Congressman Paul Broun: "Evolution is a lie!" My Take The biggest myth spewed from my fellow conservative comrades is that they are suppose to be an ideology that's about logic and reason. But people like Rep. Broun reminds us that it's a substantial contradiction, and this article proves that. We can understand that you have your personal viewpoints, but if you're part of a committee in which you flat out disregard as the main thing that brought about progress in the world we see today, let alone a practicing medical doctor, not only that I find it laughable, but also sad at the same time. The mind is a terrible thing to waste and quite frankly, with all that education, Rep. Broun still espouse words that you'd expect from a dogmatic and deluded individual. Arrogance rears its ugly head once more and it's sad that our great nation has to compensate for the butt-hurt agents of reactionary thinking.
He was not specific enough Micro-evolution is a lie. Man did not come from apes and is not a primate. We are our own intellectual species. Animal evolution (not humans) for the same species is true. i.e. some short-necked giraffes evolved to long necked giraffes. Mental evolution is true. Technology (i.e. iPhone) could not be possible without this. Sexual evolution is true. BM/WW, WM/AW... The Bible is made from symbolism, culture, and timeless principles. The whole bible cannot be taken literally word for word. i.e. The new testament says a day is like a thousand years. The world was made in 6000 years.
Denying yourself as part of the primate species means you deny yourself as a human being. Secondly, we share 99.9% of our DNA with the ape, and lastly, no scientist stated that we came from apes, but a common ancestor called the Australopithecus. Not quite ape, not quite human, but it was the "link" that helped branch off the two animals. Furthermore, your comments are laughable. Mental evolution correlates to iPhones? What sort of crack are you smoking? Sexual evolution isn't the same as a biological evolution. That's a social evolution through societal progress. Lastly, there are a plethora of fossil records and mountains of information pointing that the world is 4.54 billion years years old. Why dispute facts? :smt043:smt043
I think its 99.5% but close enough lol By the way I think evolution is true but I'm beginning to see evidence that natural selection may not be entirely true and is promoted as such
You people do know he is full of shit. He just said them things to appeal to the wackos that believe it. The mofo is a MD, and sits on a committee in Congress dealing with science.
BB nailed it. This politician thinks his constituents are inbred hillbillies and he's saying whatever he has to in order to win their vote. If the people in his district/country said they believed with all their hearts that Santa Claus visits the good alien hybrid children on Christmas eve in a UFO, Congressman Broun would be screaming from the rooftops that it was so. The cynicism displayed by some politicians makes you wanna hit somebody. I've always said if someone is willing to lie in front of your face day after day, they don't respect your intelligence.
Don't believe in a living God? Just because you don't believe in a living God doesn't make you right! Millions of people through out the ages believe. You will die someday and meet your maker. Then you'll know we are right. The missing link is ludicrous. The missing link means that the so called scientists don't know where we came from. It was said, original man came from Africa, recent discoveries said we now came from China. We are not the same genus as apes or primates. There was an experiment in Europe in the early 20th century where apes and other primates were paired with human women and had sex with apes to try to make offspring. Guess what? No baby could be produced. Where tigers and lions were bred and made Ligers. This was possible because they are same genus. We also share a majority (60% or more) of DNA to mosquitoes and cabbage. Does that mean we came from mosquitoes and cabbage? 99.5% DNA relations to apes only means we came from the same creator. Carbon dating is not a reliable source for time passing. These are not facts. These so called scientists tried to recreate the Big Bang Theory in 2008 with the Cern Hadron Collider. Oops, malfunction. It did not work. These same scientists not too long ago said the earth was flat, the sun orbited around the earth. and flies came from spontaneous generation. I know Atheists like you will never agree with believers. Let's agree to disagree.
I would recommend The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins to deliver a careful analysis on the whole misconceptions of people explaining the theory of evolution. The only way there are any problems within it is only those individuals who lack any real knowledge of the subject matter. I think you're giving him too much credit for what he's doing. You can hold a doctorate in anything and yet still come off as a bit of a buffoon on certain subject matter. Also, make no mistake that there are religious private institutions that inject their own teaching methods to compromise with secular education.
For crying out loud. Evolution is Fact. We see it everyday. Look at humans. It is definite fact that humans originated in north Africa or western middle east region. When people expanded from that part of the world, they "evolved " to adapt to their climate and environment they settled in. Black folks got dark skin, nappy hair, wide nose to live in central Africa with the extreme heat White folks got light skin skin, straight hair, thin noses to live in northern Europe to deal with the extreme cold. Asians folks got light skin, straight hair, more facial fat which gives them their eyes to deal with the extreme cold and high winds coming west from the Himilayas. Everybody else on this rock branched off these three like Arabs, Indians, Aborigines, Samoans and Native Americans.
Sorry, but evolution and evolutionary processes are not up for discussion. They are scientific fact. Now, if you want to say that a supernatural being is behind that process, that is your right, because it's an unprovable metaphysical absolute, but the process itself is not up for question.
naw, evolution isnt a fact. because transitional fossils dont exist. also, we havent evolved in over 10,000 years. evolution like creationism/intelligent design is considered to be pseudoscience. it just so happens to be more widely accepted by the scientific community. theres a difference between observational science and historical science.
So much wrong in your worldview that it makes me puke and wonders why the black community hasn't really been involved in the sciences more so. 1. You're a product of evolution yourself. You did it in nine months. That's a fact. 2. You're right...we haven't evolved in 10,000 years. We've evolved over the course of 200,000 years (Out-Of-Africa transmigration) and before that, we've evolved from even lower species. 3. You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. And your post here clearly shows you have a lot of growing up to do when it comes to learning about the grandeur process of gradual change, which has occurred and proven to be factual. 4. A denial of evolution is the denying of much of the advancements of the earth and populace over the course of millions of millions of years.
Dammit MS.. If you'd tone it down with the 2gurls..and were about 10 years older and if I wasn't all barren and stuff... We could evolve...
Lol @ this bs, because African civilizations obviously didnt impact the world in the past 2,000 years mathematically or scientifically. Blinded by an eurocentric view of world history. Explain to me the countless inventions and innovations by African Americans within the past 2 centuries. George Washington Carver? Ben Carson? heck, even Neil Degrasse Tyson and thats just surface level to be honest I could list contributions for days. Evolution is the basis of supremacy and racial inferiority aka a black man like me is really nothing in evolution (despite origin theories coming from africa) the fact that modern history can barely teach you anything about africa outside of evolutionary theories makes me question almost all academia. Even in the last few hundred years, some have advanced theories of racial superiority or inferiority based on skull shapes, minor skeletal differences, facial features, skin color and many other supposedly scientifically derived observations that were really no more than imposing preconceived prejudicial stereotypes on features that were believed to support those opinions. Examining the relative simplicity of some cultures and comparing those with more technologically advanced societies, some even felt that the races of those who were in the simpler cultures represented an earlier stage of evolutionary development and that these individuals were stuck in an evolutionary backwater. Those with the technology had it simply because they had evolved while their more primitive brothers and sisters had not. Some extreme examples of these ideas can easily be found in the propaganda of the Third Reich of Germany. This propaganda continues to be supported by modern-day Neo-Nazis. The idea that there can be any kind of universal equality is abhorrent to those who hold these views. Likewise, those who truly believe that all mankind sprung equally from the hand of God cannot countenance the oppression of anyone based on these ideas of superiority. saying I have no clue what im talking about and need to grow is that old "Only the uneducated reject evolution" argument. Besides the arrogance of such statement, this argument has no footing and should be cast off. Mainly, those who make this claim usually define “educated people” as those who accept evolution. Anyone who disagrees fails the test, no matter what their background (e.g., if we follow this ideology, Isaac Newton must have been uneducated). There are many lists of well-educated scholars who look to their faith for answers (here’s one)—and we could point out Darwin’s own deficit of formal education (he earned a bachelor’s in theology). But the bigger issue is that education—or lack—does not guarantee the validity of a person’s position. peace