The Rise of Neo-Nazism in Germany Germany has taken great strides into moving the country forward, emphasizing on teaching the method of openness and acceptance to those who are different, especially after the uglier times of Nazi Germany. However, there has been an underground resurgence of neo-Nazism and it's growing at a much more expedient rate. The German Parliament, led by the Interior Minister, wants to crackdown on the violent attacks which has surged by these cretins. To think that Germany would be a bastion of tolerance and would continue to move forward, these individuals crop up. What's the cause of all this? Well, the age old scapegoat of illegal immigration. That and coupled with the economy somewhat shrinking. Luckily, the German government is leading the charge to take down the neo-Nazis and push for greater education on social acceptance in this ever growing world. Click on the link above for the whole story, plus transcript and recording of the interview. I do not fear for the worst in Germany, as it's a country that is resilient enough to even combat the nuisance that is ignorance and bigotry.
Always happens in bad economy... blame the unseen faceless "enemy".. seen it before, economy gets better and these fools get busy somewhere else. Fortunately, most of these fools are harmless dumbass regurgitators, the rest - ends up in jail for stupid shit. They are for the most part low IQ scum. They are mostly from the bottom of the social ladder, that has been confirmed time and time again. This is their feeble way to feel better about themselves. A few of them are to be taken seriously, but fortunately, they are far and few between. The rest.. give them rope.....
At least there is not the likely chance that a poor low-skilled artist with dark hair and unAirian features and a bitter facade will rise to the ranks and kill a bunch more Jews. I doubt that will EVER happen again, thank God. Now that that can just happen for black people (that folks will realize that genocide is so incredibly evil)...and will STOMP IT DOWN by any means necessary EVERYwhere in the world...
It's good that you bring this up, but you as I know many in this culture does not give a shit about stuff like this until it bites them personally in the ass. The Jews had the same attitude prior to Hitlers rise to power. Just look at the response to your thread. When that day comes when people will have to fight for their survival in this country, they are better left alone to their T.V. programmings like American Idol. Besides was it not Hitler himself once said that the masses can be controlled by entertainment and sports. Translated they are too stupid to run their lives, leave it to a centralized entity. Was not the Nazi Party a socialist movement?
While Nazi is basically the National Socialist Party, Nazism is pretty much a far-right extremist political entity. The words mean nothing when it's contrary to the message of socialism, economically and socially. Take note that the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan has the words Liberal and Democratic, but it's aligned with conservative views.
This is always happening in Europe. I wouldn't say it's a rise, more the same level. Plus, Germany is huge. This could be a group of people on a street corner.