Colin Powell'a former chief of staff: 'GOP full of racists!'

Discussion in 'In the News' started by andreboba, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well whites are certainly blaming him for their unemployment.

    See that is the issue, no accountability, an inability to critic on negative things that are affecting us because we overlook it.

    This is why the Democratic party can take the black vote for granted, they figure the sheep wil cast their vote for us anyway.

    What are they going to do, vote Republican.

    If the election of Obama was supposed to be the dawn of this new day then blacks should be questioning why they are worse off in the job market under his leadership than before even under George W. Bush.

    That is a very fair question to ask in the sphere of the political arena.

    To suggest it is dumb is to merely cast it aside for convenience and expediency by overlooking it, something I refuse to do as a black male who will be critical of any social aspect that takes blacks for granted or as less significant in the scheme of things.

    If Obama spoke of race like you or I within the context of social issues he knows it would be problematic, so he avoids the matter.

    Blacks need jobs not to be placated with Democratic handouts and think its all good.

    You can't build anything on handouts by the government. That only serves to maintain the issues we see time and time again socially in black communities.

    This is why Obama has to be questioned on the black unemployment rate being double the average. That doesn't make or leave blacks better off with him in office.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thats truly not his fault. In this polarized system he cant dare say the word black or AA without losing the majority of paranoid white votes. And while you are correct that both sides answer to corporations yet only one seems to give a fuck about people. The hurricane is a great example of that. Immediate response from a democrat president and a slow as snail response by a republican one. The republican mantra is let big business control everything and they will hire people so they can take care of themselves. Businesses show every single time that profit will always come before people. We need a party that brlieves in the value of agencies like the epa, who dont promote bs rhetoric like entitlement programs. Im sorry one is clearly against the interests of average Americans.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The answer is obvious though. The economy was far better under Bush. And to be honest the best we can hope for as a group is a party who wont sanction laws that specifically target us like stand your ground laws. Democratic policies like Universal Healthcare are better for everyone which includes me. Republican pushed policies dont seem to be for the people just business which in a lot cases might very welll excluse me.
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    At the end of the day those are all political catch phrases, that folks who refuse to think critically will absorb, elixir for the mases.

    I'm amazed at how dismissive you are in regards to Obama and the black unemployment rate, if he cannot even be called to account for that, then what are we really getting here.

    That should be the number one issue for blacks, jobs, jobs, jobs.

    It is the ease at which you so easily dismiss his accountability that makes it capable for Democratic politicians to take black vote for granted and to me that does not serve the interest of blacks who want better for themselves.

    Some trinkets of Welfare, Food Stamps and Section 8 Housing, leaves blacks in the same mess that we have been in for decades.

    A cycle of poverty, immobility and being taken for granted in the political sphere.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well its mainly because I believe in his plan for more jobs which includes blacks. He cant specifcally help out blacks, its political suicide that would result in white flight akin to the 1970s. He HAS to appear moderate fam. Thats the weight that comes with being the first black president. And please dont dismiss how important rhetoric is. The party that makes people who work seem like ungrateful leeches who should praise corporations like dieties and those who are on hard times to be lazy says a lot. What divisive rhetoric do progressives exude? They arent perfect but my God they are far better. Dude they have gone on record admitting they'd do whatever they could to block Obama so he couldnt get reelected. They make it clear there is absolutely no place for me amongst them. Like I said to Bliss look at town hall meetings and Republican rallies. Its nearly all frickin white
  6. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Really that is the best we can hope for. I would hope not.

    There will always be racists, but those people can be dealt with in this day and age when it comes to the courts. Its not like the days they killed a black, walked into court and walked out smiling.

    For me this issue goes beyond that and to the continual cycle of black social issues that keep repeating themselves, poor educational environments, poverty, unemployment, violence, etc.

    As long as these issue continue to infest the black neighborhoods then the cycle will continue and neither Democrat nor Republican seems to give one iota about it.

    Right now some black parts of Chicago is a warzone and it is as Democratic as it comes.

    Killing each other more than any white racist could ever dream of.

    What are blacks really getting out of this equation, except the same continuous cycle.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This is why I can't take you seriously. Do you have amnesia? I'm very vocal and very aware of racism towards the BM - I've been involved in relationships with BM longer than you have been a Black man.
    I don't just talk the talk TDK, I fucken walk it, ok. I have never run from the Black community. I'm here.
    So I have to laugh at your 'abstract intangible'. You have NO IDEA what shit the men in my life have been through and I have been there to help hold them up. Shit that your ass has never been through. When my loved one suffer, I suffer. Nothing aggrieves me or incenses me more. Give me a break at the "doesn't exist'.

    Yes I see the rallies and of course I'm aware, where the hell have you been the last 2.5 years I've been a member? But I'm not going to paint a whole political party as racists, while elevating another party as angels. That's as stupid bigoted and ignorant as painting one race of people one way, and the other as angels. And we know that isn't fair to do, right? I showed you that Boston is the most racist city in America, and that it's a Democratic city, but you IGNORED it. You don't want to know. Chicago, too, and Philadelphia - all Dem cities. Racism is in all the parties.

    There's so much more I could say on this, but I'll save it. Just understand that the squeaky wheel always gets the oil, TDK. That means the ignorant loud-mouthed asses on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. The hype is what DRIVES political business, which drives the media business and keeps your ass pre-occupied fighting over who "which poor pawn seems more racist" while both parties live high off the hog. Can't YOU see it?
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I don't argue with the point that the Republicans are essentially driven by an entirely different set of views on these issues.

    The problem is if we are looking at the lesser of two evils then we are still stuck with evil.

    I know that I have sat back and watched the way in which the Democratic Party has viewed blacks and its almost like a parent/child position rather than tangible, effective, social changes that leaves blacks better off in regards to the economic conditions. Throw you a bone, here eat it, now vote for me.

    The same old status quo relationship to me is mind numbingly shortsighted and only perpetuates the same issues that blacks have been dealing with for generations.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And BTW......................

    Since your verbal diarrhea is in overdrive, have at it...

    Ok, SECOND time having to correct your reading comprehension on this.

    You said to me...
    "The majority of black people in this country vote democrat"

    I replied to you..
    "if in general elections the majority of Black people vote because they are Dem", then.."

    You replied:
    "I never said that black people vote because they are dem, I said they are more likely to vote democrat"

    So I repeat, I replied:
    if in general elections the majority of Black people vote because they are Dem, then the same can be said for the Right.

    Ok, are we straight?

    Once again we were discussing VOTING for him, were we not? :confused:

    Hello, I DID SHOW YOU! :smt017

    Thus I repeat: -


    Laughable. So Michael Steele is 'akin' to a slave now? Where do you get off, seriously. [​IMG] He was VOTED in to be the MAN IN CHARGE, beating out his challengers. But of course in TDK's racist world, a Black man is incapable of acheiving success on his own merit, no he's analogized to being a slave!

    Keep in mind, millions of dollars of VOLUNTARY donations from republicans came pouring in to aid him...unfortunately he squandered it, leaving the RNC in debt. So next time, try a better analogy than your pathetically lazy "he is a slave", and I might agree. Like...dude turned out to be inept for the job. (Hmmm, sound familiar?) Shit happens.

    I'm baffled that you claim to be majoring in politics and yet you ASS-ume that Mourdock is a GOP Congressman??:confused: He is NOT.

    Never had been.
    He's the treasurer of Indiana. That's it.
    Running for a seat. That's it.
    Saying shit. That's it.

    And btw, on that reading thing (again)…He SAID that the child of rape is the gift of God, not the rape, ok? He said he abhors rape. Making no distinction between any pregnancy - he BELIEVES a child is a gift of God, end of story. And he has every constitutional right to hold that belief, whether we agree or not. Don't like it, don't vote for him. Simple.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol youtube Michael Steele's last interview on Real Time with Bill Maher and get back to me. And who the hell was talking about Murdock? I was talking about John Hubbard please keep up slow poke. No reasonable person can divorce the rape that resulted in the child but if thats how you think fine.
    And this I suffer with my man bs is annoying. My girl was trapped on the 20th floor of her apt for five days last week. I didnt suffer with het I felt bad for her but didnt suffer with her thats santimonius horse shit. When you are physically mentally and economically persecuted based only on the color of your skin holla at me. Smh
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well fam which is it? Do you want them to help us or not? The way I see it is until black people as a whole choose to make strides towards bettermwnt elected officials are keeping us afloat as a whole. aI know its not everyone but the mindset needs to change. Stop worrying about sneakers and rap and focus on education and betterment.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Hah, see that is the thing, its not about the help, its about the kind of help, is it help that leaves blacks in a position of social mobility, creativity, industrious and social betterment as a people or is it rather a help that creates a system of dependency, empty promises and sheer rhetoric in a repetitive cycle of negative results that do no benefit the black community positively as a people.

    When it comes to the black community only two things can interest me out of the mouth of Democrats and Republicans when speaking, "Education and Jobs"

    Without either being on par with the rest of American society, the issues will continue to carry on and any logical thinking person knows this.

    There are undoubtedly social issues that blacks in poor communities have to address about the cultural value system and approach to education.

    Elected officials keeping us afloat as you mentioned only perpetuates the same cycle.

    As I mentioned in a Democratically controlled city like Chicago, young black men are killing each other more than a racist could hope for in his wildest, wet dreams.

    Yet we scream bloody murder about Trayvon Martin, rightfully so, but it belies a very problematic and duplicitous issue when young men who like Trayvon Martin are dying every single day from urban violence in these black communities. Where's the outrage.

    The Chicago Teacher's Union went on strike because they objected to the lengthening of the school day, tying it into getting higher pay, frowning upon accountability for student performance because they feel it is to be blamed on the conditions of the home and community and therefore they do not bear the burden of failing students and strengthening evaluation of them as teachers.

    Never mind the lousy results of the Chicago school system time and time again.

    This is why I keep mentioning the repetitive negative results of a status quo system that fails to take accountability in the heart of black communities.

    No way would schools in white neighborhoods tolerate failing results from teachers without accountability for it, why should blacks be any different.

    When it comes to education I don't play. Many in the Developing World know the value of getting an education, be it India, China, different parts of Africa, Caribbean, etc.

    Without a proper educational background you set yourself up automatically for problems in life as far as the opportunities open to you.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh really? so Steele told Bill he was a slave? Must You-Tube it.

    I was not referring to John Hubbard. You stated the GOP is full of congressman who...and you included Mourdock's comment. Mourdock is not a GOP Congressman. You can't just throw out untruths to fit your agenda, ok?
    Again with your untruths - it's also NOT how I think, either -- I said Mourdock is entitled to think a child is a gift from God regardless of how it was conceived, whether WE like it or not. Got it?

    And only YOU would analogize my point of when my man suffers from racism I suffer for him, to some cockamamie bullshit example about your girl sitting in a 20th floor high-Rise. Are you damn serious? The reason you can't comprehend my point is because you've lived a fucken easy life compared to the men in my life and have never had to turn to your woman.

    But it's so classic arrogant TDK, you think you can argue for 10 pages telling the forum women to stfu when they tried telling you there are misogynists and sexists and are often physically mentally and economically persecuted based on their sex, but it's perfectly fine for ONLY you to demand understanding based on the color of your skin. Tell us your life story King, I want to hear it.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've had an easy life in comparison to the men in your life? Well I never had you to deal with so maybe you're right :D . But seriously there's no way for you to know that. Don't presume to know everything about me.
    And the conversation we had about women wasn't whether or not they experienced discrimination it was about whether or not misandry(the mistreatment of men based on sex) existed. Women like LS and DB tried to assert that men enjoyed privilege over women and therefore couldn't experience that. For the most part we came to the conclusion that only white men enjoy male privilege, so I have absolutely no clue what the fuck you're talking about as usual. God forbid you recognize context but then again you're one of the geniuses who thinks a critique of the system is blaming whitey so I guess I shouldn't expect much.
    And I'm asking for understanding because of my skin tone, I was trying to make you see why it is completely unreasonable for a black man to endorse a party that fully supports the exclusion of minorities and women.
    Also on that note I never said Murdock was a congressman I said that you don't see democrats, that goes for citizens and elected officials alike, saying dumb shit like he did. And if the child is a blessing than the means by which they came into this world is a blessing too but you can see it however you like.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well that's the thing GQ, blacks can get good educations if they want to. We are both products of immigration and managed to educate ourselves. Neither one of us is special. We are no different than the dudes on the corner outside of the choices we made.
    The biggest problem I see with schools is discipline it's not education. There are too many excuses and not enough sollutions brother.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    The only way to immediately stop the Black on Black violence in Chicago is to enact a curfew for BM aged 13-28 and deploy the Illinois National Guard to patrol the streets. Is that really the solution?? The only way to stop Black youths from murdering each other is to turn our streets into a open air prison??

    Everyone of conscience knows about the ultra violence happening in Chicago among Black youth, but there's only a limited amount a local or state government can do to prevent it besides choosing a radical solution.
    Former Mayor Giuliani used borderline paramilitary tactics to decrease street crime and violence in NY, and if you were subject to those tactics, basically being profiled as a criminal by NYPD if you were Black or Latino, you were going to be hating life daily.

    The sad truth is that unless we grow leadership within our own communities AND homes and make better personal choices, we can't expect the government to change things we have to change in ourselves.

    At least with the Dems, they have pursued policies that fight discriminatory practices in the workplace and seek to guarantee and improve educational opportunities for minorities.

    I can't say that's the case historically for the modern GOP, to be polite.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Interesting point about discipline and I will agree about that.

    Maybe there is going to come a point in time where there is going to be another cultural shift in the black community around the values that are important in life in regards to family and economic prosperity as a people.

    As a history graduate I know that the scenario didn't always exist where education was placed on the backburner.

    Blacks have shed blood in this nation for the chance of equal education, so it makes my blood boil when knuckleheads take it for granted and don't apply themselves.

    I saw so much dumb shit in Junior High and High School that even at such a young age it made me pause and think why are these kids not applying themelves to wanting the best grades possible.

    I mean in China you have Chinese kids that commit suicide if they don't do well on their Gaokao exams to get into the top universities.

    In Guyana I had to take something called the Common Entrance Exams to get into one of the top High Schools, (President's College, Queen's College, Bishop's High).

    I got into the highest President's College, but only spent a year their before coming to America at 12 years of age.

    No doubt that discipline at home and in one's self is part of the equation.

    I guess the question then becomes bro, why is that discipline and drive not there en masse from a socio-cultural standpoint to demand the highest level of educational performance from black students.

    At one point in time it was in earlier generations. What changed.
  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    At this point in time I say if it means saving the lives of young people who are lost in their behavior then do what has to be done.

    Better to cry about Civil Rights than to wind up dead at the hands of another black male over gangs and drugs.

    I was checking out the statistics in Chicago and it is appalling stuff man.

    The homicide rate has already surpassed last year.

    If you are a young black male in Chicago, living in a poor neighborhood you can easily become just another statistic. A nameless face that becomes a number in the body count, the kind of thing we see in wars, ala Syria as of this moment. Yet we are talking about life in the richest nation in the World.

    Crazy stuff to make you pause and reflect.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My opinion is too many people having kids they cant afford too early in their lives. I knew kids growing up who had parents in their late twenties whn we were in our teens. That shit lead to all kimds of neglect. So with that said its impossible to discipline your kids of you arent disciplined. Also the criminalization and targeting of young black males that keep many(not all, lots of dead beats) out of the home. Kids need a father around if possible. The biggest element to this shit to me is low self esteem. Too many people chasing material things to define their worth. Ive noticed over the years white and Asian kids werent as obsessed with being fresh to death all the damn time. They were more concernedabout what school they got into. That was their status symbols not who got the hottest jordans or who rocked an Averex jack vs a milk butter phat farm joint. I remeber hanging with people who could talk about that shit for hours but didnt care if they were failing social studies and english. But its not about a lack of moral fiber its more about where we draw our self esteem from
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    death, murder and mayhem...

    god i love being black

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