Feminism and Misandry in Today's Society...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by luvattractivewomen, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This is quite the stereotype, TDK.

    Women love to shop. Women have dozens of shoes.

    The reality is not every woman loves to shop (for real, I don't). Men wear pants and shorts. The shoes they own are indicative of the types of pants they wear.

    Women wear pants and shorts as well as dresses/skirts. The same shoes that we can wear with pants, we can't wear with shorts, and the same shoes that go with dresses and skirts, don't always go with pants.

    Do most women go overboard? Absolutely. But women do need a variety of shoes to go with the variety of outfits they wear.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Im not saying it doesnt exist at all I just see data supporting that it does to the degree that some say it is. Its easy to take an emotional approach to a situation when you think youre being discriminated against, I know I have in certain situations but the truth is we are not at a point in time where people still do that. You just cant afford to these days. But I dowith that mindset anymore see your point I just dont see how a company can stay afloat
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It still exists in some form or another, just a lot more subtle. But sometimes it could be masked as favoritism or some other area of bias. Everything does hold some level of an emotional response when it affects individuals, especially when directly affecting us. So, it usually goes into a more emotional aspect and further embedded in the rational part of the brain.

    All I can say is that you'll have to ask LilyLedbetter and other women who have experienced some level of discrimination.

  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well point was I dont think men control women's taste and their trends as its been discussed before women often dress for other women not men. If you bought payless shoes and wore 5 dollars shirts men wouldnt notice.
    I also come from a third world background where those women either made their clothes or bought stuff from thrift shops at times and made it last. They may not have been fashionistas but theywere neat and tidy all on a budget. I admit I have no clue about bras and how that whole thing works
  5. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    Good point with the time actually spent at jobs, and the types of jobs often taken.. :) You'd be right with that when looking at it as an average.

    On this though... In job interviews when asked about salaries, men have more confidence with asking for more to start with than women. I remember this from a class I took on sex and gender, although I wouldn't be able to find that exact information right now.
    Women are also less likely to ask for a promotion than men, which also decreases the average.

    But, for one position, you really might be able to see a woman and a man making less. If a man's assertive enough to ask for a raise and the woman isn't, they probably wouldn't want to shell out the extra money to give the women a raise as well.

    Then again, I'm all about sociology, not business :smt102
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Tonight on Hawaii Five-O, a male and female 5-0 team were at a psychic to learn information about a victim.

    The psychic wanted them to pay $50 to get information. The woman looks at the man and the man says:

    "Why do I always have to pay?"

    To which she said:

    "Because you make more."

    LOL. It made me think of this thread. :smt023
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then one has to ask why do men feel more confident and as a result why do we think it oppresses women. Taller men are seen as more confident but they aren't seen as oppressing shorter men.
    In the world of business under a capitalist system one must fight for what they want no one will just hand it to you. It would be one thing if we were talking about access but in this case we are talking about negotiations. Also one could argue maybe women don't feel as motivated to argue for higher salaries as much as men do. Financial status is tied to our masculinity the more we have the more attractive we are thought of as. Women don't have the same incentives to fight for money since that's not part of how they are judged. One could also think of it in terms of home life since men are more likely to stay in the work force longer and have the obligation to not only take care of themselves but a family they might be motivated to fight for a larger salary since they need it.
    There's a lot of ways to look at it I guess
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not so fast which two was it? Because I think Kono has the least amount of experience on the force not to mention McGarret runs the team so he'd obviously make more.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    It was Kono and Danny.

    And I put that up there as a joke. LOL. It just reminded me of the forum at times. :smt023
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ahhh fair enough. I feel for Danny. Hope he wins that custody battle, the ex wife is doing dude dirty. After he moved to Hawaii to be closer to his kid she wants to up and leave to Vegas. Not cool
  11. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    you're right with that :smt045. True about the seeing it as oppressing woman part, never really thought of it that way. Personally I don't see it as oppressing woman anymore. Perhaps in the past, but now I think it's more of a mindset... women are raised to be "ladies", and being more assertive like asking for a raise isn't "lady-like"? Bit of a reach, and I can't think of other examples right now, although if you mention them, I'd probably be like, "Yes! Why didn't I think of that?!"

    I also think though, that hypothetically this mindset would change in the future. Social expectations are changing, men are not typically the only breadwinners anymore because more women are working. A few years ago women were expected to stay home, raise the kids and have dinner ready for hubby dear. Now, people seem to become more used to women working. For the most part, women still have to deal with most of the child rearing and household tasks along with working full time.... but if "trends" keep going the way they are, maybe it'll be more equal in a few years.
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    No it's not. I'm glad that they aren't together anymore. I hated that storyline. I also realized tonight that I don't like the chick that McGarrett is with at all. LOL.

    Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled thread!
  13. TB1958

    TB1958 Active Member

    From my experience, more women are working, as an economic necessity. In the community I lived when I was with my ex, there were very few stay at home moms...especially when a family has more than one or two children. Want to send those kids to college? Then unless the old man is making an awful lot of money, the lady of the house had to be working, at the very least part time. I knew many middle age couples where He lost his good paying job in the economic collapse, and they had to rely on Her job to keep the house and feed the family. It was not uncommon for Her to go back to doing what she went to school for, and for Him to stay at home taking care of the kids while he was looking for work. Even before the problems of the last 5 years, the economy was doing a number on traditional sex roles in many families.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree. In my own life I see things being dead even at this point if not women doing better than men but I'm speaking from the perspective of a bm so my opinion is slightly outside that of the norm.
    I'm still waiting to see it catch up to the dating world. You still have a lot of women who are doing pretty ok who still want a guy who makes more than they do. It's all about equality until the dinner bill comes lol.
  15. TB1958

    TB1958 Active Member

    In my recent experiences, I'm not sure it HAS caught up. I can't tell you how many first dates I have had, where I ended up picking up the check, after assuming we would split it!!! And if you say something, you look like a cheap asshole, right from the kickoff!! LOL!
  16. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I remember seeing an article last year (sure not much has changed since then), that showed the earnings broken down by gender and race. White men were (of course) the highest earners, then white women, then black men and black women.

    But um... yeah.... I left my wallet home.... In Canada-land.... :lol:
  17. TB1958

    TB1958 Active Member

    LOL...thanks Nicole...I guess that explains all those checks I picked up!!:smt005
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And that right there is going to be what keep us from ever being equals. No matter how much money women make they're still going to be treated like ladies and keeping the mindset that I want to be your equal except in dating is going to keep men thinking they are paid ass. Not saying in every single case but there's a big reason why most of my first dates were coffee dates. I refuse to spend more than twenty dollars on a person that I don't know is worth more than that to me. And I won't know until the first kiss so until that first kiss its dating on a budget homie lol
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But at least you're the type of person to appreciate it too many people act like its owed to them
  20. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    No one owes anyone anything, unless they actually borrowed money or something from them. More people should actually be appreciative... at least you have your girly :)

    I'm sorry, TB! :smt089
    Would hugs make up for it? Nicole-hugs are special :p

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