Anyone else sick of these savages? It seems like everyday there are suicide bombings, murderers in the name of Allah etc etc. I realize we all have to be tolerant of peoples' beliefs but it seems like THESE people are flat out insane . Say what you want about Christians but at least they arent out there blowing themselves up and killing people in large numbers.
This film comes off as an utter contempt and disgust for a religion with billions of followers. This individual is no less a cancer than those bandicoots running wild and took the life of the U.S. amabassodor to Lybia. What was this person's agenda exactly is the truly disturbing question. This person knew exactly what he and his supporters were doing by their own sentiments such as Make a film about Jews and questioning their religious tenets and see if criticism is not going to come about roundly and swiftly as being anti-Semitic. This filmaker knew exactly what he was doing, no accident. Guess he got what he wanted after all by his filthy production intended to anger and incite.
Its why I cannot stomach intolerance. Intolerance no matter the perpetrator is truly a vile and disgusting trait of humanity. This man didn't sound very tolerant himself. He purposely set out to insult the beliefs of billions of human beings by being deliberately inflammatory from the content of his "so called film" Sounds like he had other agendas that went beyond creating a film of expression. Don't walk up to someone and punch them in the face and think they won't get upset.
Yup. He got what he wanted. This is some bullshit. All i've been hearing ever since this happen(especially from repubs) is how Obama is so weak on national security and if he was stronger leader this wouldn't have never happened. I swear im so sick of politics, they(both sides) would use any crisis to point the finger at one another. I mean damn, can't we just have one time where instead of blaming the other side we work together and try to solve this situation as a whole. smh
Was thinking the same thing as this story broke. You just knew they would make this about Obama. I'm with you when it comes to my apathy about politics. Its all about tit for tat, finger pointing and at the end of the day, nothing constructive takes place. Maybe Obama should gather up the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard just for good measure and sail them back to the Middle East and march into Iran this time. Then do the same for North Korea, then solve that China/Japan/South Korea territorial dispute. And whomever else, wherever is a "threat to national security".
The whole shit is just annoying by now. Billions of people in this world. You can't dictate to them all how they live their lives We can't even take care of shit at home here, much less going to different cultures and dealing with their languages, societies and their various issues.
After Salman Rushdie you would have to question anyone who would want to raise that ire and live a life of hiding. Is it worth it?
Some people are so blinded by their own hatred that they don't care how irresponsible or provocative their actions are. Just some troubling things about what this man said or his film purports. This individual clearly has his own agenda for doing what he did.
I don't know what its going to take for the one's in power to realize that concept. For all our higher intelligence and brain sizes, seems like humans still are susceptible to the base behaviors in nature. Killing, raping, robbing, fighting over territory and resources. No different from a pride of lions and pack of hyenas on the savannah.
LOL, you have to sell yourself out to the highest bidder to get anywhere in politics today. Notice one of the first things talked about in political campaigns is "How much money did he raise" They couldn't pay me to be in politics, the mindset required is just too off putting. Even some of the most well meaning and well intentioned politicians give in to special interests in the end.
If (when) Bush was in office, the Libs would be saying the same stuff they said when he was President - "it's his fault because he's so gung-ho on national security and he is a wonder they blew up the WTC, America needs to stay out of other countries " etc....It always comes back to the President.