What we have here is a failure to communicate

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by justmel, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Thanks that is very much how I am feeling right this very minute.
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Of course you can. I will freely admit I have a huge mouth because I just say stuff when it needs to be said. I do a lot of filtering, but I'm not going to hide behind some fake you must be nice all the time thing. No one is like that 24/7.

    But the truth is not everyone will accept you wholly. You've already seen that in action and honestly..the advice you get about it is spot on. She will do the exact same thing she accuses others of doing, cry foul, say you're the one with the cry-baby victim mentality, insult you in some manner and then get you in trouble for sticking up for yourself. Totally not worth even taking a stance on it.

    Just ignore it from the get go. You will be much happier and it's just easier that way.

    Autoco-wreck is the shizznit. *rolls eyes*
  3. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I have been a little "sensitive" lately but I am damn sure not going to be run off this forum over some white girl's opinion of me. In time, people will understand my quirks and either like me or not. My mistake being way too honest upfront.
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    It's not a mistake. When you wear yourself transparent to the degree it's almost painful that's just how it is.
    I don't think you are innocent in a bad way. Just open and honest. That's a good thing to be. So many people aren't and its kind of depressing really.

    A lot of what you've written I can relate to.

    Welcome to WWBM.
  5. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I blocked her, now on to the weekend.
  6. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    There ya go!
  7. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you are not being sensitive to the bullshyt. I am guilty of being a little too honest at times, as well. Like Ali said, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Especially if this is who you are.

    Welcome to the weekend!
  8. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    She needs meds and a team from Vienna.
  9. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Thanks, why waste time trying to be someone else? Enjoy your weekend Cherok!
  10. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    mel you are a swetheart and SA is well imbalanced. Take nothing it says seriously.
  11. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Don't get in trouble taking up for me, I have experienced much in life, honestly her not liking me isn't even an issue. Besides, I secretly think I am way hotter than her and that makes me feel so much better..:p
  12. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Or well not so secretly..:)
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    A woman with a sense of humor, gotta love it. :D
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Oh wait..wrong country.
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You got her beats sweets! Even if she was the drop dead gorgeous 6 foot black Adonis only thing she claims to be, there are many unattractive things that have nothing to do with looks.
  16. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Thanks for appreciating my quirkiness. :) No point it being too serious.
  17. free816

    free816 New Member

    what they hey hey did I just read
  18. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Good self esteem is important. I'm happy that you feel good about yourself.
  19. TB1958

    TB1958 Active Member

    The main thing is not to settle for less. I advise that to a number of my female friends, but it goes for all of us.

    Sometimes, I think I need to take my own advice. :-?
  20. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Very true!

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