What are you doing for halloween? I'm going to watch and hope no one knocks at my door but just in case I have some eggs for them. Eggs will be on them :smt003 What? children love eggs!
I'm going to dress as something slutty, and make a total fool of myself. Oh no wait, I do that everyday. Ok so I'm not doing anything special
Halloween here was last night. There was trick or treating in the shops down the main strip for all the kids, which was absolutely mad (as well as muggy and sweaty). Then the local pub had a special Halloween dinner that a bunch of us went to. Was a brilliant night. I dressed the kids as zombies
Nothing special happening around here. I had the day off and spent my day doing laundry, catching up on sleep, and watching a few old horror movies. I was lucky this year and didn't have any trick-or-treaters show up at my door...the last few years I keep the porch light off so they don't bug me, but that doesn't always stop them. lol