Finding the Right Career Path

Discussion in 'Getting Ahead: Careers, Finance and Productivity' started by Tamstrong, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I've had my stressful moments behind being unemployed, but for the most part I've been taking much better care of myself. My body and brain are still tired from all I went through, but I feel like a different person. For once I'm focusing on myself instead of always being focused on what everyone else needs/wants. I'm amazed at how much better I've been feeling, and each new day is better than the one before.

    I did have an interview today, and she asked me this afternoon to come back tomorrow. Hopefully she'll put my butt to work soon, so I can continue taking care of business. It's nothing special, but it's a paycheck. It'll be nice to have money coming in without having to be tied to the job 24/7.

    I'll still have time to put into figuring out what I want to do, and to start learning and trying new things. My job became a big part of who I was, and I didn't like the person I let it turn me into. I was miserable, and I refuse to do that shit to myself again. It's just not worth it. I was pretty much married to that damn job, and it was not a good relationship. I won't do that shit again either.

    I'm also not bothered by making less money. I can make it work as long as I have what I need, and my son is grown and able to earn his own damn money. I'm through killing myself doing what I hate.

    Thanks for everything, IB. I appreciate how good you've been to me. :smt058

    Sure thing, Mel. What's you addy?
  2. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Let me finish this ten page paper that is due tomorrow and I wll try and post the links for anyone interested..
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    Trade school can have you up and running in under a year, depending on if you go full-time or not

    if you're comfortable with blood and guts, you can go the Surgical Technology route and make a decent living+benefits at a hospital/clinic. If you work at a Trauma center with decent volume, you're pretty much looking at job security. If that's not for you, trade schools offer other programs, BUT i would do market research as far as salaries/industries are concerned.

    Either way, on average you need some sort of education for decent paying jobs+benefits. Sure you got the people who hit it big without it, but remember that they don't represent the average..just a very small group of survivors out of the thousands who tried.
  4. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Great point, in this economy I wish I had picked a trade. It would have saved me a lot in student loans and time. I also think it is worth looking at the votech programs and local community colleges to see what they offer. LPNs are another field that can get you into money in about a year of hard work. Glad you found a job Tam.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i think part of the issue with trade schools is the whole college snob mindset (i'm not flaming..i'm a college guy myself). you know, the attitude that makes college students/grads think they're above everyone else. Unfortunately, i know grads who majored in psychology who really wished they picked another major or ditched college altogether.

    with that said, if you know what to look for, trade school can definitely help your earning power and save a lot of money. 4 years just to graduate with no job and lots and LOTs of debt...there's nothing really smart about that at all (unless you're lucky enough to land a job).
  6. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I wish that mentality would die. I originally went to school to teach and that did not pan out. I seriously lucked out getting the community gig I have now while completing my MA. I love to counsel but at one point, I tried to get hired at McDonalds and didn't because I was "over qualified" which is so stupid. With the amount of student loans and time I put in to get my BA, getting a Master in another field was the only option that made sense. But I must say there have been times when I wish I had just gone to nursing school. The other part is that if you are not rich you have to work as you go through college and that can be hard in full time nursing and some vo-tech fields.
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Low pay, bad attitude children

    My, why wouldn't she want the job?
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    they used to have 'SEED' programs in the area, where if you were in nursing school@ college, you worked like 24 hours and still got paid for 40. The surg techs jumped on it, and moved up the ladder to RNs. They did away with the program tho, so most people are still stuck working 40 hours while trying to complete nursing school.


    which brings me to what I love most about the 21st century....ONLINE DEGREES


    as for being overqualified..that sucks...

    why should you have to omit such accomplishments from a resume/application? you'd think people with more accolades would have an easier time getting any job.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I would suggest looking at the OOH.
    Look through to see what may interest you.

    About loans
    Don't think of it as money you owe but as an investment into making more money.
  10. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I agree with the overqualified it is stupid. I do my degree online as well.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What school?
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    So many good 'brick and mortar' schools offer online components that you have no reason for not getting a degree

    U can master out in just about anything at drexel, penn state, stanford, nyu....PhDs are a different story
  13. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Liberty Online. So far so good.
  14. justmel

    justmel New Member

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah that tuition is crazy though for most of them. Wish more state schools offered online classes. It just makes more sense at this point.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My brother went there. Weirdest campus I've ever visited. Jerry Farwell is a fucking deity to those people.
  17. justmel

    justmel New Member

    It is strange, I am not a Jerry fan for obvious reasons but, my hubby was a Pastor and We got great scholarship offers. His school was practically paid for and so it made since when I decided to attend that I considered it. It is affordable.
  18. greeneyedevil

    greeneyedevil New Member

    I saw you probably got a job, and not sure if it involves writing. But my suggestion is to look into internet marketing firm. These days companies hire them to manage their social media sites/advertising/campaigns and someone has to produce content and then monitor response and respond in turn for a good internet presence. Its decent money and they generally only require you to be social site savy, professional and have a good understanding of the English language.
  19. Glassesgirl2

    Glassesgirl2 New Member

    Totally jumping on this late but I wanted to let you know I'm a volunteer career coach for several organizations and trade schools in my area. I Love revamping resumes - doing mock interviews and giving candid feedback to help people see how their answers may be helping or hurting them. I also have tips for nontraditional job searching.
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Trade school is definitely an option for me if I ever figure out what I want to do. I've gone to a trade school in the past...I started off wanting to be a dietician after high school but switched over to a restaurant management/culinary arts program at a technical college. At this point though, I don't have any interest in either field.

    I thought about the medical field at one point, but it's not for me. I have no issues with blood and guts...I could use a scalpel and not be grossed out by any of it, BUT needles freak me the hell out.

    For me it's to the point that it's more about doing something I enjoy that pays my bills. I've had my fill of doing shit that makes me miserable and takes up too much of my life. "Hitting it big" is not what I'm looking for...there are things in life that are much more important to me than being rich. If hitting it bigs ever happens, great, but it's not a goal in my life. As long as I have what I need, I'm good.

    Thanks, Mel.

    Thanks for the link, Arch.

    My point is, I'm not looking for more debt. I already have a mortgage and enough bills to pay without adding to my financial load.

    Yeah, I'm working for another c-store chain, so there's no writing involved. It's just a pay check so I can pay the bills, and I'm still keeping an eye out for something better. I appreciate the suggestion; it sounds like something worth looking into.

    Thanks, Glasses. I may just take you up on that. :)

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