Jesse Jackson was not a legitimate candidate and in contrast Beck is a frothing at the mouth lunatic. SE Cupp is just a pretty face. Her points that conservatives love to hear coming from a pretty girl but most of her points are just purely baseless, outside of her comments on religion. That I have to give her.
That's new to me. I'm sure he would have been booted off the BET Awards to attempt the duggie. SE Cupp is, like TDK, said, a pretty face. She basically was manhandled by Cenk Unkgar a while back when he interviewed her and her talking points tend to be skewered or misinformed. She basically hung up after Cenk pointed some flaws in her argument. And Glenn Beck serves as a political pundit. Shock jocks would be Opie and Anthony or Howard Stern, who actually have political views, but they tend to be more about entertaining audiences with crazy shit. Beck isn't an entertainer. The only thing in question regarding Beck is his authenticity in if he really believes the things that come out of his mouth.
Last time I checked SE Cupp wasnt a legitimate Prez candidate either So you can use a conservative pundit but I cant use a politican/activist?? Seems unfair homie
Compared to the likes of Coulter and Beck...she's relatively sane. Plus, she actually acknowledges climate change and evolution. The opposition...well, you get the idea. Try again.
Thats just ONE example. She's said a whole bunch of other crazy shit as well. lmao at you thinking shes sane:smt043 Should i bring up Kwame Kilpatrick as well(former mayor of Detroit)? Face it dumbass, both sides have crazies on their sides. Its just the way it is.
That's one example you could provide, but beyond that, it pales in comparison to the lunacy that the far-right talk about. Crazy conspiracy theories and all. I never denied that there are crazies on all spectrums in politics, but Waters didn't make a crazy comment per se. At least one that's intentional. It happens when you're a politician. We're all human in the end. But there's a fine line between a slip of the tongue, and a deliberate trifling, uneducated position that's clearly false and/or over-exaggerated. Plus, I never insulted you in this little conversation. But apparently, your one-sided approach does show that you don't have much ammunition to fall back on. You're liken to a blind referee, devoid of reality and factual understanding. And Kilpatrick acted on corruption. But how exactly does that equate to saying crazy stuff? You need to read up on politics and not parrot your conservative buddies. You clearly don't have an opinion of your own. Just listen to some conservative view, take it to heart, and then regurgitate it. That's intellectual dishonesty here.
Do you listen to ALL the psycho right wing talking heads on the radio, Iggy?? The Right has the cornered the market on crazy. And the Left has never had four of these....! The far right outnumber the far left 50:1.:smt009
Based on the things he's posted on this site, he not just drinking the far right Kool-Aid seems like he's bathing in it.
Kilpatrick acting on corruption(as you say) is way worse than saying "crazy stuff" Words are just words. What Kwame did was illegal and horrible.
So you want to go from words to actions right? Okay, how do you explain Larry Craig? And other homophobic schizophrenics? Ah, and how about people who actually take positions that are basically anti-science? They are not just mere words, but they are also put into action. That's far crazier for an adult to think that we're not part of a long gradual change (or descent with modification).
Ummmm...that's the point. Aren't you the one who's suppose to be naming all their crazy democrat equivalents? So far you're striking out with the people you've provided. If there are so many nutty ass democrats out there as you believe then you should have a list just as big as both TDK and Andreboba have provided.
He can't and he knows it. I've been asking the question all week and no one can muster up a viable answer. The closest I've gotten to is the Liberal Media vilifies and unfairly shows Republicans messing up. I reply with don't you think Fox news would cover it if it existed? And I get nothing. Cricket town.
As soon as he threw out Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton you knew he wasn't going to be able to come up with any other names because those two are basically the default conservative scapegoats/boogeymen for everything wrong with democrats and anything progressive from their POV. Whenever Obama gets out of office he'll be right along side those two on their list......
I have such a hard time understanding that side. Even amongst the educated they don't operate off of facts. Its so warped. Like saying Obama has spent more money than any other president without giving any context to why. Or the new thing "Are you better off now than you were four years ago" Are people really that short sighted? I'm no genius but even I can discern between time spent making a mess and the time it takes to clean it up. Just turn over a newly poured glass of milk and see the difference.