Feminism and Misandry in Today's Society...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by luvattractivewomen, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I want to preface this with I get what you're saying about misogyny. I admit that it does exist but to what degree? I have no clue since I don't have to personally experience it but I will say you are dead wrong on me not being discriminated because I am man and black. Sorry the two can't be separated here in the US. We aren't as progressive as you guys are in Europe. The privileges of being male in this country are reserved and enjoyed by mostly white men. Men of other races and cultures enjoy certain privileges in spite of being something other than white.
    Black men not women have twice the national unemployment rate in the US four times as high as white men. Why might you ask? A lot of companies look to fill quotas and will hire black women to fulfill both their female and race quotas not to mention people in control of hiring (hr) are usually white men or white women and in the rare instance that it is a person of color they often operate with far more scrutinity towards other people of color out of fear of being linked with them. Black men are more likely to get higher arrest and conviction rates as a result unfair arrest and conviction practices. Basically if your a black man and commit the same exact crime as a white person male or female you are more likely to get arrested and more likely to longer conviction time. Convicted white felons(male or female) are more likely to be hired for jobs than a black man who has never committed a crime.
    Black families are more likely to be poor resulting in need from the state and as a result removal of the black male from the home since many welfare programs will not give assistance to a family that has an able body male in the home despite not being able to find employment.
    I could seriously go on and on about this but I hope you get the picture.
    Whatever privileges I should enjoy as male aren't privileges meant to be enjoyed by me and if they are they are negated by me being black. In short nothing is going to be handed to either one of us based on our racial and gender designations respectively.
    And more to the point of misandry the African American populus is the only place where I see misandry possible since its been common place in the history of this country to constantly strip the men of their masculinity both economically and morally. I'm sure others can come up with other examples but as far as I've seen it that's where it exist thus far.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Reverse racism isn't the same thing as misandry when we talk about power and access. I don't know if its because we are from different countries or what but bm as a whole don't have that kind of power.

    The greatest example of how gender doesn't save bm from race are situations like Emitt Teal. Whistling at a white woman gets you killed. If a white woman whistled at a black man at any point would it get her killed?
    If a young white woman goes missing it makes national news hell even black and hispanic women are being to pop up on the news as missing. A black man goes missing do you ever hear about it? Guess we don't go missing.
    If I wear a hoody I can get killed under suspicion that I might be doing something wrong and have stupid fb pics used as justification that I was a thug.
    Nationally I've never seen them do that to white victims ever.
    Like I said in the US race and gender can't be separated.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  3. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

    Yall crack me up... Can't we just all agree we love IR and call it a day? Writing novels up in here.

    TDK, you should smoke some of this cali good, love up on your lady and not let this stuff get to you my nig. I bet a c-note you can't start a positive thread where you agree with all these ladies and make them happy with you. Prove me wrong and paypal plus the fees will come to you.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dweb we're cool but beat it with that horseshit fam. I don't need to agree or be agreed with. This was an interesting topic and because most of the women don't think its true I should not express my thoughts while they get to express theirs? Man if you don't want to participate cool but take that koombiyah shit somewhere else. I don't worship these females. I respect most of them and that's what I thought they wanted.
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I was going to write a lot but I realised, you know what, I have no fucking idea what it's like to be a black man in America. I can observe but I cannot fully understand ever.

    I will never invalidate your experiences of discrimination. I hope you'd never invalidate mine. When you say 'to what degree?' you're minimising what we women DO suffer.

    I think we agree more than we know actually. The white-male power structure is the one holding you and I down. This is what I meant by intersectionality. Look it up, it's a feminist theory but it's what you're talking about. I think you'd find it interesting. It's about the relationship between different types of oppression. For example, I'm privileged because I'm white but I'm 'disadvantaged' because I'm female and I'm not heterosexual. See where I'm coming from?

    When you say 'misandry' that's where I get lost because that would be females being sexist towards males. And like you said about you not having that kind of power, we don't have that kind of power. You may not realise it but as a man you do have some privilege over me, similarly as a white person I have some privilege over you.

    Basically, fuck the motherfucking racist, sexist, homophobic, ablelist, classist system.
  6. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    This isn't the only thread where you've read what you want to read and say what you want to say. I for one appreciate your ill say what's on my mind mentality as we share the same quality. Where we differ is the narcissistic point of view. Fuck the bullshit, its not that they don't want you to express your thoughts... They are women fam you can't go HAM on them like you do with a dood. Don't get it twisted, your not in the same boat in my head as the attractive women guy by any means, I know your a chill/smart guy just sometimes you let your pride or man hood get in the way of the thought that women even if they are on the internet need to be talked to a certain way.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just heard a shit ton of hearts break over this one lol

    But I agree down with the system that keeps us down. I guess when I think of misandry against bm in this country I see how often and how frequently we as a group are constantly denounced not only by popular media but by black women. No other group goes through that and I when I said to what to degree I meant that sincerely. I am honestly ignorant to how deep it goes because I personally don't have to experience it but it does upset me what when people try to tell me I'm enjoying something I know I nor anyone who looks like me isn't. I'm not gonna whine about my first world problems, I could have just as easily grown up in Jamaica, but there is a silent suffering that gets ignored because of the way things are grouped. You as a white woman and me as a black man. Take away the gender and the race you're left with who really benefits.

    Good talk homie
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And that's the entire problem Dweb. I can't be scolded on treating women as equals and in the same breath be told they deserve to be treated like ladies. I treat MY lady like a lady. The women on here I treat like friends, I speak to them the same way I talk to any friend. Like I said THEY keep telling me to.
  9. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Haha. I'm bisexual, not homosexual. I've always had those feelings but only really accepted and acted on them in the last couple of years. ENOUGH about my sexual revolution though.

    Yeah. It's good to learn from other people. That's why I read a lot about racism and like to hear from people like yourself how it affects your life. I think it's so important to share our experiences and work hard to make things better for our children.

    Okay, I misunderstood. I hate when my oppression is minimised. It happens a lot. Sexism is rife. It's normalised that's why you don't see it. A lot of people where I grew up don't see racism (small, white town). They don't see it because it doesn't happen to them and they've never taken the time to learn. I listed a few examples - the personal worst in my eyes being that when the guy who attacked me was tried my clothing was used as part of his defence. I experience sexism everyday. I'll genuinely make a list of shit things that happen tomorrow because I'm a woman. So maybe you can understand where I'm coming from a little better. Here's a good site if you're really interested, I hope you are. http://www.everydaysexism.com

    Like I said, we should all learn from each other rather than dismiss each other.

    I still believe that misandry goes in the 'white men lies' box along with reverse racism.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  10. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    If that's the case then they will never be happy with you which you are perfectly ok with. The problem I have is when topics get out of hand and she who spews rainbows from your rear wants to leave. Now if she got like that imagine how many women that make up some of the 40k members on the forum get turn away from all the bullshit.

    Its the internet yes, no censorship however we as adults that share a common interest should be able to converse in a manor that doesn't turn people away from the site.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I will check out the website. Have you written a piece for it yet? I know that's your thing.
    For white people I agree but talk to African American males about it and they'll tell you differently. The absence of fathers in the home have created a matrilineal and matrilocal system with in the African American house holds which lead to a matriarchy so little boys grow up in a house where the women are essentially in control figuretively and physically. Good reference of that is the movie baby boy with Tyrese.
    I make a point to say its particular with African Americans since they are the group of blacks here the longest. You tend to see more old world patriarchy in Carribbean and recent African immigrant homes. I personally haven't experienced but I do see it. Black women are less likely to be unemployed and more likely to be helped by the state.

    But like you said none of us are free from white male patriarchy which is more or less Western Imperialism in my opinion
  12. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I actually agree with you. I want to be talked to like a normal human being. Not a fucking flower. I can debate as hard and rough as any guy.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude my I would be disingenous if I started treating these women like children. We should be able to hash it out and move on. Me and Tarshi have done so, mean LS have done so, Huntress and I have done so, and so forth and we're all ok. Bottom line policing behavior never works so either accept people as they are or just don't speak to them. Or better yet don't come into threads about Misandry or some other topic you know will rile you up if all you want out of life is to be agreed with.
  14. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    Its not about talking to them like children at all... If that's how you interpreted what I wrote then my point earlier still stands.

    How is the weather where you are? I've been enjoying this good cali weather today.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I wonder how many will take offense to what you said? lol

    Weather is good kid. I love the fall in NY. Halloween is crazy out here probably better on the West though since it doesn't get cold. So the costumes must be crazy
  16. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    Yes, Halloween in Cali allows women to dress like so called sluts and parade around in outfits they wish they could wear more than once a year. The Black Christian Grey is gonna have some fun. So far only 6 party invites and ill make an appearance to two of them for sure.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fam did you really reference 50 shades of grey? I demand your pimp card back right this second. Smdh
  18. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    muah hahaha. on average during the week while on my 2 hour each way commute to work I notice women reading that book. when i tell them i make christian grey look like richard simmons i have healthy conversation with them during my commute filled with them blushing non stop.

    say what you want, but me knowing what they read, the shoes they wear and how long its been since they had their acrylic or gel nails done does wonders. #stepyourgameup
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Negro I don't gotta be a girl to get girls lol
  20. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    whoa whoa whoa... stop there.

    when i spend my money on her shoes and mani/pedi's i like to know where its going and make sure she gets quality and quantity. when you get that degree and make over 6 figures a year youll understand.

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