What a crock smdh http://www.theblaze.com/stories/son...y-assaulted-while-protecting-romneyryan-sign/
Fukcing hippy. Shave that beard and look respectable and maybe next time you won't catch a beat down. :smt003 Really Iggy, this scale will never balance in favor of conservatives. When it comes to violent hateful acts against the opposition, the right wing owns the cuckoo's nest. Tell me the next time you read about a lib trying to blow up abortion clinics or putting a gun to the head of doctors who perform them.
How about a Washington DC's Pro Life Headquarters? Liberal Activist Shoots Security Guard at Pro-Life Group’s Office 8/15/2012 http://www.lifenews.com/2012/08/15/security-guard-shot-at-pro-life-groups-dc-headquarters/ He sounds like a real pussy, too...only after he shoots to murder a guard and is apprehended, he selfishly cries... "...after guard took away his gun, the suspect said, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.” The suspect, a 28-year-old male from Virginia named Floyd Corkins, “made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard,”.... Of course it barely made the news...and we know why.
lets not talk about .... http://www.9news.com/news/article/294136/339/Shot-fired-at-Denver-Obama-campaign-office- or timothy mcveigh
THere are organized groups of right wing pro lifers who have attacked abortion clinics over the last 20 years. This Corkins guy is a nutter and a leftie, but it still isn't like both sides engage in this type of violent, politically driven behavior at the same rate.
This all just falls under the banner of how low and scummy the political atmosphere has become in this nation. Emblematic of the void in respect and decorum. God Bless America indeed.
Fuckin OWNED And dont forget all the violent Anarchists and Occupy Wallstreeters that are violent people and lean left
Flipping off douche bags is violent now? Maybe I should turn myself in and register my middle finger as a deadly weapon. Because everybody knows your middle and trigger fingers are equally as deadly.
Don't you remember? The middle finger is classified as a deadly weapon of mass destruction. The "Upyorsch" Association want to extend it further for the common bases to combat terrorism.
I condemn violence, regardless of the source. That being said, in modern Western industrial society (as well as many traditional ones), the majority of violence is committed by social conservative/reactionary forces. That does not include moderate fiscal conservatives. But social reactionaries largely outnumber leftwing revolutionaries.
That is right Andreboba. What about Dr.Tiller killed in his church by a anti abortion fanatic? How many "pro-life" members are killed in their churches or any places of worship? None. Also are those pro lifers support women who are raped by strangers and relatives to carry their babies to term?