examiner's office sexually abusing a cadaver.
    When you aren't getting pussy, the THOUGHT of pussy in any circumstance however socially unacceptable/deviant is going to be a turn on to many guys.

    Also, rape is a crime of power/control/violence AND sex. THe control and overpowering a woman I imagine is the psychological turn on, but it's also totally a sex thing too.

    I never understood those who argue that rape isn't primarily about sex.
    Robbing someone's wallet isn't about sex, but if doing so gets you sexually aroused, then yes it is.

    To me it's similar to people who get sexually turned on by intense verbal fights with their significant other. It's common but in many ways counterintuitive.
    IMO many forms of sexual arousal could be described as deviant. But not all are criminal.

    I have a theory that the impulse in some men to rape is a psychologically disordered expression of the male chase response, but instead of pursuing a woman in a socially acceptable fashion, these men skip the prelude and simply 'take' from a woman without her permission.

    But it's always about sex.
    Some guys are like that, they get off on totally dominating their partner whether or not she agrees to the arrangement.
    How many guys on this forum have surfed the Net and read comments in a thread on a porn forum about guys saying they would 'love to rape Miss X'?

    I don't think most of these guys mean it literally, but the way I interpret the word being used is that they would love to fuck a chick without needing her approval.
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Right. And the very last sentence in this is not actually about sex. It's about consent. Which equals power and control.
    The end by-product is sex. But the core issue at hand is about stripping the non-consenting partner of her power to allow or deny that consent.

    I play in a consenting non-consenting dynamic with a Dominant. My consent is to not consent therefore he "takes" what he wants from me whether I want him to or not.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    As a girl in my class once said,
    It isn't rape if you want it.
  12. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Yeah. Being medicated and diagnosed hasn't cleaned anything up.

    But finding a Dom who is good at what he does hasn't either.

    So there. :smt077
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Actually, the rape sex fantasy is one of the more common ones. That doesn't mean a woman really wants to be raped. Its more about not having to take responsibility for wanting to have sex etc.
    And also in the sex fantasy, being so immensely attractive and sexy that a man can not simply help himself. Which of course isn't what rape is about and all women really know that. Its just a sexual fantasy no more, no less.

    Or she simply thought you got that part and thought you were role-playing.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    this is a sexist thread what about men's being raped
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm not offended by it at all. That's just me being snarky. I am always snarky, ask anybody.

    And I don't think being dominated is deviant at all. In face, given the popularity of places like fet and collar, I would say it's more mainstream than most people would like to admit. Although, with 50 shades (i think I just threw up alittle in my mouth for saying this) it is gaining in popularity. The last time I was in spencers they had a whole section of toys dedicated to the 50 shades series.

    My personal take on it though, is that you can't really just "play". At least I never could.
    I certainly would never read a book and then buy a crop and go at it.
    It can be quite dangerous and I think the over familarity of it from 50 (which is crap anyway, not actual BDSM) makes it seem so light.

    It's not.

    And it's really easy to get really fucked up with it. I'm natural submissive and have given all consent to a really talented Dom, and he has STILL fucked me up at times mentally. The first time he ever put me in subspace I lost it.
    But he was also right there with me helping me process it. Dominant but soft...

    Just my 2cents though.
  16. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    50 shades is fan fiction based off twilight. So it starts bad and does not get any better after that.

    I've never even seen the cover of a 50 shades of anything..but if i have to hear about one more inner goddess losing her shit or one more mini van driving mother rushing about it on a waste of time blog I swear to my inner goddess im going to go get the flogger and just start swinging.

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