Oh so now its about Powell being black, guess they forgot that little Iraq WMD's fiasco. I can't help but feel that Colin Powell himself will never be able to let down that "Iraq drones and chemical weapons stunt" that they put him before the UN to engage in. They used the man's trust and character as a means to enter into that conflict. When I saw Colin Powell before the world saying these things about Iraq, surely they had to be true. Boy was it ever wrong. From that day forward I realized what politics was all about and can never trust another politician at face value, when they speak. I take it all with a grain of salt. The whole thing is one big game about power, ideologies and money. Always look for the ulterior motives. I think Powell has some serious grievances about Iraq and how his words were used at the UN to feed the invasion fervor, when everything turned out to be pretty false. The whole world saw his presentation at the UN leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
Sununu,did not only once but,many times the race card on Obama and if the GOP does not realize is there are no Rockefeller or liberal Republicans. No organization like the Mississippi Democratic Freedom Party where very liberal Republicans can hang. This party is now the party of racists pure and simple and that White Republican confirmed it.
actually, jesse jackson ran for prez sometime back and barely got the black vote, alan keyes (R) didnt get any if any...the gop barred him from some debates because he didnt get enuff votes in a primary (he looked like a total moron)http://www.democracynow.org/1996/3/4/presidential_candidate_alan_keyes_restrained_barred. barack only got 50% when he was going against hillary in the early part
This is actually a serious conversation among republicans about how the republicans can continue to be a viable party with the change in this nations demographics. They can't just be the white party and last in the future. Therefore many intelligent republicans wonder how they can attract "minority" votes.
The GOP was founded on racism? Really? The United States Republican Party is the second oldest currently existing political party in the US after its great rival, the Democratic Party. It emerged in 1854 to combat the Kansas Nebraska Act which threatened to extend slavery into the territories, and to promote more vigorous modernization of the economy. It had almost no presence in the South, but in the North it enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities, by 1858, in nearly every Northern state. With the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, and its success in guiding the Union to victory and abolishing slavery, it came to dominate the national scene until 1932. The Republican Party was based on northern white Protestants, businessmen, professionals, factory workers, farmers, and African-Americans. It was pro-business, supporting banks, the gold standard, railroads, and tariffs to protect industrial workers and industry. Here's the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_United_States_Republican_Party Now go inform yourself about the political parties.
I clearly read the history and fully aware of how and when the party was founded,however the bigotry and racism within that party is there,those doctrines has'nt changed where are all the blacks that are a part of this it's quite a few but not many...it was once the party of the grand ole boys a selected group of white men oh if i can find that passage i read..oh i'm gonna be looking for it when the man(Powell's former chief that is) clearly stated racism is witin his party, i know it was NOT founded on racism but it's there and it has been there from day one...if not... there would be many more blacks a part of it,my point is racism has been a part of this party for a looooong long time,and now that some one has exposed them and the proof is in the puddin i gotta go open a history book..c'mon with that bull shit.Roanld Regan the grand ole boy himself was actually my favorite president because of how he held POWER! he didn't take no shit but i feel he was racist however i like the way he built the military that's it!but the grand ole boys good ole boys have not changed..Of course they will say welcome to seem equal and fair.Don't believe the hype!
Threads like this do make me wonder is it possible to be with someone who is either very ognorant or dismissive of racism in this country. Posters like Bliss and Bookworm remind of peopld who need to see actual lynchings and crosses burning on front lawns to acknowledge any racism in this country. When a poster like chocolate says the GOP was founded on racism most who understand the history of black people in this country wouldnt be arguing over minor details. Of course the republicans were a good party in the 19th century when they were progressives but when they switched to conservatives thats when the disconnect started to happen. So its not accurate to say the GOP was foundeded on racism but the fundamentalist conservative ideologies were. Anyone ever find out what exactly they were trying to conserve?
For God's sake TDK, do you ever stop?! :roll: Don't you dare bring my name in your pathetic liitle wo-is-me racist bullshit propaganda rant, ok? I've seen as many lynchings and cross-burnings as you have. I will NEVER be guilted into appeasing your ridiculous and obsessive racist anti-GOP rants just because I don't agree with you. You're a leftist loon. Straight up. You can't EVEN see that both parties are self-serving businesses, run by career politicians. You are too stupid to see we are pawns. It is your duty as an American to ALWAYS question your leaders, don't ever become complacent and a robotic mouth piece. Keep pointing the accusatory finger TDK, cause 4 are point back at your ignorant ass.
And thats what makes you ignorant. Wo is me? So there isnt a very clear xenophobic exclusionary ideology from the right? Do you live in Ametica? And I dont deny that politicians are self serving but only one party attracts the vast majority of homophobs,xenophobs, and hardcore racist. Look at a Republican raly the hate is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Everyone sees it and feels it but you. How you dont see it is beyond me. I guess it boils down to of you dont have to deal with it it doesnt exist. The difference between you and I when it comes to racism you can look at it as some abstract intangible that will never touch you, for most bm you gotta wonder will I be next. Wake up
:smt043:smt043:smt043 As I always say you have seen one politician you have seen them all. American politics is predicated on the greenback,, how much you can procure buys influence in the decision making. At the end of the day we are spoon-fed saps if we choose to take any of these people seriously in this day and age of politics in this nation. Who are they accountable to, big business, special interests and use ideological platforms as a basis of tending to the flock of sheep. It would be a cold day in hell before I take either the Democrats or Republicans seriously. Barack Obama was elected and the black unemployment rate is double the national average, actually gotten worse under him. What am I missing here, has he been called to account for that by blacks. If whites saw an unemployment rate of 18%+ all hell would break loose, we already see how it is now.
In fairness TDK the basic for granted attitude and mindset that Democrats take the black vote makes me wonder does it leave us any better off with that as an option, in a festering 2 party system whose policies are dictated by Corporations and their respective lobbyists that make politicians beholden to them. Are we as blacks actually better off under Obama socially. I mentioned how the unemployment rate has gone up, double that of the national average, what have we stood to gain from him in office as far as tangible results that made things better. The saddest part of it I think is Obama is the default option, because the alternative is even worse in the minds of many. Notice how like a shrewd politician Obama often avoids delving into race matters, heck he has done more for Mexican illegal immigrants than black citizens of America if we are honest. He doesn't even have to appeal to black voters, because it is assumed that vote is locked up. Not even any token speeches to black groups in the South, where the black population is bigger than any other part of the country. Don't you find that strange bro.
Dude that sounds as dumb as him being responsible for gas prices. How would you propose that he bring down black unemployment?