More gun violence in Canada. There was a shooting spree also at a mall in June that left dead and injured too. Everyone knows I am totally anti guns but respect the US law that allow guns to be owned. So when violence happens in countries where their gun laws are makes you wonder what is the answer to gun violence??? :smt069 MONTREAL -- A masked gunman opened fire during a midnight victory rally where the leader of Quebec's separatist Parti Quebecois was celebrating a narrow election win in the Canadian province, killing one person and wounding another. Pauline Marois, newly elected as the first female premier of Quebec, was whisked off the stage by guards while giving her speech and was uninjured. It was not clear if the gunman was trying to shoot Marois, whose party favors separation for the French-speaking province from Canada. Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere identified the gunman only as a 50-year-old man and said he opened fire in the back of the hall while Marois was giving her victory speech to hundreds of supporters at the Metropolis auditorium. She had just declared her firm conviction that Quebec needs to be a sovereign country before she was pulled off the stage. Advertise | AdChoices Police said they didn't know the gunman's motive. As the suspect was being dragged toward the police cruiser, he was heard shouting in French, "The English are waking up!" Marois had promised to strengthen laws designed to ensure the dominance of the French language, which has worried some in the minority English-speaking community. 'What's going on?' The attack took place just after Marois began speaking in English — a rare occurrence in a speech at a partisan PQ event. She had promised English-speaking Quebecers that their rights would be protected, following an emotionally charged campaign that saw her party focus on language and identity issues. "What's going on?" Marois told her security detail as they grabbed her arms and took her off the stage during the celebration of her party's victory in Tuesday's provincial election.
"An armed society is a polite society" Sad to read this....Over a language no less. Why cant the have both, like we do here? (Spanish). In Greece you see street and store signs in English and German.
Personal responsibility, If you do not like guns you are being responsible by simply not owning one; however there are too many people asking the wrong question, the correct question is what is the answer to violence. If we do not trust our law abiding neighbors with guns, then why should we trust anyone with guns including the police and military? After all they are simply human as we are. Until the people start answering the correct questions they will not find any answers.
We do have both languages nearly everywhere. When I was in grade school, french was a required course for 10 years. (kingergarden-grade 9). I was waived, since they taught it mainly over tape recorder and that would've been useless for me. Looking up things, the US only has one official documented language; english. Canada has both english and french listed as theirs. Most products in stores have english on one side, french on the other, all federal run places (like parks, museums, historic sites, etc) have workers that speak both languages. It just becomes controversial when Quebec residents feel that they are part of a linguistic minority even though french is an official national language. They feel separation from Canada solves the issue, while others are against it. It is sad though, if that was the reason of the shooting. Regardless of the language, we're all people first.
Even if we did, just like drugs, over the border they'll roll. In the belly of planes they'll come, in the bows of boats, in ships cargos wont ever keep them out. But I agree on the hunting. Barbaric and unfair, since an animal can't arm itself.
rayer: WOW!!!! He'd shock the shit out of any armed person! That was fantastic. Wish they showed it in slow-mo after the normal speed. *And you 'aint right talking about miss honey-boo-boo like that. :smt018
LMAO, so should it be illegal to eat meat?? Or should we hunt animals barehanded, to make things fair?? :smt036
Never said it should be illegal to eat meat. And why not your bare hands, I bet you're a tough enough. Our forefathers didn't have guns. TBH, I would only respect the hunter who is feeding his family and uses everything of his kill and not hunt just for the (blood-lust) sport of it.
:smt037 Then it would be a full time job, besides that, our forefathers did not live long either :smt042
The difference between guns and drugs like cocaine is that the United States is the world's best manufacturer of firearms. If we stopped selling them to civilians, no other nation in the western hemisphere could step up and fill in such a gap. Russia, Austria, and a handful of other nations are known for the quality of their firearms, but it would be extraordinarily expensive for anyone here to purchase one on the black market if firearms became illegal. The biggest problem is the fact we have over 250 million guns in this country already. Taking them out of circulation would take years.
I was just remembering programs where police departments bought back guns. I Googled and found Chicago started one such program this summer. $100 per gun. Wonder how successful these are? I suspect the hardcore criminals aren't turning in their guns.
I believe chitown had a program similar to that few years ago, not sure the exact time. Anyhoo from what I heard, they did set up bunch of places where you can turn in your weapon without any questions asked and in some cases there were rewards ? Supposedly lots of gang bangers and criminals turned in tons of illegal weapons and Ammos. Also Prohbiting fire arm sells within city limits, having strict gun laws, Setting up gun free building, gun free zone etc.....did not turn away lowlife scums from thugging, killing or significantly deter crime activities. Heck Cook county ER some Friday nights feels like fucken Baghdad. Honestly I dunno what the solution is. If banning weapon completely stops crime, then I am for it, until then I am enjoying my 2nd amendment. Heck, I went to shooting range last week with a girl from work and had a blast. Blasting rounds after rounds, feels great! The chick put me to shame, she certainly knows her weapons.
It's quick wit thinking. Unsure of his style, but disarmament is definitely worth checking out. And for the record about Boo Boo... :smt053....I'm doing humanity a service. You bring up a valid point. But how much would gun violence be curbed completely, even if there is a way to acquire them at cheaper means?