Feminism and Misandry in Today's Society...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by luvattractivewomen, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    That's why I always laugh when people try that "giving some underqualified black person a job" excuse.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I need actual data to show women are getting paid for the same position because from a business stand point it makes absolutely no sense. If an employer can pay an employee 25% less for doing the same job why keep the employee that cost you more? Thats 25% in lost revenu for profit and share holders. As far as more in healthcare insurance women need to see a doctor more often because they menstrate not to mention are prone tosexual related diseases which would increase the amount of doctor visits which would raise thr average cost per year they spend on doctors.
    As far as clothing I dont know how to answer that since I havent read anything on the topic.
    I do remember growing up there were stores like g+g where girl could get 10 dollar jeans and 5 dollar tshirts all the stuff I got like Boss Jeans and Polo shirts use to cost me around 100 bucks an outfit so from my own personal recolection I never saw that to be true but I could be wrong.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its literally the only argument they have so they use it as often as possible
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've already provided actual data from the information provided. You either disregard the article as junk or you simply ignored it. I'll post three more articles, all of which are more of recent (this year) to further show. Why do you think Obama signed the Lily-Ledbetter Act as an executive order during his first 100 days in office?

    Businessweek - Shortchanged: Why Women Get Paid Less Than Men

    Forbes - Why Do Women Still Earn Less Than Men? Analyzing the Search for High-paying Jobs

    US Government Info - Why Women Still Make Less than Men

    Secondly, you've inadvertently justified some inequality in cost when it comes to healthcare. Bear in mind, men suffer a lot as well, whether we're talking prostate or other health risks, sometimes contributed to smoking? The case may hold some validity, but how about car insurance and life insurance? If you're quick to say that there is a lot of inequality when it comes to race-based discrimination, then why would you deny such discriminatory practices when it comes to gender and business?

    You say it makes no sense, but you have to remember, even back in the 1940s when women first partook in the workforce, they were paid less than their male counterparts working the same job. You need to do some extensive research on this whole matter.

  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Women in the business world can't wear those types of clothes.

    As women (especially) get older, they're expected to dress more their age.

    Women's clothes and accessories do tend to cost more - bras, panties, shoes, pants, shirts, purses, they all cost MONEY.

    And most men don't have to wear suits to work anymore (unfortunately) (unless you're an attorney or something like that), so you can't even compare prices that way.
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    There's the world according to TDK and then there's the real world.

    The Good Ol Boys Club makes hiring men more profitable because of sexism. Fact. Women are still regarded as a bitch if they are assertive, but the same quality in a man is considered positive. Women are considered too emotional, and so they can't make decisions, and heaven forbid they have a period!!!...but an emotionless heartless man..what? Gets more done? Or a male that cares about staff...thats good leadership.

    There is so much sexism built into todays society, it makes me mad. I should finish my doctorate and make 120k+.... but I can assure you that a man with the same background would probably start more.

    And really? G+G?!? who shops there past middle school?? To get my hair trimmed it is $45 plus tip. Decent jeans run between $40-$90, depending on where you shop and the quality of the clothes. I shop at Express because their clothes fit me the best...simple...jeans run me $80+ each. Nevermind places like Banana Republic, where the mens stuff is cheaper.

    G+G? Seriously?? I guess when you date girls barely out of high school you really wouldn't know how women dress. ;) I kid...I kid. Been awhile...had to mess with you. :)
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I don't wear it, so I forgot about it, but let's not forget about how much makeup costs, how much women's haircuts, highlights, etc cost....it all adds up to hundreds of dollars. Because women are expected to look a certain way all the time. That takes extra money.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ive yet to see the male equivilant of joyce leslie out there and why do women HAVE to wear accessories? I think women just shop more frequently I dont usually see men with more than four pair of shoes. I see women with dozens.
    I honestly cant belueve we're comparing clothing now.
  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    My bras cost $40-$50 each. Just a thought. Women are supposed to get new ones every 6 months at least....more often if you are my size. You also need several. For arguments sake....white, flesh color, and black. $150 right there.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I cant be mad at the last comment since its basically true lol.
    Its not the world according to me I actually covered this topic in a class I took last year and he logic made perfect sense to me
    I realize we dont live in a vaccum so there will be assholes here and there but in an economic climate where people literally cant afford to be discrimmantory it makes no sense to me that they would be at lrast not in the way you describe. If the goal is to maximize profits and cut costs then why not just hire an all woman work force since they can be low balled and manipulated theoretically. Doesnt the idea that women get paid less on average have more to do with trends like stqying home and raising kids and/or working part time as a result. Also take into consideration the hig risk jobs like logging and fishing that men go after that women dont that pay well wouldnt that add to why women get paid less on aberage as well instead of some 1950s model of hiring practices. I just dont see how its good business to operate that way
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So there isn't a cheap option for bras? Sounds like you have an incredible need to fill start a business my friend. But do men require women to wear bras because I wasnt aware of that.
  12. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Women have it absolutely MADE in America. They are constantly being put up on a pedestal all the damn time.
  13. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    The data is based on same jobs, same education...not counting women who leave the workforce to have children.

    Check the articles BBW posted. Seriously. There is staggering evidence. Men still dont like women in business, by hiring men constantly they reinforce that belief. That is why I said it is embedded sexism.
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I may not wear a suit to work but I do have to wear a tie.
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Men always have to pay for EVERYTHING.

    Women arent required to pay for shit when couples go out.
    It adds up people.
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    When you wear larger than a C cup, material and support are critical. I could buy cheap and not have it fit.
  17. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I just hate the victim mentality displayed by some women.
    Suck it up . You live in America. You have it MADE here. Would you rather live in the Middle East????
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I read the articles and I really liked the Forbes and Government articles dint care too much for the Business week one though. The Government article seemed to support my argument about employment gaps due to child rearin and different choices in occupation. The Forbes piece was interesting but what I took away from it was that women seem to be intimidated by more male dominated posiitions rather than employers keeping them out. I often feel the same way as a bm but the only way to change anything is to go after those lsoitions.
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I did mention there are a lot of factors involved, but to dismiss the explanations I've provided does come off as being disingenuous and your logical conclusions often fall short because there are women who are truly ready to undertake those very positions men are in and I personally think that a lot of men are too absorbed into stereotypes that women can't do the same sort of job as a man.

    So if there's any real intimidation, I would say it's the men who simply won't acknowledge that women are capable of doing the same job effectively and if they are in that position, there are some elements of being sexualized or not really looked upon as an equal. It sort of resonates on here through certain members who often would dismiss the reality of a capitalist structure that's all about inequality.

  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Not really. Especially if you're a bigger size. You have to buy underwire if you're a bigger size. If you buy a cheaper bra, the underwire starts to poke through the fabric and dig into your skin. Then you're forced to buy new bras and by that point, you're essentially spending the same amount as you would have had you just bought the better bra to begin with.

    That's nice. Men in suits and ties look sharp. :smt023

    Nope. Genetics plays a part in how big or small a woman is....ever seen a thin woman with bigger and real boobs and fatter women with extremely small boobs? Genetics plays a role.

    They also fall apart a lot faster.

    No one is playing the victim. We're trying to educate TDK in why it costs more in terms of clothing to be a woman. No one is crying foul about it. It's just a conversation.

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