Paul Ryan VP pick

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    From my observation and from reps I've gotten, the majority of the male posters here clearly see what he's about. Don't know if they think or care if he's a white dude but they damn sure see that something's off with him.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Not allowed to express your negative opinion?
    That's my point, you should be able to (and you do often), but it seems he can not without getting called all sorts of racial epitaphs. He gets called the n-word, a buc-dancing uncle-tom, all sorts of racist names. When he speaks negatively by sluring the obese or another member for posting gay pics or dicks, he gets called out multiple times and gets restricted, but notice those offended don't retaliate by racially insulting him? He can't even give his political opinion without racist names being hurled. Iggy as a person is not personable in the least, but I don't see him using racists epitaphs towards any race.(if he has I haven't seen it) I would think if he did, he wouldn't be here a week? The truth is, he insults no differently than certain 1-2 someone who talks their crap opinion on WP, and they seem to be adored here.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The entire race? Didn't think he said that.

    Like I just said, he insults no differently than certain 1-2 someone who talks their crap opinion on WP, and they certainly seem to be adored here. But of course, that will not be touched upon.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And that right there sums up why he catches hell. Because most people here recognize that he's here for negative reasons. Period. They don't care if he uses racial insults because he insults and throws shit period. That seems to be his only reason for being on this site. He doesn't contribute or interact in a positive way at all. For all the hell TDK catches for some of the stuff he posts up at time, he even contributes and interacts positively with others, even those he butts heads with from time to time. Can't say the same about Iggy. Just like I asked in another thread: Exactly how is he any different that the trolls who come here to cause drama? Why should he get a pass for doing shit that clearly identifiable trolls don't?
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So do those people who rep you feel him being called a house n___r is justified? So when an Aryian member calls us (or any White person) a n-lover because we don't like what some in the WC do, are we supposed to accept that as a "justifiable" insult. :confused:

    You know you can have dialogue, even debate -- hell even an argument -- and not resort to racial slurs, it is possible. If Iggy or TDK get restricted for using the word FAT in a negative way, those using house N-- should too for sure. I'm more offended by that than the word FAT any day, and I'm White. Seriously, try calling me a n_lover for calling out certain WP's antics and see what you get back. (not you, but anyone in general).
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Your issue is with him being called a house nigger and other racial slurs. Every one else seems to have problems with his over all negativity and interactions with others here. The racial slurs that he gets called have never come up in any reps I've received, so honestly can't tell what's on others minds in that regard as being justified. And no they are not justified. You don't fight negative with negative.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn Bliss your point is fair but a little misguided. Its hard for me to address this without sounding a little insensitive so I apologize in advance.
    In reference to Iggy he is notorious for critiquing the ENTIRE BLACK RACE, he often talks about US getting our shit together. Its never specified as to any single demographic as if being black is a monolithic experience. We all live or come from the hood and either sit around collecting government assistance or engage in illegal activity.
    As far as opinions about "WP" I can't say I recall a poster complaining about WP maybe the system/systems that enslave us all which you and others then accuse me of me blaming "whitey" but I know for myself I can't complain about WP as a whole since my own personal experience has been with people who don't care about that shit but anyone who does complain about white people wouldn't get away with it on this board. People like you Ches Iggy and Paniro wouldn't allow it. Not insulting anyone just real talk
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not justified but understandable, I swear that I have never seen such living incarnates of the Ruckus character until I started interacting with those two on here. The constant black people are shit speeches is never ending with those two.
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Sadly that subject matter has a long rooted history in African American culture.

    Do certain things
    Listen to certain music
    Wear certain clothing
    Talk a certain way
    Walk a certain way

    and you are not "authentically" black, whatever on Earth that nonsense means.

    The only thing that makes someone black is being born black, because nothing changes that shit.

    Sometimes blacks are our own worst enemies at buying into stereotypes that keep us dumb as fuck about the wider world out there.

    Like your style Bliss with that last comment.

    At the end of the day its all about respect.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude that's so going away especially in NYC. I walked through the projects yesterday seeing kids rocking mohawks skinny jeans and rolling on skateboards. Times are a changing my friend. Shit look at Frank Ocean, ten years ago a black artist could not come out saying he wrote a love song about a man and it be a hit record. Times are drastically changing in that way.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    But not gone.

    That ignorance still exists in the mentality of the "keepin it real" bunch

    The fact is when push comes to shove there are those who fall back on the base insults of the past to make their point.

    There is no line that any black person should have to tow.

    You are born black and that is what you are, no matter what your positions are. The rest is what others want to make of it.

    Personally those kind of things have never concerned me, water off a ducks back if some folks want to stay ignorant. I'm gonna do me to the fullest.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm not disagreeing with you on his inability to interact - but in case you didn't notice, it seems if you don't go with the flow here, you are targeted and automatically called racist or a H/N.

    You said you don't like him which is perfectly understandable, but in refusing to ask why, where, or how he came to think the way he does and just endorse him (or Paniro) to be a h/n seems contradictory, if only because you don't show objection when TDK expresses HIS whys or ways of thinking (until he is jailed, of course). (<-- that's me making a joke, btw :p)

    And the other 1-2 people who say all kinds of garbage about WP and specifically White (or Black) Republicans, curiously receive not a public batted-eye. If a white member were to call them out, they'd get rained on, I think. Because we see what happens to a Black person when they do...
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing here. Certain trends that were considered strictly black are pretty much gone at this point. Rap is totally popular music now. When middle aged ww are singing along to Little Wayne and Drake its over in my opinion. Shit the fact that Drake is a top 5 rapper right now shows the major cultural shift. Hood black kids are no longer rocking only baggy jeans and fitted caps and throw back jersey. Now its fitted jeans, trucker snap backs, mohawks, and skinny jeans. That macho bs is still there but its nowhere what it use to be when we were teenagers.
    As far as the Uncle Tom comments and keeping it real so to speak its more so coming from a poorly verbalized confusion of some black people who can't understand why other black people would vote against and be for those who are against their interests. This right wing rhetoric that some blacks are so quick to vocalize are more than willing to leave them out in the cold come a time when things get hard. The idea of deregulation and letting the market decide everything and just pulling yourself up by the boot strap has and will again create a community of people that will only hire whites and freeze out blacks. Its happened time and again. Without strong government intervention we are the first to starve in this country and that's not only reality its history.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please reference a specific please
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The first part of your commentary deals with younger folks today, as opposed to adults who should know better in their viewpoints when speaking.

    Bro, all politics have bent blacks over and spread our cheeks forever.

    With the growth of the Hispanic population as the second largest group, things have become even more irrelevant in the political numbers.

    Personally I have no affinity for American politics, ambivalence is the name of my game when it comes to Democrat or Republican.

    The Dems see blacks as guranteed votes, so don't waste time on those niccas, keep telling them how evil the other guys will treat them and that should be good enough.

    The Repubs see blacks as convenient welfare case political discourse talking points to rouse their ignorant base, "all dem freeloading colored folks iz be getin your moneys."

    Neither gives a fuck about blacks.

    I frankly wished this nation had more parties that sucked the votes from those two vacuous outfits in Washington that make my skin crawl when I hear them speaking.

    America will never adopt the social systems you see in Scandinavia, too many historical differences socially for that to happen.

    This shit is all a game, those who benefit will keep benefiting, those who struggle will keep struggling.

    That's the real deal Hollyfield about this mutha fucka we live in called America.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    First and foremost I am not endorsing anyone calling either Paniro or Iggy or any other black male here house niggers or any other racial slurs. If that's how you're seeing it from either action or inaction on my part, then so be it. You are welcome to your perspective. I'm not wasting my time trying to convince you otherwise.

    Secondly both Iggy and Paniro have been asked numerous times, in numerous threads, by numerous people here how they came to think and see the way they do and both have replied "That's how we were raised" so how you got the idea that I or anyone else have not tried to understand where they are coming from is beyond me. They have made it clear. That's how they were raised and the opinions they express are what they believe.

    Third, I don't say anything to or about TDK,BBW, Appiah, Saintaugusta or any of the handful of other people here who every now and again may get out of hand with their comments or opinions because I'm not the forum police for one and other people who seem to take issue with any of their comments are always speaking up anyway. Do you think I have some sort of special authority that I lend here that I should be using whenever someone says something fucked up? Is when and about whom I chose to express an opinion an issue now? :smt102
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I will definitely give you this much in that you have opened a bit on your views to both sides.

    I don't disagree systemic racism exists and always have detested it, in particular my ex-husband and loved ones have been victims of it. What I find discouraging is the automated excuses and passing of blame in cases where it absolutely does not pertain....because as bad as it is to be treaded on, so too it is to be blamed for it every-time.

    I know the views on either side have become systemic in themselves and I doubt debating will change much....My personal passion stems from the desire that we are all in this IR familia together and should be tolerant/open/understanding of either side's experiences. Particularly when we have members who are deeply passionate about IR and are not hip to this country's ways which seems to dominate the board. I hear it off-the-record, people (of both races) are put-off or AFRAID to speak lest they be jumped on, or they've seen others who have been for speaking in innocent ignorance or unaware of what is acceptable PC.
    Because truthfully, no one is going to always get it right or express it right, and it would be bloody great if we asked first "why do you feel/think/what did you mean by that/can you elaborate?? when something comes off weird in a comment.
  18. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Excellent point on understanding different experiences.

    That's why a little respect goes a long way.

    Because in that case the worse that happens is "agree to disagree" :)
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Edit: my post below also applies to yours above which I saw after ^^^

    When I grow up, I want to be just like you GQ :smt058 You get it right every time...I want that to rub off on me, that laissez faire doctrine towards life you seem to maintain. :smt023
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough but you do have to see how you also are quick to jump to conclusions as well describing any critique of the system as a critique of WP or whitey as you and the Bash Brothers put it lol.
    Its this weird thing they've accomplished in this country where the rich have tricked poorer people into believing they're one of them based solely on race so criticizing "the man" is criticizing all white people when in reality WP are in the same boat but they unfortunately have the gift of ignorance to shield them from certain truths. Well up until recently when this collapse happened and everyone black and white started suffering in this country but again a lot of people cling to this idea that critiquing the fuckers who have put us in this situation is some how a critique of them. Centuries from now if the human race still exists future generations are just going to have to read about this shit and shake their heads.

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