Texas #2 WTF!!?? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/11/top-20-states-interracial-dating-infographic_n_1959131.html
:smt036 Doesn't make sense, lol. Maybe there they thought the survey was for 'IR hunting' LOL who would have guessed, huh.
I have a friend who moved from Colorado to Austin, TX and he said it's awful. So yeah I am surprised at the list for the most part.
Kid, I don't believe it either. This person had been mostly to Austin and a few places where the atheletes lived in Dallas and Houston. Or the best Black high school football players. There are not too many bold WW in the US anyway and mostly that person did that survey on WM and women of every color.
I guess he thinks not too many ww would venture out but its very different these days. Younger ww just dont seem to have the same hang ups. Some many are growing up in an era where bm are not only visible in arenas like entertainment but politics and business. Even carltonesque dudes like myself are getting mad play not just the thugs
Yeah, I figured Maryland would be on this list..........but @ #11?? If any of you guys have ever been to Columbia, Maryland, you'd know why I dispute Maryland's ranking @ #11 on this list. Columbia's a haven for BM/WW!!!
wheres the extreme right portion of the board saying this is crap bc it comes from huffpost? (yes pani and iggy...you guise) i obviously live in a way wrong state. we dont even rate.
Have you been to NY or Cali fam? There are a lot of ww willing to date bm in those areas its just expensive as hell to date.
Look at all them NorCal cities making the "Most Diverse" list!! I'm surprised Sacramento didn't make it this time.
I really need to visit out there. Me and my girl actually picked Cali as a vacation spot for the winter. But I want NorCal and she wants Socal like San Diego.
Tough decision to make since I doubt y'all wanna travel from one side of the state to the other. I would say San Diego because up north we don't have that typical "Cali sunshine" during the winter and get pretty cold past Central Cali.
That's just some bullshit ass survey from a dating site. You have to look at states with the highest rates of intermarriage, because marriage (usually) presupposes courtship. Virginia has the highest rate black and white marriage but the majority of intermarriage occurs in the west with nearly a quarter of all unions being of that designation. Intermarriage in the United States tilts West. About one-in-five (22%) of all newlyweds in Western states married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14% in the South, 13% in the Northeast and 11% in the Midwest. At the state level, more than four-in-ten (42%) newlyweds in Hawaii between 2008 and 2010 were intermarried . . . http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/02/16/the-rise-of-intermarriage/