Romney speaks the truth (sparks outrage)

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Well said:smt023
  2. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Just like the corporate owned media is extremely reluctant to call a lie a lie they are even more reluctant to address racism or even talk about it. Hell when those 2 racists at the RNC were thrown out after throwing peanuts at that Black camera woman, even CNN barely touched that story. It was mostly progressive media outlets that actually tried to get background on what happened. Everyone else was basically "Well it happened and they were thrown out, so nothing left to discuss".

    While i know there are plenty of racist Democrats, you don't see anywhere near the level of racism and bigotry coming from Liberals or Dems, that you see coming from Conservatives and Repubs. And the latter can cry about being called on it all they want, but if they want to drop that image, they'd be better off decrying all the racists in their ranks, than decrying the people who shine a spotlight on them.
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Must be that fucked up ass "delivery" of yours combined with the far right leanings opinions you give more times than not. Doesn't help either that on more than one occasion you were asked, and respectfully at that, to go into detail as to how and why you held a certain view and you never answer. Like the time you stated that parents who tell their children that there are ignorant and hateful people across the whole racial spectrum out in the world, they were being irresponsible and helping to keep racism alive. I myself asked for you to explain how you came to this conclusion and you played your now well known & infamous "I'm On The Phone Right Now & About To Log Off, Will Answer This Next Time I Log On" card. Still waiting for you to break that bit of logic down for everyone. But I guess when you're a self elevated god-king among the rest of us mere mortals you can't be expected to answer the questions of worthless and intolerant fuckers who need to keep their dick beaters off the keyboard, right? :D:smt023
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So any "shitty preconceived notions" about you that the majority of people seem to have about you are based on the image that you painted of yourself based on your posts on this forum, Mr. Personal Responsibility. So take some responsibility for that shit rather than try to duck the issue or spin it as others being fucked up as you are in the habit of doing.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Gotta say I agree with your view point on Paniro but I do enjoy the fact that he's been articulating himself better as of late because just throwing out ridiculous "stop committing crimes" lines and then just disappearing use to make conversing with him seem pointless.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    If he would have been doing more of the first bold & hightlighted and less of the second from jump street, he probably wouldn't get any of the drama that comes his way. Funny how both he and Iggy engage in similar behavior, but he sees Iggy's shit but not his own. :smt017 Like I said in another post further up in the thread ego is a motherfucker.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Negro please. You know damn well your egotistical ass indeed gives two shits what I or others say about your ignorant ass. Or rather you give a fuck that we have something negative to say about your ass since that makes you feel like the big man you see yourself as and we're the hatin' jealous fucks. Your ass is as transparent and just as hard as wet single ply toilet paper with your bullshit. So yeah, your ass is just like Iggy in that regard, because you're on ignorant negro time like his ass just to get a rise or attention from others. :smt096
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Not even on your best day, which is never.:rolleyes:
  9. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Nah, you do.;) I can't keep up with them.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It has nothing to do with agreeing because James Wilson has the same point of view as you and even Iggy but dude GIVES A REASON AS TO WHY. You weren't doing that up until recently. You loved to throw shit out there with nothing to back it up with more than "you know how black people are" kind of shit.
    Like I said you articulate yourself better. Take the compliment and stfu damn lol
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    He's not going to though. Like I said his ego won't let him admit he may have played a part with some of the negative impressions out about him. I know you're not hating on him. Neither am I. You're doing the same thing I'm doing in just point out some of the "WTF" things he's posted up since he's been here. If it makes him feel better paint us as fucked up, so be it. I'm man enough to take that "L" and keep rolling with no sweat.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You and me both. I gave up about two weeks ago.

    Now it's just memes and LOL cats.
  14. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Not only were his comments idiotic, ignorant, snobbish and dismissive (in other as usual), he also doesn't seem to grasp that a large portion of that 47% are Republican voters. Nine of the ten top states in the country with the the largest percentage of citizens that fall in that 47% graphic are red southern states that voted for McCain in 2008 and are a lock to vote for Romney in 2012. Southern states tend to be the worst welfare states in the entire union and they are typically loyal to Republicans.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Won't matter. Those people are notorious for voting against their own interests. I'm not gonna sleep on Romney. This is the country that voted in Reagan and Bush for both terms even though dude cheated to win his first term and lied to get us in a war no one wanted. I put nothing past the stupidity of the American voters
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    TDK, I can understand the hate for Bush but Reagan? Dude was AWESOME. Please explain how he was so bad.

    ANd Jamal, the truth hurts. He was speaking to his base and speaking the TRUTH. There are tons of Americans out there that wont vote for Romney no matter what. What can he do?
    Also, you say his comments were snobbish and dismissive/ Well, then what about Obama's speech where he told small business owners "You didnt build that"? I thought that was Far more snobbish/dismissive.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    THE FATHER OF TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS aka REAGANOMICS. But of course you see that as a good thing.........
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You conservatives with that "You didn't build that" line. Say the whole thing damn. And Reagan whether or not you like him was a joke candidate being an actor and all. No one thought he'd win but low and behold it was a landslide. So that's why I say NEVER sleep on Romney
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hey iggy ask any business owner did they build the following:

    the infrastructure that help them get the wealth they got..such as the following:
    1) the interstate in which their worker drive upon to get to their business or the supplies they use to get it from point a to point b..not to mention the airport
    2) how about the public schools and universities from which they received their education to build their business
    3) maybe all of the fortune 500 companies and alot others need to stop getting govt subsidies to help them with R and D

    should I go further

    also the 47% he wrote off...he was talking about the vets that receive vet benefits, retirees that are receiving the SSN and medicare they paid in and they are GOP and he is talking about you.

    if you own a home and have a child or two you can write those off and get a refund...meaning you may owe nothing....HHHHMMMM he is possibly writing himself off because with all the deductions he may not paid nothing.

    4000 millionaires in the past 2 years paid no taxes.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    oh job creators need lower taxes over the poor (middle class) is stupid.

    you can create jobs all you want buit if you have no demand (spending from the poor/middle class) your job creating days will be over within 5 years the most (the average life span of a resteraunt)

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