do you find meeting the opposite sex easier in majority white or black environments?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Be back later with my response.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter to me. I adapt.
  3. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    You know how DC is for me :p
    Much easier in black environments, lol
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I saw your post...time to fess up, missy
  5. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    confession's up to them :p
  6. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I am so nosey..I want to know what I am missing.

    As far as the question, ideally a mixed environment if not I guess it makes more sense to go to a more black friendly environment.
  7. falcon

    falcon New Member

    It really doesnt matter to me.....Its only if the chance present itself

    Have a Great Day...Better yet have two great days and give one away...The joy of Giving
  8. ANANSI12

    ANANSI12 Member

    hmmmm depends on my mood
  9. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    wassup??? I wanna know :)
  10. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You know - it's actually easier to meet someone - especially a black man, in a majority white environment, because if I am friendly to him and he's attracted to me, he WILL talk to me. But if it's a black environment there's a possibility of social pressure for him NOT to talk to me. I usually have no trouble meeting black men in normal every day circumstances, but have gone to majority black events thinking I might have a chance to meet someone and have been basically ignored, either because everyone had dates, or they were nervous of the eyes on them, or what - I don't know.
  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Me four, y'all gonna stop leaving me in the dark!

    To answer the thread question.

    I found meeting white women in majority black environments much easier. I feel like in black environments white women look at me as the "safe" black guy and come to me naturally on some you ain't like them other black guys tip. When I'm in all white environments, white women's behavior and demeanor is oppposite. Yeah I'll get the "heeeeeeeeeeey, how are you?" in the squeally high pitch voice but it's quite fake.
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I so wanna know as well
  13. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Wow, North, that's got to be annoying - like what are they, scared of you or something? As far as being the "safe" black guy in an all black environment, how do they figure that out do you think?
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I dont' take it as scared, I take it as I was raised to act like I'm super happy to greet each and every person I meet no matter how much I don't like this person. To sum up my demeanor I'm often told I'm a uppity negro or act white lol.
  15. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Oh yeah, I get it - like you actually smile in pictures and stuff lol... I know a guy who has a beautiful smile but in all of his pics he has that mean mug thug look - like he's scared he will lose his rep if he cracks a smile. Strange. And you probably wear your pants without 6 inches of boxers showing, I'm guessing.:smt081
  16. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I don't think you're in the dark :p

    That's an interesting answer to the question, can see you being "safe" though... those squeal-y high pitched voice type of girls are usually annoying though, so lucky you lol.
  17. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm...don't know how I see you, NS. You do seem quite friendly, but then I've never been around you in any type of environment so *shrugs*

    As for me, I have never really thought about it. I guess when I go out it's a mixed crowd, and I'm typically with my girlfriends so I've never really paid attention. That said, when we go OUT out (like to clubs) the majority of men there are black. I guess my answer would be it's easiest for me to meet men in a majority black setting.

    When I'm in a majority white setting, I think a lot of WM pass me over *again, shrugs* then again, maybe I just don't pay attention.
  18. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ^^^^agree with cherok33....only referring to white girls, of course.
  19. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    For me, it's the same.In Africa, where the majority is black, the wm and bm are pretty surprised, in Europe, people are surprised, too.
    If you don't care, I assume it doesn't matter, what environment is there, you simply see the person and that's all that matters, because where does this end, when you care?

    Either you defend what you believe or you don't
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    My light is off. :p

    Some days I feel like I should broaden my horizons and start attending white majority spots because I know their's that cool interesting person I'll never cross in my black majority spots.... but what stops me have been my past encounters with these places. Instead of feeling genuine love, I get this eerily cold welcoming where it's basically like your not really welcomed but we will tolerate you.

    Because of this feeling I feel that white women who actually have interest in black men will turn them down just out of sheer pressure of risking being alienated by peers. I Also avoid white majority spots because when white boys are full of that liquid courage and they in the groups, you are bound to hear something racial hurled your way. Oh and I always tend to attract the insecure white boy who belives I'm like some sexual God while he continues to put himself down.

    In Pittsburgh their is very few mixed spots. White folks don't really feel comfortable being around large amounts of blacks here, soon as they see a big black presense in a spot, they migrate to another spot. There's actually quite a few whites only bars in this city too.

    This applies to the work place as well which fucking sucks here.

    A few black males around my age echo the same sentiment. I think it's time for a move.

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