Nobody here lives in France nor are they super rich so why would anyone be interested in discussing it, especially when similar discussions are going on in other POLITICAL theme threads already put up by you and other politics obsessed posters?
Many of the extremely wealthy are just moving residence to Belgium, Switzerland or Monte Carlo to get away from that.
finally someone who thinks before they post what's the point of threatening people with insane taxes when they could just close up shop and move out of the country? that's one of the reasons why businesses have been shipping their HQs to other nations
Taxes have been dropping in America dude, so if you are going to feel sorry for people in other countries why don't you start with those that are most in need, in lieu of whining over the spoils of the rich. No other group of people were more diligent in trying to take their spoils with them to their graves than the egyptians. The end result was still failure, so what does that tell you, learn some fucking history and develop the values that matter in this short life.
He's a conservative republican. The only people in need are the super rich corporations that pay nothing back to the government and consumers who made them so rich to begin with. I know you didn't miss the Romney memo.
Motherfucker, do you huff paint? You'd be crying like a baby or making posts with a bunch of stupid ass emoticon smileys if somebody posted some shit from one of the racist far right parties in Europe and demanded that the conservatives on this forum from the US give an explanation. Is the Democratic party in the US proposing a similar tax rate on the highest incomes? If not, shut the fuck up. If you're not a troll, then you're one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this forum.
Who are you? Because damn...I think i *might* be in love with your ass. Single? Married? Brother? Uncle? Even a sister? I'm joking, but you get my point.
The French Govt wants to put a higher tax on what are considered v wealthy people. And its very popular with the general population. But all people will pay higher taxes. The 46€ billion annual deficit has to be plugged somehow.
I happen to know a LOT of liberals that want to impose this tax on the rich here in the US. Nice personal attacks though.
It may seem counter intuitive that lowering taxes will help the economy, but it does. You need people to have discretionary income in order to see growth in the economy. People need extra money to spend on goods & services. Right now everybody is just trying to get by from paycheck to paycheck. So people think...let's just tax the rich more, they can afford it. The problem with this line of thinking is the rich have options. They can easily move their money and their physical residence. So if you try to start taxing them ridiculously they just move to a more favorable environment. Look at companies who incorporate in Delaware. - No Delaware income tax is charged to companies that do not do business in Delaware. - Delaware has no sales or personal property tax. - Low franchise tax, $75.00 in many cases. - Result: More than 900,000 business entities have their legal home in Delaware including more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 63% of the Fortune 500. People go where they can get the most cost benefit. It's not just the rich, it's everyone! If someone is charging $3000/month for rent and another person is charging $1000/month for the same size place...where are you going to rent? If one city charges 20% sales tax and another city charges 10% sales tax, where are you going to buy from? We make these choices everyday and for some reason people villify the rich for looking to save money.
I love the defense people have of obscenely rich people. People who have more wealth then most of its people combined. All I can say is that everyone in America would be living a uniquely improved quality of life if the super wealthy were taxed, and their wealth redistributed.
If CEOS earned a multiple of 50-80x the average worker salary instead of 300x, that redistribution of wealth downward would improve the living standard of everyone employed at Corporation X, and the CEO would still be a rich fuck. It's an issue of how much is enough?? And Iggy, you are a flat out LIAR. You personally don't know one person in this country who believes the rich should be taxed at 75% of their income. There's a difference between providing incentives for 'job creators' to create wealth and naked GREED. COnservatives believe these two principles are one in the same.:smt006
To be fair (and full of snark because its what I do damnit) they don't know the first thing about a job. So why should they care if they create them? I mean paying five different pool boys counts as job creation, right?
They think so lol The bigger problem with this "they'll just up and leave" doctrine is if they leave the US and take jobs with them how will they sustain their profit margins? Americans are the biggest consumer base on earth. You can make all the iphones and ipads you want in China but where else do you see people lined up around corners to buy them? Other countries don't have the same attitude about over consumption like we do here. There's a reason everyone hasn't just up and left the US. For better or worst companies need American consumers. And why bitch about paying higher taxes when the relief consumers get will just back into their pockets anyway.
This is a 14 trillion dollar economy, so where is the more favorable environment that they plan to move their businesses?? Ohhh I forget satellites have discovered a larger economy on the planet cripton, just a couple million light years away.