Feminism and Misandry in Today's Society...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by luvattractivewomen, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    How did a thread about the hatred of men become about how hard it is to be a woman? and how unfair it is to live in america?

    I can see how one leads to the other, but if we are going to talk about misogyny, shouldn't someone start a thread on their own about how mysogynistic american men are?

  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    The decision to be a mother and how many kids a woman/family has isn't only a private one and definitly not an egoistic one.

    "Berlin Institut"
    If people live longer and have fewer children than before, the population is ageing. As a result, the share of elderly people in the total population rises. The so-called old-age dependency ratio displays collective ageing. Today, the German old-age dependency ratio 65 (people older than 65 years per 100 persons aged 15 to 64) is 26.5 and will rise up to 39.3 in 2025 and 55.8 in 2050.

    German society will age significantly in the coming decades – a phenomenon, which embodies a part of "demographic change."

    What happens with the economy, when 60% of the population is over 65yrs old. We all have to work till we die, our companies leave the country, because of too less employees, the social net isn't longer existing, the taxes raise enormously..

    Why did that happen? Because many women are tired of injustice of salaries and positions, most women of my age decide to have kids, when they are older than 35/40..and then, maybe one, not two as it would be necessary.
  3. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Feminist have been shown in numerous studies to not hate men. They just want equality. They actually give men more respect.

    One such study.......Univerisity of Houston:

    “Are Feminists Man Haters? Feminists’ and Non Feminists’ Attitudes Toward Men” and is authored by Anderson, Kanner & Elsayegh. Published in June 2009 in the Psychology of Women Quarterly.


    I think around here any woman who wants to be treated decent and respected is branded a feminist. I think only two women here have actually agreed they are feminist. I believe treepixie and huntress both said they identified that way in a previous thread on that subject.
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    The title of the tread has misandry in it.
    So I assumed that's what the thing was about.

    Was wondering how the two got mixed up.

    Then I saw LAW changed the title. The fem part really needs to be discussed on its own. In its own thread.
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    His later heading also throws in child support. So I think he hates women and his baby momma is getting a check from him each month. Because other than in this thread the three shouldn't be thrown together.
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Do real feminists still exist? I know this term out of the 80's and they were really fighting hardly for the womens rights, we still have to be thankful to them. Today, I have more the impression that adult women simply do what they want, not asking, whether men like it or not and this has nothing to do with hating the other gender, we just take care of ourselves.
  7. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Misandry is as ridiculous as reverse racism.

    Yeah, I said it.

    I am so tempted to write paragraphs to refute all the bullshit that has been said here. I'm trying so hard not to take the bait.
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Neither are ridiculous as both can and do happen.
  9. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I am a proud feminist.

    And I agree with everything you said. Feminists do not hate men - we want equality.
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Yes! And some men hate that it's like that.

    But it should be just like that. Unless there are extenuating circumstances NO MAN should have ultimate authority over a grown woman.

    And women shouldn't have ultimate authority over grown men.

    But when u get people in a position of power..boss, lover, politician...all that goes straight out the window.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Misandry is ridiculous? Um look at my dark skin and say that with a straight face. I think we need to be more specific for discourse sake because in the developed world minority men are granted the type ogf power to truly hold women back economically or politically
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    In response to the civil rights movement, President John F. Kennedy created a Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity in 1961 and issued Executive Order 10925, which used the term "affirmative action" to refer to measures designed to achieve non-discrimination. In 1965, President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 requiring federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure equality of employment opportunity without regard to race, religion and national origin. In 1968, gender was added to the protected categories.

    Taken from: http://www.policyalmanac.org/culture/archive/affirmative_action_history.shtml

    Maybe you should try again. :smt023
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    He does have selective reading and understanding. :smt036
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My mistake I should said benefited more from it


  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    yes it is when you're constantly harassed by a woman who loves to sing it from the mountain top that she's keeping on ignore but doesn't miss a chance to throw a pot shot. And it might get lost in translation but the term dick riding isn't necessarily a sexual term it just means she's jocking me. On my case. But I know you guys will spin it differently so feel free to tell big daddy
  16. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I will oversee now that you try to belittle me..but yes, I respect our webmaster. He gives us the possiblity to join this forum and imagine- even for free or do you pay any cent for his work?... Something, you do not offer, as much as I remember.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not being rude but I seriously didn't understand that. Well Christine its fine we can go back to ignoring each other no harm my friend. Good day to you.
  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    You're conflating two completely different issues. That's where it does get complex (read: intersectionality).

    I cannot look at your dark skin and say racism does not exist. It does. I can't imagine what it is like to be discriminated by society because of my skin colour. I cannot really comment on it because it's not something I will ever experience.

    But I can look at you as a male and say misandry does not exist. Society does not hold you back because you're a man (yes, because of ethnicity, but not because of your penis).

    Do I need to go further? Okay... heard of male privilege? There's no such thing as misandry because the system is catered and created for men. Not women. Women are oppressed by men.

    Misogyny is the fact that one in four women will experience some kind of sexual assault in their lifetime. It's that women who report these crimes are called sluts and liars. It's that women are more likely to suffer from domestic violence. It's that I am constantly being judged by the size of my breasts and not the size of my heart or my intelligence. It's that my ideas are not taken seriously because I'm a woman. It's the glass ceiling. It's that men are controlling women's bodies (birth control, abortion). It's that my parent skills are viewed under a microscope whereas my son's father is allowed to act as he pleases with no criticism. It's that if I have my own opinion I'm a bitch. It's that if I don't have sex on the first date I'm a prude and if I do I'm a slut. It's that my body is seen as nothing more than an object for male desire. It's that sexist jokes are told on TV as if it's no big deal. It's gaslighting. It's that 'throwing like a girl' or 'acting like a chick' is an insult. It's that I will be constantly critiqued and judged on my looks. It's that I have come to normalise derogatory, sexual comments that are thrown to me on the street. It's that I'm told to take this as a compliment. It's that until 1991 it was legal to rape your wife in England. It's that approx. only 6.5% of rapes end in a conviction. It's that my clothing was mentioned when my rapist was being tried. It's that young girls are having their genitals mutilated. It's that female politicians are judged on their looks as opposed to their politics. It's that the military is covering up the abuse of many female soldiers. It's that if I choose to let my armpit hair grow I am somehow disgusting. It's that 1/4 of people think a woman is responsible for rape if she was drunk. It's that 1/4 also believe a woman is responsible for rape if she wears 'revealing clothing'. It's that feminism is a 'dirty word'. It's that my worth is determined by whether or not my hymen is intact. It's that girls in certain places Asia and Africa are forbidden from attending school. It's that a 14-year old girl was shot in the head in Pakistan because she spoke of the need for education. It's that two women a week are murdered by ex partners in England. It's that there IS a massive gender pay gap. It's that I will never earn as much as a man in the same position as me in my lifetime. It's that female representation is less than 25% in parliament. It's patriarchy.

    That's just the a few examples off of the top of my head.

    The system, society, is not sexist towards men. Men and women are not equal. Men are above women on the totem pole.

    If you have to worry about getting raped every time you walk around alone, harassed on the street by men, not getting a pay rise, being discredited at work, your sexual organs being used as epithets, being judged constantly on the size of your tits etc... simply because you're a man (not black, but because you're a man because we're talking about sexism) THEN you can tell me misandry exists. Until then...

    Note: I'm not calling all men sexists. I don't hate men. I just want EQUALITY. The system in which we live, the patriarchy, is sexist. And by talking all this bullshit about misandry you're feeding in to it.

    And before you list a bunch of things you think teh menz should be sad about think about it this way, imagine one of us ladies wrote about why it's so DAMN hard to be white. It's bullshit. That's why I say reverse racism doesn't exist. The patriarchy is to the benefit of white men.

    You can be a black man and suffer racism but not sexism. Similarly, you can be a white woman and suffer sexism but not racism.

    It's simple stuff here people.
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

  20. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    PREACH! This is exactly it. Excellent post. Love it when you come out of the woodwork. :)

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