Its not an excuse its called reason. Cause and effect. Blacks werent like this in the 50s and early 60s. What was the change? What caused the effect? Rap music? Lol Too many impatient and uninformed peopl just want these people to straighten up and fly right without figuring out why this is happening.
This is the fundamental problem right there. Whites and Asians have their access to economic success, Hispanics have surpassed blacks on the political importance stage, because of their population numbers in America. I will repeat once again TDK, there comes a time for accountability and stop making excuses. How long is the circle of "the man" going to be used. How about we embrace a cultural system that places a value on bettering ourselves outside of being the latest baller or rapper. How about education is cool instead of swag being cool. Dude I came to America, I wasn't even born here, I lived in the ghetto, I'm talking the raw hood, I went to school and got an education to try and better myself. What is stopping any other black person from that background I came from in doing so. I've lived in poverty in Guyana and then America bro. Maybe I should go out and sell dope, run the streets with guns, instead of having the motivation to better myself as a man. All I'm hearing is excuses. Life isn't fair, the world isn't fair. I'm sure the wilderbeest that has a broken leg and is targeted by predators would feel life isn't fair if they could speak, I'm sure a newborn gazelle that is targeted by a cheetah would think no fair. I have a cousin that went to prison and this dude grew up in Prince George's County Maryland with my aunt and he still made fucked up choices because he lacked self discipline and motivation to better himself in a different way than a criminal lifestyle. The bottom line is where does the excuses stop and accountability begins.
Bro blacks were broke as a joke in the past as well. There has been an erosion in black cultural values and what it takes to be a man. Just look at the jacked up family structure of single parent households with baby daddies. 1 woman having 3 or 4 kids by 2 or 3 dumb ass niccas that bring nothing to the table. I have seen it in my own family, so I speak from personal knowledge. Nothing impatient when it comes to "Do The Right Thing" a Spike Lee joint. Shit isn't perfect in America but you have to want better for yourself and do things to get it, not just talk about it and then say the man is hurting me, when you don't even have a high school diploma because book learning was a joke to you. There is no excuses for foolishness and fuckery.
I'm very glad you ask this question bro. My solution is simple. We need a culture that values education above all else. If I see one more dumb ass nicca on Youtube talking in Ebonics I'm going to lose it. Spelling like they are hooked on phonics. Once you have that knowledge no one can take that away from you, no one. Its not only about the book learning, but thinking critically about the wider world around you, what are the important values, the character that makes you a better person, living life in a way that makes you pursue success beyond a limited scope. I remember reading an interview about RGIII and a couple of the comments stated words to the effect of "man this nicca ain't real" "he speak like a white boy" and assorted dumb shit like that. No attention or focus on the fact this dude was pursuing his masters or a 3.7 GPA There is this dumbing down of black men in society, we have to fit a certain stereotype. The ignorant, shucking and jiving negro that can either bounce or run a ball, spit lyrics and sound like we are incapable of enunciating the English language fluently. Go above that and you aint a real nicca, you just want to be white. I remember my high school yearbook loaded with cats talking about I wanna be a rapper or a basketball player, for the majority.
LOL, same would apply even then. Hey I grew up rough in the ghetto so why didn't I make choices to jack niccas on the streets, sell dope, join a gang, become State Property and thus a statistic. I want to ask TDK this, do all these dope boys and gangbangers doing their nonsense because they have no way out of that lifestyle. Yet these cats join gang sets at a young age when they should still be in school learning. No one says the system is fair, but where are the values instilled from an early age that shape our interests and priorities in life to avoid such pitfalls.
Agree with a lot of what you are saying here, i'm curious as to what kept you on the right path, was it family, mentors, friends, innate desire to improve your surroundings?
For me it was a combination of factors at play. Being brought up the right way, my mom was a single parent raising me, my father had another family he was living with long before I came to America. But it started at home, responsibility, discipline and respect for myself as well as others in my interactions. My mom didn't even have to say anything to me, I just knew right from wrong watching her examples. Along with education, I always place a premium value in learning as much as I can about varying subject matters. Since I never limited myself in a bubble, certainly no one else was going to. I've always been curious about the wider world and learning more about it. I can see how someone who has always lived around a hood culture and generations of gangs might be easily sucked into that lifestyle as the easiest way to fit in. It takes a lot more to rise above that and branch out to the wider world.
No one said a thing about excuses. You remind me so much of one of my brothers. hes an engineer a d has the same I did it why cant you mentality. Everyone doesnt have a naturqlal inclination to education especially when these kids are pushedthrough the school system without learning anything. How can you ask a man who can barely read to stop dealing and go to college when he can barely put a coherent sentence together na mean lol. Not every man can be you or Loki. Its so much bigger than just stoppi g ignorant behavior. When people ignore circumstances that create these situations how can it ever be fixed?
Don't get me wrong I understand there are those individuals who may grow up in absolute shitty parental environments. Drug addicted parents, violence in the home, kicked out to the streets to fend for themselves at an early age, parents who may have been part of the gang culture before they were born, etc. Nonetheless, that is still a significant minority in all likelihood. I'm also of the belief that there are also cultural factors at work that influence the choices and behaviors in the black community. I am giving credence to the fact that any black person can acquire knowledge, self discipline and pursue a different path, just as I did or your brother did. I don't think we are special or unique in that capacity. Its a matter of being part of a value system that encourages a different path as well as making better choices in life.
As an older member of this forum, this is what I love to see, two intelligent, articulate, young brothers grappling with a tough issue, clearly stating their beliefs and staying open to the idea of learning from each other. It would seem that you two are in agreement at least in principle here, well done.
The way I look at life is there are two sides to a coin. Nothing is ever cut and dry, but there definitely comes a point when one has to step up and make smart choices in life. Doing the same dumb shit over and over is not going to produce different results.
Teen and economically disadvantaged moms need to be forced to attend parenting classes while pregnant, to educate them on the entire breadth and scope of raising a successful child. If the parents don't emphasize the right goals and priorities in the home, it's unlikely most children will find their way on their own. Too many at risk parents approach child rearing as 'whatever' which is a huge part of the problem.
the 'whatever' approach is beyond me. once that little child is placed in your arms, the overwhelming love and need to protect and provide, overrides everything else
I was referring to the bolded part. More specifically the part that you bring up. Obviously Obama was born in the United States. Unfortunately, some people are so blinded by their own version of reality that all common sense flies in the face of a story they have to hold on to so they can justify their hated of a person because that person is different. That last run-on could be summed up nicely in the word xenophobic.