Paul Ryan VP pick

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes the disgruntlement on BOTH sides often stems from the lack of distinguishing that it is class not race, but it has a long way to go though..not every one gets that or even believes it.

    It is the White rich that benefit the most purely because of the higher population numbers of white poor, meanwhile the Black rich also benefit with the Black poor under the same rationale you mentioned.....
    Both have their own agendas and their bottom line is to stay rich and privileged, sparing no expense. (Except the poor's of course). :neutral:
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    There you go again lol. Accusing me of being white. Never gets old:rolleyes:

    But seriously this is the type of shit I get because I'm not a limp wrist liberal.
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I have many white male friends and I stick up for them unlike a lot of you on here. I found that thread to be quite out of line and hateful.
    Doesn't make me a white male sir.
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    u must have me confused with agusta dear.
  5. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Oh give me a fuckin break. I've near said "black people are shit". You're the one thats full of shit here.

    Have I voiced my concerns about the black community before? of course and I'll continue to voice my CONCERNS for the black community but I dont hate our community. In fact I see tons of potential within it.

    You on the other hand like to just put the blame on other people without taking responsibility for your actions. "ITs all the white mans' fault":smt089
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Excellent :smt023 Some of the poor white people do think this, but some of the poor blacks do as well, somehow reinforcing the ignorance with more ignorance. This was a clever plan put in place years ago. The only color that matter is GREEN but the poor don't seem to get this reality. The fact that it works so well even to this day 400 fuckin years later baffles the shit out of me.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Son. Your logic makes no damn sense. You do realize that many of us also have not only white male friends that we are tight with, but white male family members through marriage we are tight with? What in hell about that damn thread was so damn offensive?? Especially about a white male telling other white male to stop playing the victim card and acting as if they are oppressed when they are on top of the social totem pole across the board in everything???
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    As my ex used to say:

    For shizzle my nizzle..

    whatever that really means.
    But between us it meant that he was right and I agreed with him.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And this is why you're full of shit. This is why you are a blatant liar. You're transparent. When did I say you said black people are shit? Find the post please, I implore you. I said you don't miss an opportunity to critique the entire black community based on the actions of a very few. I've shown you numbers and studies to back up my assertions. The criminal element of the entire African American community in the United States only makes up a little over 7 percent. Why are those criminals the only thing you can focus on buddy?
    And enough of that white man bullshit. Find the post where I blamed the white man. Find a buddy to confirm that. Because again sir I say you are totally full of shit. You're a liar and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And of course he doesn't bother coming back to explain what he considered offensive & hateful towards white men in that thread since he was the one for no logical reason labeling everyone who had no problem with that thread a racist......
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well its easy to explain. One group is rewarded and protected because of their race and the other is treated like garbage because of theirs. If you're amongst the marginally privileged why would you rock the boat? Its a great distraction because while we focus on the minor bs its easy to rape us all. You think it would have been so easy to buy and sell this country had we not been focused on dumb shit like who Kim Kardashian dates and the race of Obama?
    And the saddest thing about this entire thing is that those who need to wake up won't even if it means their impending doom
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You said "'s easy to explain", but could you explain what you mean by your (bolded) comment?
    The rewarded group - are you speaking of Rich white people? white people in general? Who?

    Who are you implying is privileged and thus not rocking the boat?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well from a Hobbsian perspective none of us as it applies to the dangers of privilege but in the context of what I wrote I would say white people in general in comparison to everyone else in this country. If not for any other reason than the fact that their race isn't used as something to hinder them, if anything it propels them in a lot of cases.
    Even poor white people can ascend if the work ethic is there although I will admit its unlikely because of all the obstacles that come with being poor but no one looks at a white person guilty until proven innocent. They are never judged by the actions of their brethen in the way blacks and other minorities are.
    There is really nothing in it for white people to seek equality based on race because they don't gain anything from it, at least not in the short term.
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I see your point, however; at the same time we all get fucked (poor blacks and whites) They rape us all. I guess this strategy of the wealthy brings out the selfishness of even the poor. "I am poor but at least I am not black" mentality, the acceptance of a mediocre existance must be more compelling than I thought, simply because it is almost guaranteed for some. I would naturally think that the nature of a man is to acheive excellence even though it may require hard work, but you are right, a lot of people are happy with a mediocre existence, why push for more if that is pretty much guaranteed?? The spirit of the poor white man seems to be more broken than I have given it credit for, or perhaps just as lazy as some of the poor blacks I have grown up with. IDK, I just know green is the true color of systematic privilege the rest is poor on poor ignorance.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You've articulated my thoughts perfectly my friend which lends to the idea even privilege has its pitfalls but doesn't really garner my sympathy. But there is something to be said for non whites who reach certain heights of success because its never given to them on any level. There's no way a C student from Yale could be president if he were black. He would have to be the most exemplary of students to do so as seen in the case of Barak Obama. So in essence it does weaken you in some respects while adversity strengthens others but overall we all lose something when we can't recognize our own brothers and sisters in this struggle called life because of something as simple as skin tone. One has to wonder when will we mature past this ridiculousness.
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL. Thank you Bliss.

    I think its the fact I'm so bloody passionate about different cultures in this world, that I recognize others will have their respective views.

    Just another grain of sand in the desert. Every mofo tends to have an opinion, myself included, however its no more or less important than anyone else.

    Throw in spending my pre-teenage years in a third/developing world country growing up and I learn to appreciate life in a way that tends to keep a raw perspective on life.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Can the church get an AMEN.

    That's the bottom line right there in the system today.

    You get yours, I get mine's, fuck any broke ass niccas, be they black/white/whatever. :D

    Green is the color of power in our society.
  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    This has been a long standing condition in American society from the earliest days.

    Many poor Southern whites embraced Jim Crow and its effects, because it gave them a sense of importance about their lot in society.

    This is something we see quite frequently in societies across the globe.

    As long as I'm not part of the outcast and downtrodden then I'm straight.

    If only it was that easy though, because at the heart lies the real power and social control and those poor whites were not it.

    No matter how appeased they may have been that blacks were deemed beneath them in society.

    It takes a real social conditioning to not recognize that reality.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Post #328 on page 33. BAM. Damn dont you get tired of getting owned?

    And lmao at you thinking I should be ashamed of myself.:smt043
  20. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Sir, I actually have a life outside of this forum and dont live on the internet like some of you so I'm not always able to respond quickly.

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