This story has been making the rounds on my facebook newsfeed and thought I'd share it with all of you. First and foremost, good for her. She shouldnt have to take that harassment.
I'm glad she called him on his bullshit, but is this guy really a bully? That's giving him too much credit. He's just an asshole.
Oh I agree. Calling him a bully is a bit overboard. Like you mentioned, he's just an asshole. BUt I did like her standing up for herself from that guys' smug backhanded comments.
Well hopefully he now feels like the cad he is....but probably not. I wanted to share what an e-friend posted, as I think he sums up this culture of e-rudeness quite well -
Good for her for calling out that P.O.S. The internet has created space for a lot of punk ass keyboard loudmouths, who say things they know better than to say and would never say in the real world outside their hovel. Glad she put that jerkoff in his place, as she said he knows nothing about her, so piss off bloody wanker.
We need to teach people that it is not okay to simply judge people without getting to know them. Not to mention, you need to be careful who you talk about, people get killed over less things every day.
LOL, thanks babe. I just try to follow the golden rule of do unto others as you would have other do unto you. Its pretty straightforward. We live in a society where it is often just easier for folks to label, stereotype and formulate ignorant opinions of others without thinking critically about what we say or having some damn respect when saying it.
Many people on the news receive stuff like this everyday, so its debatable whether or not she handled it professionally.
Wait he's the bully for telling her in private that she isn't portraying a good image for the young being a public figure in a stinging but respectful manner but she's using her media platform to blast him on a national stage isn't bullying. No wonder men let domineering women run their lives. If you don't want to be called fat, stop being fucking fat.
Since when are we holding people on the news or tv to a status where they are role models for kids? Why don't their parents take the responsibility of teaching them proper nutrition and how to be accepting of others. I think the fact that she took a stand was very appropriate.