Neh, just find politicians to be hustlas, saying what they have to say to get what they want and then status quo prevails. Trust the everyday hardworking American is not on the agenda when either of these parties sit down at their fancy, black tie dinners hosted by such and such wealthy individual. One word has power and meaning in America, "cash" The okie doke they play with American voters is truly laughable.
I'm sure there are a lot of folks in the Middle East that want peace, security and freedom. The thing is its not them, it is the system in place that is the ultimate arbiter of what happens. Sure politicians can lend lip service to various agendas of pursuing a noble cause, but the reality is they ultimately are beholden to "special interests" Every pork barrel project, every fancy dinner, every campaign contribution has a benefactor. I wouldn't trust a politician as far as I could throw them. As long as money controls our political atmosphere it is a hollowed one indeed.
I hear you to a certain degree but there are men and women who truly advocate for the public. Raising taxes on the wealthy is not in the interest of the corporations but Clinton did it.
As the saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I don't doubt that there are a few politicians who want to truly make a difference, but once you are in the sewers of Washington D.C., your state capital or even local city politics there are more influences at play that have to be answered to.
Would rep you if I could. Fantastic points. The violent protesting has spread to 12 countries now, including Germany and Britain. This is beyond politics and religion, its a clash of 2 different civilizations. And the U.N remains silent.....
I am inclined to think that most middle easterners would agree with you that America needs to stay out of their affairs; however when you are the superpower you must protect your interests at all time. Even if we did stay out of their affairs, those of them that are terrorists will still be terrorists. The short answer is that we are still looking through the eyes of the media. What we see in the media is going to be limited to protect the interest of the group of people who control it. When you consider who controls the media, it makes a bit more sense. I still would stay clear away from putting a religious term in front of the word terrorist. A twisted individal can say that Sampson of the Bible was a terrorist, because he killed people by sacrificing his own life. There is not such a similar instance in the Quran, but when people are taught to hate from childhood then that is what they do regardless of religion. That is one of the main reasons I believe we should not leave the region completly to its own devices. We can not stand idley by while hate groups control the education of children. Such teaching fosters the ideas of terrorism. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." MLK
I don’t want to come across as criticizing another religion but this particular religion followers have been gunning for the west. I dunno they keep telling me Islam is the religion of peace but …….......... I respect any man or woman’s faith and I expect the same in return. I have nothing against Islam and do have friends & colleagues who follow that religion. But the extreme fundamentalist of this religion have been terrorizing the world in the name of their god. I dunno if the film has a lot to do with it, I think most Muslims are and have been at a boiling point and want War........I say let's give it to them but none of this penny ante stuff. Let's go all out.....We have the weapons, lol....Anyways I know that is a stupid thing to say but hey this stuff is getting old I know some of the retaliation toward Americans has to do with US policy toward Middle East and so forth. I also realize lots of Christianity followers are not saints....they have stolen, tortured and killed in the name of their religion. I also realize the Church has had involvement in slave trade and other atrocities…… but every third world I travel to, despite our short coming I see Christian Missionaries giving their lives for the poor. Be it a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, engineer, a priest in what ever profession and ability they possess they sacrifice and give a lot…….be it in Haiti, in dirt poor part of India, in Jungle of central Africa, in Rwanda, in small village of Ethiopia, in tribal torn parts of Sudan, or even in war torn Muslim country like Somalia; I see nuns who are nurses and Christian missionary workers of every profession saving the children, feeding the poor, healing the sick but I have yet to see the contribution of “the religion of peace” in that capacity.
Some very good points in your response bro, but this is the thing. When it comes to religion it is hard to reason with people who feel a certain way to the core of their being. Even if they are using that religion as a mere pretext for inevitable violence. I am of the mentality that the Middle East must transform according to its own social mores. No outsiders talking about democracy and freedom and human rights can attempt to bring that to their society. No matter how genuine they may feel about it. They are a different culture, religion, history, language and have very different views on a lot of social matters. The United States will never be able to solve the issues of that region because they will always become the fall guy for whatever is the issue du jour. The United States clearly helped in getting rid of Gaddafi in Libya, Mubarak in Egypt and we saw the thanks they received for that. Democracy is a figment of the imagination to these individuals. Its a foolhardy game of power politics that will continue to bite this nation in the ass as long as they insist on playing it.
I think some people seriously underestimate or are obsequiously naive about the vitriol of the tenets of Islam and its interpretations. Even when these individuals move to Western nations, they bring with them those same mentality and ideas about society and they feel the need for special rights to acknowledge their archaic views. Tell me why for example we still hear of some father killing his daughter because she was dressed provocatively, she was too Westernized, she insulted the family honor, etc. Mind you this shit is in Canada, Britain, U.S, Australia, etc. What are these people, barbarians. If you want to maintain absolute control over women and their conduct then stay in your nation where the laws favor such bestial notions.
I was watching Euronews and they were showing these folks on a rampage in Australia. Maybe the Australian ladies can clarify for me the mentality of the lot of Muslims there, but these people were carrying black Islamic warrior flags and had banners that read "Our dead are in Paradise, your dead are in Hell" "Hang the blasphemous Americans" "We will never accept the insults of our Prophet Muhammad, even if it costs us our lives" Mind you this is in Australia where these people were clashing with the police, outside of a building I suppose was the U.S. embassy. Western nations are in for a rude awakening down the line, don't assume others share our views of freedom, democracy and tolerance above their religion. These individuals seemingly lack the concept of secularism. For them everything is filtered through the lens of Islam, no matter what.
The US involvement in that region is certainly a thankless toilsome task, not to be taken lightly; however I see it as a long term investment for better world relations, even though we may not see it come into fruition for decades to come. Anyhow I do respect your opinion, it is not based on disdain for another culture of people.
Its on my Cable system the website claims to have a live stream but I am yet to get it working in my browser.
I just feel we cannot lecture others about democracy and human rights when they are not culturally prepared to include those principles as the highest level of their social values above all else. In the Middle East the highest social voice is Islam and its interpreted customs and social tenets and I can see nothing rising above that and transforming into the notion of a secular society. At one point under the Shah of Iran, Iran was on open nation with many Western leaning views. Some there thought that was a corrupt society that was against Islam and seeds of discontent were sowed. Then the Islamic revolution came and we have an Iran today where people are hung in public for criminal crimes as well as their sexuality or adultery, where women are either stoned or hung for. In Saudi Arabia you can still be beheaded with a sword. W.T.F. How do you speak to or reason with these folks about human rights, when their interpretation is one based on strict religious frameworks for what they deem is a healthy, Islamic society.
This is the kind of mentality at work here that leaves me scratching my head. This is from the Muslims protesting in Australia, this is not even Cairo, Tripoli, Jakarta, Kabul or Islamabad. [YOUTUBE]Q6zIX29HkSo[/YOUTUBE] If you look in that picture you can see the black standard flag that radical Islamic groups use, including Al-Qaeda One has a banner saying, "Obama, Obama, we love Osama" and another says "Shariah will dominate the world" and these folks are living in Australia mind you. Best of luck with that lot.
Al=Qaeda flags in Australia. Abhorrent. And their banner is should be "Sorry Obama, that Osama killed 3000 + innocent Americans...." Obama's stickers and platform catch-cry is...."Osama is dead, GM is alive". Hmmmm......will Obama/Biden keep that motto? We will see who is more important. .
The video is a ruse... "Violence has now spread to 20 countries overnight... 46 protests or violent protests -,42.1875&spn=57.886601,105.46875&z=3 White House Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters yesterday that the Middle East protests were in response to a video. “These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region… The unrest we’ve seen in the region has been in reaction to a video.” We are being LIED to because Carney knows the Embassy protests were planned in August before the film was ever released. The protest in Cairo was organized by the terror group, Jamaa Islamiya.