Hurrican Sandy

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Damayor, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Shes right it was a majority democrat party. The problem was they were trying reach across the aisle too damb much. One thing I'll give theRepublicans is theyll bull doze over everyone to get their way. Fuck bipartisanship. Its get down or lay down time with those people
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Times up dear

    Originally Posted by Bliss
    Wasn't it a Dem Congress for 2 full years?
    That's a right talking point.

    And just so you know I AM NOt talking out my's the actually facts...not the daily vomit from Hannity and gang..

    Apparently everyone forgot the President needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass legislation. I heard a Latino news reporter say they felt if the President could pass healthcare, he could have passed immigration reform. Newsflash!! The healthcare bill was passed using "reconciliation", because there were not 60 Democrats in the Senate.

    Apparently no one remembers that Scott Brown was sworn into office in February of 2010. At that time, the President had only been in office for ONE year. Most folks remember that the election of Scott Brown reduced the number of Democratic senators to 59. So the President could not have possibly had Congressional control for two years.

    The timeline..

    So at the beginning of his Presidency, Democrats had 57 elected senators…55 Democrats and 2 Independents.

    April 28, 2009 news outlets issued the following report:

    Republican Sen. Arlen Specter has switched parties, which would give Democrats a filibuster-proof 60 seats. You do remember the filibuster? The Republicans employed it more than in any time in history for the express purpose of stalling legislation.

    May 15, 2009 Senator Robert Byrd was admitted to the hospital reducing the number of sitting Senators to 55 Democratic members and 2 Independents. 57

    July 7, 2009 Al Franken (D) was sworn in after the election dispute over the Minnesota seat was decided in his favor. Senator Kennedy continued to recuperate at his home in Massachusetts and was unable to cast any more votes; Senator Byrd was still in the hospital. The Senate had 56 sitting Democratic members and 2 Independents. 58

    July 21, 2009 Senator Byrd returned to the Senate making the count 59 seats. No Senator Kennedy

    The Kennedy seat was vacant from August 25 - September 24 when Paul G. Kirk was appointed to occupy his seat until the completion of a special election. The swearing-in of Kirk gave the Democrats a 60-seat majority.

    Democrats had a 60 seat majority from September 24, 2009 thru February 4, 2010. 4 months; not 2 years!!

    You may now go about you bizness....
  3. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    There weren't 60 dem senators at that time which would have been what was needed to pass legislation. That did not happen til Sept 2009.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Let's just get everyone safe and back in their homes and leave the politics out of it.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This. Well said, Ms. Toes. :smt023
  7. Damayor

    Damayor Member

    Thank you Alinoa. You saved me from typing all this. The rightwing media has repeated this for the last 2 years, and most people don't have the time to look at the facts and details. Consider this a rep, I think I might have repped you elsewhere.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Yes I started to repost the exact this am until I noticed ali did the legwork so thanks for her post. It's been repeated so many times it's believed. But no he did not have a full two years of cooperative congress. People can find facts by looking for them themselves and not trusting forum posts or campaign ads. Doing your own research is so much more accurate and unbiased.
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Was that you? Thank you.

    This info was taken from a blog (which I meant to put in with the post but then saw that bliss had posted after the edit to my original post to the flawed "he had a dem congress for 2 years post. I'll backtrack through my history and find the website).

    Because the info is so ingrained in right wing media, it's hard to find the whole history in one place. But it was written so clearly and so fact-based..that I just ran with that. Even Wikipedia mistakenly reports that he held a democratic congress for 2 years. Almost made me give up because I know he didn't but I thought I was going crazy because I really couldnt find one source that said so.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    May all negativity in the 10 directions be pacified.

    For the people in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy...
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jordan. I see that he had control of it for some time, but not the full 2 years.

    Only because I knew Ali did not author her post (despite omitting the original author's link), I had already found it on some BLOG SITE she had cut & pasted it from. So I read his explanation how 2 suddenly SICK senators changed the majority count resulting in Obama not having the full 2 years at 60 even with more Democrats in the House, which explains the confusion. (as opposed to Ali and FunLove attempting to make it seem like "a Right-wing conspiracy" :roll: )

    There are many people -- Democrat, Republican and Independent and (centrists) that weren't aware it was for a limited time and not the whole time, so I appreciate you informing me and TDK on this. :D
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    YOU ROCK! :smt109
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Hai. I already explained that. In a previous post.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again you people with nonsense rhetoric. Both are bad? They are both equally bad? Word?
    So both parties were willing to tank the American economy so that Obama wouldn't get elected?
    Both sides try to limit individual rights even as far as taking away women's right to choose?
    Both sides wanted to deregulate the banks and let the free market control everything?
    Both sides are xenphobic and would prefer to keep America as white as possible?
    Both sides want to cut medicaid and medicare?
    Both sides want to get rid of FEMA?

    I don't say this often enough but I am not a Democrat. When it comes to most social issues I am liberal and fiscally very conservative. But to say both sides are equally bad is horseshit.
    Please show me how Dems try to exclude the poor and minorities from the democratic process. Please show me how Dems are trying to cut off all avenues of help for the poor and middle class.
    Please show me the groups at Democratic conventions spewing hate.
    I agree both parties are seriously lacking. Democrats are too soft but Republicans don't seem to give a fuck about the interests of those they represent. They truly believe that almost no government and letting big business run the show is the way to go. They exhibit little compassion politicians and constinuents alike.
    For me as a citizen I would love a party who wants to actually cut waste for ineffectual programs. Stop wasting money on drug wars and supersonic boats we will never use. Make people on welfare accountable for hightway trash pick up or some other beautification project at least two hours a day until they are able to find employment. Reduce access to student loans. That bubble is gonna pop hard pretty soon. Less overseas involvement, more money on reusable energy and high speed rails.
    Better pay for teachers, at least enough so some of these people don't have to take second jobs to make ends meet.
  16. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    TDK for prez! ;):smt038:smt038:smt038
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Agree with these parts.

    Speaking of both parties are bad, where the heck Flaminghetro? I haven't seen him post in ages and bashing govt, lol.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That's the problem which you miss - there are people regardless of party affiliation that want the same things fixed. You're not special - you didn't invent the wheel here.
    But how can anything get done when both sides point the finger - "you're this'!, "no you are".."but at least we are BOTH RICH :p, so screw the common man" [​IMG]

    That's what Paniro meant as well, that both side's SUPPORTERS are fucked. Cause we are. Whose suffering in America? Most Americans. Yet their politicians are snuggled in their warm beds with full bellies, I don't care which party they belong to. Real reform is a pipe-dream fed to the masses.
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member


    The Sallary of average congressman/woman is around 170 Gs range, I don't think that includes perks, pensions and shit. I could be wrong with exact number but that is the ball park I think, so they ain't hurtin'.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    True, and they have an fabulous pension plan after 2 yrs, I believe.

    Which they keep adding to. But they don't tell us - they vote on these perks and raises in the wee hrs...

    Isn't is incredible that Romney and Obama have spent $200 MILLION dollars campaigning in OHIO, alone! :smt107
    For a $450,000 a year job.

    To have ultimate Power? Priceless.

    Someone do a Visa Ad on that,

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