What has Maxine Waters said that's 'crazy'?? The only thing IMO that would be remotely controversial is her belief there should be an investigation into whether or not the CIA introduced crack cocaine in South L.A. to fund the covert war against the Contras in Nicaragua. And that's not a controversial opinion to be honest. If she's your best example of a 'crazy' Democrat/progressive, your list is short.
My great grandparents weren't either. And my grandparents, my parents and myself who were born here, are citizens. These people cannot be this stupid.
a lot of your examples were questionable as well. SE Cupp?!? Come on player. Maxine Waters is waaaaaaay more batshit insane that her.
It's that fear from realizing that they are becoming the minority in a country where they have long been the majority. They don't know how to cope with that little fact.
That doesn't explain those who are like Iggy out there and there are quite a few. Every time I meet a minority who a hard nose repubican all I can think is. THEY DON'T HAVE YOUR INTEREST IN MIND DON'T YOU GET IT
That's just it. They don't see themselves as minorities. Check Iggy in that "Message to White Men" thread and how he reacted. Still can't make any sense out of that if he is black.......
Good point. I have to wonder if they think fighting for white people will some how bring them into the fold of whiteness. Its just very odd
That's the only thing that seems to make sense in the whole equation. They can pretty much get anything else with enough ambition and hard work like everyone else.
OH DAMN that's how it's goin down? :shock: tbh in the past I had close white friends who started making racial jokes (you know, because all the other kids were making fun of blacks in the 80s and 90s too) and practically disowned me, so I know the feeling all too well. felt like I was booted out of the cool club because of a 'change in weather'
:smt043:smt043:smt043 I personally respect Iggy and Paniro sticking to their views, I am a middle of the road guy when it comes to my views and deal with folks as they come. Neither right nor left, straight middle as long as you come correct. Since I have a low tolerance for disrespect from folks of any persuasion.
So an entire subset of the Republican Party, one that openly believes in conspiracy theories about the President's birthplace, and thinks that the President is ineligible because of a definition of natural born citizen that doesn't exist...is the same as one lone Democratic representative? I refuse to believe that you're seriously trying to make that comparison.