OK, let me give you a more pressing analogy...credit card fraud. When nobody cared about asking for ID, credit card fraud grew rampant. Now we have a major problem on our hands and we don't enforce checking ID's enough. But you're right, let's sweep it under the rug. It's only to elect the President. The Republicans aren't making a big deal about this. The Dems are creating a stir so they have something to complain about if they lose in November.
Now let me get this straight, there's a financial incentive for John Q. Public to impersonate someone else and vote illegally, equivalent to stealing someone else's credit card and using it to make illegal purchases?? You're inventing strawmen for a problem that simply does not exist.
Is voter fraud as widespread as credit card fraud? No, it was an analogy. But we disagree on the premise that fraud should be eliminated no matter the size. You feel a little bit of fraud is okay and I don't. My only hope to change your mind would be if Obama says to show ID's. Because everything he says is gospel.
Here's 3 ex: I found real quick already debunking their numbers - 1.MINNESOTA VOTE FRAUD: 2,812 Dead Voters http://www.redstate.com/jrichardson/2009/06/04/minnesota-vote-fraud-2812-dead-voters/ (*apparently it's so common, it's nicknamed the "cemetery vote") Also in Minnesota.... Investigations into voter registrations revealed that 1099 convicted felons cast votes in the election. In Minnesota, it is illegal for convicted felons to vote. In Minnesota any convicted felons can be charged with voter fraud but only if they "knew" that voting by felons was illegal. 354 felons admitted knowing it was illegal for them to vote. 234 have been convicted for the fraud and the remaining 120 are awaiting conviction. 2. Milwaukee Task Force Finds 4,500 More Ballots Cast Than Registered Voters, including 200 Felons. http://www.wisn.com/Task-Force-Find...oters/-/9374034/8039688/-/1mejop/-/index.html (*Philadelphia recently had a similar problem in the mayoral elections) .....Also, 79% of Americans from all parties support picture ID to vote.... again, not sure why people are fussing... Besides, do you want someone taking your name and voting Republican...twice? http://articles.philly.com/2012-08-15/news/33201669_1_voter-id-law-voter-suppression-voter-fraud .
Bliss, unless you corroborate the story from Redstate with another source that over 2800 dead people voted in the 2010 Minnesota U.S. Senate election, I'm calling this story bogus. Yes there were alleged to be felons who voted in that election who weren't eligible to do so, but there's nothing anywhere, except on a right wing blog, that suggests there were over 2800 votes cast by dead people. I have read there were dead people still on the lists of registered voters in the state, but as expected these people didn't vote. The Milwaukee story you posted happened during the 2004 presidential election, and the mayor is quoted as saying voter ID would not have eliminated the problem. Further, others who reported on this story locally said the problem lies more with the state electoral administration system and not with voters specifically. Mostly there appear to be records keeping errors in Milwaukee than anything else. Voter ID laws are meant to restrict voter access not increase the number of people who actually vote, that's why this 'innocent' appeal by the RNC to guarantee the credibility and integrity of elections is suspect.
Dead people voting. Bwahahahahahaha. Wow... Just...wow.. LMAO: I have read there were dead people still on the lists of registered voters in the state, but as expected these people didn't vote. I would think the bolded part would be common sense. I guess not.
thanks. people often mistake voter id and voter registration. right wingers (not bliss) like to muddy the waters and confuse people with missemantics and have people believe there is a problem.
"AP reports that Voter Participation Center, a Democratic-leaning non-profit that aims to increase voter inclusivity, is overstepping its bounds and sending voter registration forms not only to likely voters but also to their dead relatives and pets. And in some cases, their dead pets." http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/185850/dems-now-registering-pets-and-dead-people-to-vote/ _______________________________________________________________ Justified
Um.... I do not think the word dead means what you think it means. The dead cant vote. Then again.... I can just see that ballot. A. Meow Mix B. Fancy Feast C. Friskies D. I perfer tuna out of the can undrained.
AndreB,you tell it like it is. The fraud smokescreen is only to confuse votersa and make cases of events that do not exist. No doubt Fox News hired these right wing thinktanks to make their point.