Kansas Election Officials Seek Copy of Obama’s Birth Certificate

Discussion in 'In the News' started by JordanC, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  2. demattha28

    demattha28 Member

    No one asks to see Mitt Romney's birth certificate; But If he could have, he would've outsourced his own birth.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    bunch of blacks asking for some white guy's birth certificate

    yeah that'll work


    but it's all fine and dandy to reverse the situation
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    game gettin tight around here
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I can't dispute the last thing you said because its frankly true but the reason I put out a disclaimer is because sometimes you sound so grossly misinformed. The fact that you think critiquing the government or talking about how the system targets poor minorities in particular black males as scape goats as to be blaming "whitey" shows that you and I are on completely different pages.
    You don't seem to be open to any other kind of dialogue outside of straighten and fly right and quite whining because if you didn't do nothing they'd have nothing to arrest you for completely disregarding how all attention was focused on you.
    Disproportionate convictions and death penalties for the same exact crimes not to mention a wm with a prison record is more likely to get a job over a bm without says a lot about the system as a whole.
  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Exactly, I am a person who has never taken a drink of alcohol in my life, yet magically I have been pulled over THREE times in my life on "suspicion of drunk driving". In reality in all three instances the cops saw a Black man driving a mercedes in a nice neighborhood late at night and needed a pretense to pull me over so they could run my plates.

    I practice and preach self sufficiency, but my eyes are not blind to the fact that the playing field of life is not exactly even for all.
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you really need to read university-conducted studies (because we all know how much proof you need) that illustrates lopsided discrimination based on race

    it exists and is clearly one-sided

    i know harvard should have some online, and U of Penn recently concluded one a few weeks back, among others

    stop being such a toolbag for once in your life
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You keep saying white. Where did anyone say anything about white people?
    The way you talk is as if it happens so little you can't understand why people bring it up.
    Paniro riddle me this, don't you think there's something wrong with an idea or belief if only one other person agrees with you and that one person is Iggy. Someone you think is white. Think about it fam.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Dude is clearly delusional

    He sees the word white even when people aren't writing it

    Or maybe he's a white guy with a guilty conscience
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Never said you were dumb at least not recently and I apologize for saying it in the past but it does come across that you have an ideology where these things happen very infrequently so black people should stop focusing on it and get our shit together. Does that sound about accurate?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    When other black men more often than not report something different I would say yes. Not everyone cop is going out there to make black men's lives hell. That would be ridiculous but just because some of us have had advantageous lives up to this point doesn't take away from the experience of others. I personally live in a small area and more often than not I get pulled over by some dude I went to hs with or one of their uncles or fathers so I get away with shit A LOT but I am not naive enough to believe just because I'm personally not getting fucked with its not happening to others. Like the whole stop and frisk bs they have going on in NYC where they just stop you black and hispanic men at random and search them. Someone like you would say "Well if they're not doing anything wrong they have nothing to worry about" paying no attention to what class that puts those young men into despite whether they're guilty of anything or not. It's also horrible for the community creating tension between the cops and the young men of those areas. Not to mention singling out one select group and stripping them of their Constitutional rights.
    Dude check out some peer reviewed articles and read up on this. Its not a figment of our imaginations that we're blowing out of proportion. Also keep in mind no one here (as far as I've read) complains about how "the man" is holding them back. This forum full of hard working educated men who are striving to better their lives. We don't get low life people sitting on their asses complaining so I don't get why you or other members think anyone complains about "whitey"
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    In fairness, Detroit or Chicago could use some stop and frisk to keep some of the knuckleheads from shooting each other with firearms and producing the terrible homicide rates we are seeing in these places. All over some b.s. about you on my turf nicca, you got the wrong colors on son. :confused:

    Thank goodness New York City got its shit in order about that. The moment you heard New York City people used to think high crime rate and violence.

    Now in the largest city in America and among the largest in the world the crime rate has dropped dramatically to figures Detroit/Chicago/New Orleans/Memphis can only dream about.

    We may talk about stop and frisk, but if dudes are running the streets with illegal firearms and engaging in violence then I say fuck it.

    I rather dudes be complaining about their civil rights violated than hearing about some young black child dead from random gun violence in the streets. Much more fucked up to have to bury an innocent kid.

    Also Bloomberg is known for zero tolerance about illegal firearms that used to come up from the Southern states like Virginia.

    I've lived in the belly of the best and seen and heard gun violence outside my crib, shit is no joke. Flying bullets don't have a name.

    Its why I appreciate how far New York City has come in combating the issue.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've had this debate with other people and I can never see a good reason for stop and frisk. It won't deter criminals from carrying guns since that kind of person has a disregard for the law to begin with. Violence in has gone down partly because of more police presence but also because a lot of the homeless were bused out and the economy has gotten way better in places like Brooklyn and Harlem. Thank gentrification for that one. So cops randomly stopping these young dudes did very little in my opinion. It usually comes back to economics. Its really not a coincidence that the places where there's the highest bm unemployment like Chicago, New Orleans, and Detroit is where you see some much damn violence.
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    What is it about us as a people that unemployment and poverty has to equate to the reason for violence. Ask ourselves that question.

    Lots of people in this world live in communities that are impoverished and they don't resort to killing one another at the appalling rates.

    Its criminals that embrace that lifestyle.

    The two doesn't have to go hand in hand. There are many poor blacks who don't resort to violence or want to live in such a shitty environment where a slug can catch you because some dope boy is battling it out with another fool or jacking a store.

    I mean its not like cops see you walking and say you stop. let me search you.

    They focus on precincts that have high rates of crime, going where the violence is concentrated.

    We can't keep acting like shit is all kosher out here and there aren't dudes who just don't give a fuck and embrace a criminal lifestyle.

    Frankly what I find ironic is protesters will be quick to take to the streets if the police shoots someone, fair enough, but where are they when young black men are doing a population control on each other.

    The Hispanic population has blown by us in their numbers.

    In all likelihood the kind of person to walk the streets with an illegal firearm will already have a criminal record in their past for living that lifestyle. So if it makes them think twice about carrying weapons for fear of going back to prison then so be it.

    Innocent law abiding citizens aren't going to be the one's carrying illegal firearms in large cities. Its someone who is up to no good in the first place.

    I would love if things were peaches and cream out here, but the world isn't fair. Real talk.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Eventually things reach a point where we have to stop saying its the system and look at accountability.

    The shit is often just not there, point blank.

    At the rate that young black males are gunning down each other in some of America's cities, the KKK couldn't be prouder to see.

    You stepped on my kicks nicca
    You shot my homie
    You dissed our set with the whack lyrics in the verse of your wannabe rap career
    You looked at me the wrong way
    You gettin all the shine from the weave-heads because you're a good baller

    I'm just gonna shoot you for these dumb ass reasons.

    These cats need to stay their dumb asses in school and get an education, because the streets are their ticket to an early grave.

    And the wider society don't give a fuck unless it starts affecting them. Like tourists getting jacked in downtown Chicago, etc.

    As long as niccas keep killing niccas in their own neighborhoods, its all good, the rest of America could give two fucks.

    Only blacks can stop that shit in their neighborhoods.

    Criminal thugs, gangbangers and dopeboys shouldn't be allowed to terrorize innocent people who want no part of their bullshit.
  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    :smt043:smt043:smt043 @ the pic.

    Think about it bro, niccas are dying in Chicago at rates higher than U.S. Marines in Afghanista. W.T.F.

    Shit is akin to the Mexican cartels and the drug war there.

    Only yesterday they found 17 bodies on a highway in Mexico.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The difference being, you were actually committing the infractions, so the cops were justified in pulling you over, I was not and yet still got pulled over. I too was let go each time, the point is I never should have been pulled over to begin with.

    The last time I was stopped was after taking a red eye flight home and my eyes were literally red from fatigue (I never sleep well on planes), and the cop was absolutely incredulous that I had not smoked or drank something and kept remarking how red my eyes were, and just did not want to believe my explanation.

    Paniro, we are in agreement that for the vast majority of the time, this life is what you make it, and everyone has obstacles to overcome. Looking first to yourself to improve is a laudable mantra for life, we just disagree that TDK and others who justifiably point out racism are somehow "blaming Whitey" for their or others struggles.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You and Paniro need a hug lol. Blacks arent the only ones doing this shit. Poor whites Asians and Hispanics do it too. We live in a part of the country where the face of poverty is black and hispanic and if we lived in Iraq it would be middle eastern. Bottom line when you arr disenfranchised with little opportunity to change your life its easy to become violent and hopeless. Show me a rich suicide bomber and I'll sell you a bridge in BK fqm

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