My friend is an IR relationship and my friends girlfriend, said, the "N" word...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PBM, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. PBM

    PBM New Member

    My friend is an BM/WW relationship and my friends girlfriend, said, the "N" word...

    they were in an argument and she said to my friend: you know your an n-word...midstream between the argument.

    I was kinda surprised.

    He noticed before hand, they were watching TV and when the images on appeared. He would change the channel. Then on the black channels, they seem envious of whites, and my friend does not envy anybody. Then WG would say he should feel special because he is dating her, when they have been dating for close to 10 years.

    Then he started playing some WSHH video, which is a hardcore graphic in speech, especially when they talk about whats going on Chicago.

    Then after that they got into an argument and she said so.

    you know your an n-word?

    I was trying to understand the context of it, though I dont know if I can justify it.

    When they first started dating, she would sing along rap songs in the club and say so in rap songs, and he told her to stop and she stopped.

    Over the years, he listens to clean rap music in his house, cars, office. She still listens to unedited rap in her car.

    Seems in her subconscious, she blurted it out.

    Also, she seems to pander to the WMale, in sense that, even when her BM bf does well (home, cars, careers, startups, education, etc) she tries to emasculate him.

    She still plays her role, cooks, cleans (though she is lazy) groceries, givesup the nana, etc but then she said the n-word, messy/lazy and could be more respectful.

    What would you do? Should he let her go? Should he spur change to make things work?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    He should be his own man and you should mind your own business and let him live hs own life.
  3. PBM

    PBM New Member

    We are good friends and want to be supportive and I believe it happens more often than not.

    Inter racial relations aside, divorce rate in IR relationships is higher.

    Where folks get marginalized. Give her a pass? 50/50 partnership? Tell him/her ignore, what she sees?

    How you all handle?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Tell your friend his girl is a racist, white, bitch and you would not pretend to like her if she is around. Bros before hos is the code so it's up to your friend to decide if he still wants to be your friend after you have made it clear his girl is racist.
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    MYOB. Get your own life and get out of his. Friends don't micromanage. You are sounding like a troll there with that one line btw. Watchit.
  6. PBM

    PBM New Member

    the girls yall have, they dont speak out of term? no justification for what she said?
  7. PBM

    PBM New Member

    My friend chatted about helping him with some advice, and that's what I am doing. Also friends dont sleep with girlfriends, or cheat friends from business opportunities and have seen my white friends do that amongst themselves.

    I dunno where yall from, but in America, if your ears are open, TV is very slanted with negative media. Those convos throw blacks under the bus. The banter cannot be one of argument because, I know it goes on in BM/WW relationship, unless you are a chump and put her ahead of you or have nothing to offer, of course it goes on. There is some bias there. Is he overlooking her comment.

    As an IR community are there comments you hear you just let it go.

    Or maybe there a nice, ladies out there, who have not been bitchy. Who get past the racist rhetoric and can see racism paradigmatism with 20/15 vision.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Yeah because being sexist solves everything.


    This is CLEARLY a bait thread, I mean why would homeboy bring up divorce stats in this thread?!

    Every six months there's a 'my mates girl called him a... N!!!11' and it's the same BS.

    Racism is fucking awful. End of.

    I'm not even going to give you 'advice' 'cause I got shit to do today.
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  10. PBM

    PBM New Member

    I am not talking about the n word, nice word as there was a post about.

    I am talking about the real N word... the ger n-word, that n-word.

    There is not bait or throll. Watch the Family Feud, so how some whites interact with Steve Harvey, thats where racism is. Its overt and hidden. Whites do say the n-word, but now they call you thug (when you arent). Or they see you, they say their white or make obnoxious reference to white inanimate colors (no idiot, its obvious your are peach pinkish pale color). There is no troll here. The references (IR stats, Family Feud) are above you? Or do you sit there with your girl, watch such shows, and get surprised when she treats you differently - because she does not see or understand the racist game. She is no better, but the game has people so psyched, they think they can do a better job than you. Yall just willing participants? Yall just average or in mixed open environment? Or yall really in progressive relationships...Its gotta be worse in America because those coons dont have backbone, I am working on critical work projects while posting this, talking about you have something more to do...K
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You're black??!!
  12. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    If its a bait thread and you got shit to do why the fuck are you even in here? Would it have been better if i had said racist white lady instead of bitch? If the woman acted the way she did then she is a bitch. GTFOH with your feminist horseshit.
  13. PBM

    PBM New Member

    I dont lack anything - get it. I am hueman :) will keep it at that.

    Now a WW reads it and gets upset, dont be mad at him or your decision to be with him. Be mad at those who made such a word. Obviously there is positivity to the word. I dont lack anything.

    The game is too deep. Tooo deep.
  14. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Thank you that is a yes. Have a good day black lady who is here to throw up stereotypical subliminal messages. /shutdown thread we don't need it
  15. PBM

    PBM New Member

    your black lady, we dont know who you are? you just repost mostly news articles?

    how can you be black lady? and come to defense of a racist white person? when most of yall dont get treated well by white people? they put you in maid movie? give you subpar roles? thats who you trolling for?

    If you are shocked a white chick is being a bitch, just say so. Dont try to blame on a "black lady".

    I will call BS when I see it. No one is above reproached. She was being a callous conniving white blonde bitch wasnt she! blue eyes and all she being a bitch wasnt she!
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  17. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

  18. PBM

    PBM New Member

    No one is above racist tactics.

    What are you JordanC - BM or WW?

    If you BM and if you been dealing WW then share some info

    If you WW and mature, then share some info.

    Either or, is it even worth staying in a relationship?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

  20. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member



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