This dude is straight up awesome and speaks the truth. Can't wait to vote for him Mitt Romney defends earlier position upholding his statement on 47 percent of Americans being dependent
He hasn't sparked much outrage at all, more of a quizzical reaction to statements that he made which are embarrassingly false. I can't wait for you to vote for him either, because you'll be on the losing side.
He's just mad they aren't voting for him. There is nothing in our voting laws about having to be rich, nor working for a Fortune 500 company vs being on government assistance. As long as you are a citizen and not a felon you should be good. Why does he disparage those who have not every step of the way? [YOUTUBE]v7TlR4Fstzo[/YOUTUBE]
Actually he has (from the butthurt left wingers). They are once again pissed at him (for basically speaking the truth)
This idea that 47% of the country supports the rest is fucking horseshit. How about 95% of the nation supports the top 5% in unwarranted tax cuts and rebates. Every little Juanita and Dequan can be on welfare but its a drop in the bucket in comparison to the amount the wealthy should pay and doesn't. Funny how he doesn't talk about the millions of dollars he hides offshore to avoid paying taxes. The dude is plain scum.
Still waiting for Iggy to explain what 'truth' ROmney spoke. It's kind of idiotic to lump a whole bunch of hardworking Americans who pay payroll taxes( another federal INCOME tax) as 'freeloaders' on the system. Many of the 47% that Mittens put into the non-tax paying welfare box are working class, White male REPUBLICANS. Otherwise known as his base voters. Romney has been dodging paying his fair share in income taxes forever, and he's got the nerve to call someone a freeloader?? The fact is if you have a JOB, there's no way you aren't paying some form of federal income taxes.
This man is so disgusting. If it's not bad enough about what he said about almost half the country this to me does it. Freely admitting he outsources American jobs to Chinese women working in deplorable conditions. Reminds me of White plantation owners thinking they were doing black men a favor by enslaving them. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
He did speak the understood by a man who absolutely no fucking clue about the day to day lives of the average person. As much as I hate even the mere possibility of Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum becoming President, there's no way that either one of them would make it a practice to say at least one boneheaded thing a week. Romney's campaign advisers need to wire his jaw shut for the next month and a half.
Ask and you shall recieve. Or something like that:
Look, its a tough pill to swallow but Romney was dead on. Read this little column by Dick Morris. There is no sin greater in a presidential race than telling the truth. Romney is being excoriated for accurately describing the situation in America today. Here are the stats: *49% of all Americans pay no fed income tax *47% receive a check from the government of which more than half are means tested welfare checks (Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.) *36% of all Americans of working age are either not working or looking for work. Read more: Personally, I just dont see what he said was so bad. I think there is a lot of false outrage over this.
I'd rather admit to being a Romney supporter than watching some movie aimed at teenage girls. Have you seen all the Twilight movies as well homie?:smt043
Payroll taxes ARE a federal income tax. Are you dense, Iggy??? Dick Morris has made a career out of deliberating confusing the simple minded with subtle lies. He should never be your source for ANYTHING. Besides the real outrage towards Romney is that if you are a working family with at least 2 kids who earns less than $26,400 (which fits the profile of many families in most Red states), or are a senior citizen who's living off social security, basically if you're ass is POOR, Romney doesn't think it's worth his time to pursue your vote. Romney thinks the elderly or the working poor walk around thinking they're victims, or believe the government should take care of them while they do nothing. Romney just lost Florida and Ohio IMO. The presidential election for the most part is already over. Romney's challenge this election cycle was proving to average Americans that he could relate to their struggles and offer a hope and vision to improve their lives and strengthen the economy. You don't do that by INSULTING half the U.S. adult population by calling them freeloaders. Someone forgot to remind Romney that all those working class poor White folk down South are his voting base, and he essentially told them all to go fuck