per article ............. In the world of the web trolls, this was an unqualified call to arms. When Big Apple Pizza owner Scott Van Nuzer bear-hugged and hoisted President Obama off the ground during their brief meeting in Fort Pierce, Fla., Sunday, it wasn't only the (startled) press corps that took notice. Earlier today, users flooded the rate and review website Yelp, sending Big Apple Pizza's overall rating in a tailspin. "Talk about committing business suicide. After picking up Obama, your (sic) books are gonna be in the red pretty soon. Not too smart," wrote one commenter, who delivered his one star (out of five) rating from Cottonwood, Ariz., about 2,200 miles away. read the rest.......
I'm going to pull an Iggy Stupid ass conservative retards! Mad because the owner love him some Democrat juice!:smt043
lol at you liberals getting mad over anonymous comments on the internet.:smt043 And last time I checked, freedom of speech still exists in this country. Oh and for the record, I have no problem with the pizza owner. He was excited to meet the Prez, seems pretty harmless to me.
Right wingers are going to destroy their party if someone being merely excited to meet the POTUS is an unforgivable sin.
I haven't heard a thing about this guy's political affiliation. From what I know, right wingers didn't like seeing this guy get all warm and cozy with Barack and threatened to neg bomb his pizza joint on a restaurant review site in retaliation. The 'crime' appears to be the hug.:smt095
He says it in the video after he bear hugs Obama. He states he is Repub and how he voted last election and his plan to vote the same again. For Obama.
If folks stepped back, took a breath and looked at the mindset running loose in America's political environment today, you will see how much fuckery and foolishness is on display. You can't even take this nonsense seriously given the atmosphere is so poisoned.
It does go both ways homie. I personally know liberals that are boycotting Clint Eastwood films lol. And no I'm not kidding. They were disgusted by his speech at the RNC.
Don't tell me show me. Like I said before direct me to Democratic parallels to Michelle Baccman, Sarah Palin, or even Christine O'Donell. Let's not forget the dude who spoke out against "legitimate rape" There is a mental deficiency amongst the Republican party. That can't be denied and like I said please prove me wrong. Show me Democrats holding or going for political office who do the crazy shit those people do.
That's no different from that conservative website boycotting that pizza place and writing negative reviews (though none of them ventured there to begin with) because the owner is an Obama fan. Which one appears worse? One that exercises an appropriate form of 1st Amendment rights or the immature actions from the right out of asinine partisanship? For the record, I thought the Eastwood bit was just him being a bit senile and comical all at once. But TDK is actually requesting that you can find politicians or pundits from the left who are the painstaking equivalents of the likes of Bachmann, Palin,Beck, Limbaugh? You know? People who exercise misinformation and live in delusion. The truth is, it's hard to do.
Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton. Two racebaiting pieces of shits. And plenty of my professors in college I'll add some more later.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have never been backed by the democratic party as legitimate candidates for office. And your college professors better have clips on youtube we can reference or your point is moot. And in the case of Jesse and Al they aren't well supported like the others I've mentioned. So again its no where near the same. And if that's all you got I can list at least 10 more for you if you'd like Michael Steele Glen Beck Amy Holmes Pat Robertson Ann Coulter Jerry Farwell George W. Bush Wolf Blitzer Dana Loesch S.E. Cupp
lol I can understand Ann Coulter but SE Cupp? She seems like a nice conservative gal. And how come I can't name Jesse Jackson (who ran for president) but you can name a shockjock conservative radio guy in Glenn Beck?