Red Heads - What's the deal?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by badkyttie, Sep 27, 2005.


Favorite WW Haircolor?

  1. Red Heads

  2. Blondes

  3. Brunettes

  1. badkyttie

    badkyttie New Member

    Hey guys... Just curious here...

    It seems to me that there are alot of posts where the BMs really dig Red Heads a great deal. What is it about Red Heads, and also, if you prefer Red Heads, what is the ideal body type you like on them?

    I happen to be a red head myself, and curiosity killed the kyttie :twisted:

    Do tell :)
  2. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Personally gingers don't do it for me, but each to their own!
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Well, I certainly do...

    and, if you wanna know what type of body I like on a redhead, then I suggest you read SoCalValleyGuy's thread asking what type of white woman are the guys in here attracted to. I think it's in the Sex Talk forum.
  4. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Oh yeah, it's called, 'What kind of WW makes you horny'.
  5. black prince

    black prince New Member

    Gingers > Blondes :)
  6. badkyttie

    badkyttie New Member

    Cool, I will go and give it a read... thanks guys :)
  7. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    There's no distinguishing between a blonde, brunette, and a redhead/auburn hair color for me. To me, it's just not very important. If she's a really nice girl, that's all that matters i think. But one interesting thing that i've found while here on campus is that for the most part, it is the blondes, and not the brunettes, who show the most interest in black guys. I wonder why????
  8. devone

    devone New Member

  9. badkyttie

    badkyttie New Member

    Good sites, thanks for posting them.

    Liking the poll results so far--but I am biased--hehe.
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I started a thread in the What's the Attraction forum addressing this query.
  11. badkyttie

    badkyttie New Member

    :oops: Yes, I'm sorry too--I hadn't read that before I posted this.

    Didn't mean to step in on an an issue that had already been covered.
    Just occurred to me when I saw the pic of Marcia Cross--

    Sorry about that Sardonic...

  12. anubas69

    anubas69 New Member

    :wink: Redheads are very sexy!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    There is a greater number of sexy blondes than sexy redheads out there. But if you you take the prettiest blonde and the prettiest redhead and put them side by side, the beauty is equal. You could say that the redheads stand out more because of their fiery reputations and the abundance of blondes (both natural and dyed) out there. I won't refuse to date a woman because of something as superficial as the color of her hair, though. But I will say this: Redheads are like blondes with brains, hahaha!!!

    Below are two sides of Laura Prepon of That 70s Show. I'm crazy about this woman.
  14. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Watch it!
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    laura prepon is a super fox!! she drives me crazy and reminds me of HS in the 70s. Just like the 70s teen star Glennis OConnor
  16. Alkemist

    Alkemist Member

    I voted blonde, but honestly it changes from time to time. Blondes can be so damn sexy. Same goes for Redheads. It's a tie.
  17. CiViC SpiKeS

    CiViC SpiKeS New Member

    Ill have to say blonde first.... redheads a close second...

    Why redheads?

    First the hair is outta this world.... Usually they have green eyes. fairer skin, and freckles which is just the icing on the cake.
  18. MakeitHot

    MakeitHot New Member

    actually the color of their hair really doesn't matter to me at all. If they are sexy that's all I need. :wink:
  19. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Though I kinda sorta am partial to Blondes....nearly ALL of my past loves were, for some reason, redheads....

    For the record Mellisa (Mrs. AnMDBCartoon) caught my eye *BEFORE* I took a gander at her flaming red tresses (She was wearing a University of Colorado ballcap)...

    But when she *did* remove said cap....oh, MAN!:smt045

    As an aside, I *LOVE* to play connect-the-dots with her quieter, cozier, more intimate moments......if you know what I mean................................:smt112

  20. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    fire, passion, a bit of a wildchild, i love redheads!!!

    Julianne Moore, Oh My!!:D

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