LOL that's Adam West This is Allen West, black conservative from Florida and tea party member (dude who said congress is full of Commie's) :smt043
LOL, figured but wasn't too sure. Especially since Adam West probably indeed has a chunk of change himself from Batman royalties.
Damn. I don't feel so old and crazy now if you're seeing the same off shit that I know most of the other black males here have been seeing for quite a long while now.....
R u sure you want to ask this question? It's the equivalent of asking what else could go wrong? Somehow the answer is always really BAD.
The President's mother was an 18 year old college student from a middle-class family. There's no way that either she, her family, or the President's father had the kind of money it would take for that kind of round trip. The fact that she would have been nine months pregnant at the time makes it even more unlikely.
lmao just cause I vote Republican I must be white. Riiiight. And just because I dont carry a victim mentality(like TDK), I must be either an Uncle Tom or white man.:smt043
I have blackdar. Iggy is totally white - as in Kirk Cameron white. Show me that smile again. lol. Yep. I gotcha. From the front and the back.
Its cause you blame the white man all the time for your problems or problems within the black community.
Did you enjoy your little time out missy? Keep thinking I'm white just cause I dont find 180 lbs chicks attractive.
Nahhh paniro is just trying to make e- friends/ He has zero proof that I'm white. Go workout some more my meathead homie lol:smt043
Interesting take, I never once blamed the white man for anything. If by white man you mean calling the system out for its hand in disenfranchising the poor in the U.S., blacks in particular then yes I guess you have a point lol