I do not know if it's just me, but it appears very little coverage is coming out on the looming conflicts between Turkey and Syria and China and Japan. I have not seen or heard much on these conflicts that could ignite in regional wars. The fear in the Middle East is that a war between Turkey and Syria could spill over into other countries there and bring in NATO on the side of Turkey and possibly Russia and Iran on the side of Syria. In the Pacific, the Chinese are projecting their naval power at Japan over some disputed islands near a huge oil field under the sea. The Japanese are making it clear they will keep the islands. Taiwan is siding with Japan. China is threatening Taiwan to stay out of it. The United States have a treaty with Taiwan to come to it's assistance if attacked by mainland China. What the hell is this world coming to if these two parts of the world should explode?
Taiwan will go with anything that is not chinese. Japan won't do it. They will drag the usa into this crap. What they will do is fight it legally.
Are not the Taiwanese nationalist chinese? I know there is also deep racial antagonism between the Chinese and Japanese that goes back a ways. The chinese have a long memory of past wrongs by the Japanese especially before and during the Second World War. Now that they have developed into a credible nuclear power they are flexing their muscle. The Japanese though with a rapidly aging population still have a great technical/industrial base and a strong fighting spirit of a nation. It will be interesting to see how this plays out if we can only get some solid reporting. The media is dead in this country.
Cant see Russia or Iran going "all in" on a bet with Assad his regime is already close to an end. Iran is the biggest threat to world peace right now imo, but they will probably let Assads regime fall without getting involved more than they are now. Personally I am sick of Iran's bullshit, I just wish someone gets close enough to put an end their supreme leader. I much rather see that than thousands of more people die from a war that could have been avoided. If the death of one dictator can save the life of thousands then it is a no brainer. However it always look better if it no one realize an assassin done the deed, but personally I rather see the seals ambush and blast him with a 50 cal on a warm summer night. lol I think I would have a drink to that :smt030
I totally agree with you. Just think of it had we killed Hitler before he became a threat to the world. How much history would have changed. Hell, I probably would not be here. I agree with what President Obama is doing in killing terrorist threats in his drone strategy. The CIA once terminated dangerous despots, but that was stopped by liberal political forces back in the 1970's. The day will come when this country will be forced to take out dangerous dictators who will threaten us. Imagine a scenario if a portable nuclear or chemical/biological device is smuggled into this country by a dictator who want to take us out. Or China sets off a EMP bomb and knocks out all electrical power in this country. What will we do?
If there is a war, let them fight their own battle. I hope it does not involve American boots on the ground and does not require our men and women to go door to door. I am really not that interested in going to middle east except to visit.
I agree, but we know that will never happen. National interest is what the politicians will tell us. You ask me it's the military-industrial complex that Ike once warned us about. There is money to be made in war. There are tangled alliances we must uphold. Bro, you and I do not matter. We have hundreds of military bases around the world. We have a political/military infrastrucuture based on the past Cold War. There will be wars and we will be in the thick of them. We will wake up one morning and will find ourselves involved in another conflict not of our making.
I just heard that President Obama has authorized South Korea to have a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile defense system that can strike any target in North Korea. The Taiwanese want it too as a defense against the mainland chinese. The Saudis want it too for protection against Iran. The Japanese want the go ahead to develop an anti-ballistic missile system and a nuclear defense system against not only the Chinese, but North Korea as well. Poland still want a anti-missle defense system if Romney becomes President as a defense against the Russians, the Russians say they will not permit it. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on.....
I doubt Russia is going to attack a member of NATO anytime soon, Poland is just paranoid imo. Saudi Arabia know good and well that will let Iran attack them that would give them too much control over the worlds oil. Can't really blame Taiwan and Japan for their concerns.